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Judge- "Vaccinate" Or Don't See Your Kids

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posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 09:07 AM
This is another example of why the phrase activist judge is dangerous.

This is a total overstep of authority of a judge when as far as I can tell there are no laws anywhere requiring vaccinations of children and parents on a approved vaccinations.

These judges are becoming all too common. And while I understand the right did it for decades to people at will.....the tit for tat punishments this country seeks reminds me of Iraq. How many years of turmoil have they endured due to taking things out on the other power structure once their power structure gains prominence. I used to think we were better as a people than that. Not much anymore

These judges are required to uphold the law. Changing the law is not their job. Ignoring the law is not their job. All judges that do this are not fit for the cloak. The supreme court exists for exactly that reason. Not for some local yokel to declare opinions on things like immigration.

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 09:48 AM
Just another reason I will NEVER get this garbage, rushed and politicized "vaccine"

Ill stick with the ones that don't require any selling out

posted on Jun, 18 2021 @ 07:14 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 01:36 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 05:58 AM
I'm late to the party but I was just wondering if an experimental vaccine is forcefully applied on an unwilling person, can a person get some kind of assurance in writing that the said vaccine is not harmful and if it did harm him/her directly or indirectly he/she is entitled to get a compensation or something OR can a person who has been vaccinated by an experimental vaccine against his will claim some compensation for being part of the experiment?? ....

I think people should get some sort of legal documents/assurances when they are being forcefully vaccinated that will give them some sort of benefit in case the "vaccine" doesn't do what it was suppose to do..

But... oh well I have to wake up now..

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: thethirdsign
I'm late to the party but I was just wondering if an experimental vaccine is forcefully applied on an unwilling person, can a person get some kind of assurance in writing that the said vaccine is not harmful and if it did harm him/her directly or indirectly he/she is entitled to get a compensation or something OR can a person who has been vaccinated by an experimental vaccine against his will claim some compensation for being part of the experiment?? ....

I think people should get some sort of legal documents/assurances when they are being forcefully vaccinated that will give them some sort of benefit in case the "vaccine" doesn't do what it was suppose to do..

But... oh well I have to wake up now..

I do not believe any of those people will be around when it comes time for the consequences of rushing an untested experimental drug into the arm of every man woman and child on the planet?

They will simply pass the buck and blame someone else (but CDC/prevailing medical advice said it was SAFE!). Besides, they wouldn't even fire up the production lines until they were released of any and all liability for the drug.

I don't buy it personally. Since when has big pharma or big government done anything but rip us off and devise new ways to separate us from our hard earned money? Now they say they're giving us something free that is for our own benefit? I just don't buy it.

I am heavily vaccinated. Against just about any old thing you could imagine. But it will be many years before I consider this one, assuming I am still kicking

They can pound NaCl as far as I am concerned
edit on 6/19/2021 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2021 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: thethirdsign
I'm late to the party but I was just wondering if an experimental vaccine is forcefully applied on an unwilling person, can a person get some kind of assurance in writing that the said vaccine is not harmful and if it did harm him/her directly or indirectly he/she is entitled to get a compensation or something OR can a person who has been vaccinated by an experimental vaccine against his will claim some compensation for being part of the experiment?? ....

I think people should get some sort of legal documents/assurances when they are being forcefully vaccinated that will give them some sort of benefit in case the "vaccine" doesn't do what it was suppose to do..

But... oh well I have to wake up now..

According to OSHA, any adverse reactions to a mandated “jab” would be considered a job related injury. I’ve heard several people have had success sending letters to employers putting them on notice of this fact and the employers backed off.

Sadly this doesn’t help this poor Dad and his kids.
Hopefully his loony soon to be ex wife doesn’t give the kids this jab without Dad’s consent, IDK, what a friggin nightmare !

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