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U.S. Government Report Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology in Flying Objects......

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posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I believe they said these objects were tracked on radar going from 80,000 feet to 2 feet almost instantly, no sonic booms, and atmospheric friction didn’t melt the vehicles. I guess my question is, if this isn’t evidence of alien technology, who on earth is utilizing that kind of technology?? I would imagine in either Russia or China possesses these capabilities we would be speaking Russian or mandarin right now.

No answer for who......but the windfall of choosing mandarin or russian ...would have to be, mandarin. The cost of goods and services are much cheaper, also better food.

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: openminded2011
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I believe they said these objects were tracked on radar going from 80,000 feet to 2 feet almost instantly, no sonic booms, and atmospheric friction didn’t melt the vehicles.
According to Kevin Day, that's hearsay which he heard about several days later, and he personally only saw objects in level flight at an altitude of 28,000 feet on radar. So the radar Kevin Day operated did NOT confirm that claim, he's quite clear about that. The UFOs were always level at 28,000 feet on his radar and apparently the altitude didn't vary much, the speed didn't vary much, and the formations didn't vary. Apparently every day for 10 days, sometimes twice a day, always in completely level flight at 28,000 feet, always going from north to south at a speed of about 100 knots, THAT is what he saw on radar, not what you mention.

Kevin Day said the system he heard the hearsay about going 80,000 feet to low altitude in seconds was a classified nuclear threat detection system he didn't have access to, and I doubt we will get the details on that anytime soon. By the way, Joe Rogan mentioned that to Neil Tyson as if some object did that maneuver, and Tyson correctly said "that's what the sensors reported, right? You're talking as if some object did that, but how do you know the sensors were accurate?" paraphrasing a bit. It's a brilliant question. I think Ophiuchus1 raised a similar concern and got attacked for it by people thinking that navy sensors were never out of calibration. I think Ophiuchus1 rightly disputed that point first of all that out of calibration sensors can happen, and secondly they weren't even navy sensors and we have no specifics on the sensors that I know of, enlighten us if you know any details other than what Kevin Day mentions about him never seeing such because he only heard about it on some classified system he didn't have access to, which wasn't a navy system apparently.

But there is an interesting revelation about that again from Kevin Day, who talked to the captain of his ship about that 80,000 feet to almost sea level they heard about, and the captain told Kevin Day that he did not think that represented any real object and he had some ideas that the sensors were reacting to some kind of atmospheric phenomenon. Now how much the captain might know about that sensor system, I have no idea, but if an officer in his position is questioning the sensor accuracy, then I don't see why people are attacking Neil Tyson and Ophiuchus1 for suggesting something along the lines of what Kevin Day's captain suggested. It seems like some people feel threatened that saying that 80,000 feet to low altitude in seconds may not be a real event but some kind of sensor glitch is some kind of attack on their religion or something, but it's really the most logical explanation barring any further details of the sensor system which we are unlikely to get.

So really if you apply any logic at all to the claim, it's entirely credible that a sensor system could give such a reading, and it's also entirely credible and perhaps most likely that such reading does not represent any maneuver of a real object as Kevin Days' captain suspected, especially since Kevin Day's radar did not confirm any such thing, it only showed completely level flight at 28000 feet. You can listen to Kevin Day's interview here where he talks about that and other details of the Nimitz events as he remembers.

Kevin Day's Recollections of the Nimitz Encounters

I guess my question is, if this isn’t evidence of alien technology, who on earth is utilizing that kind of technology??
It's evidence of you jumping to unwarranted conclusions, and not applying the scientific method as suggested by Neil Tyson when he heard the same claim. If Kevin Day's captain is in a position to know anything, then Neil Tyson's scientific approach is absolutely spot on the mark for that claim, and I think it also supports Ophiuchus1 against his attackers when he said something like Tyson said. Here's where Tyson responded to that claim Rogan made starting at time index 6:15, it's the scientific approach:

Neil deGrasse Tyson's Skepticism Over UFO's JRE excerpt

edit on 202164 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

A really big on one the other hand, something the size of Apophis is an ELE (humanity would probably survive but it would be a tough job to do so).

The possibility of an asteroid being an Extinction Level Event..has always been in the back of my mind. His visions are his, but they have also played out in many movies in one form or another. We can only hope we come across technologies that will split, destroy, deflect such a beast from space. If not, so be it. The religions will pray, non-religions will ....well...not have a god to pray to. The commonality will be, the inevitable will affect everyone.

As for the meteorites on the surfaces of Antarctica, typically in the dry valley’s, just there for the picking? It’s true

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 12:16 AM
This is Google and the NYT pretending to scoop a report that they should not be privy to, as it is not released yet.

They just have to get in there to make it seem like they know what they are talking about.


Let the Government do what it said it was going to do and ignore any MSM until that report is released.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 03:04 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: LSU2018
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

They don't know what it is but they know it certainly isn't alien technology. Sounds legit 🙄

No, they don't know what it is, so since they don't know they can't say it is certainly alien. There is no evidence ruling in or ruling out aliens.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 08:25 AM
Adding fuel to the fire =>

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: stealthskater
Adding fuel to the fire =>

Wow.....much activity in military training areas.

In a previous post in a different thread I posted the following (below) reference charts of west and east coast navy training areas.

Up until now I was wondering if the encounters were concentrated just in training areas. Which if yes, then UAP’s may be ours to train our military and accustom them to surprise encounters, and how to prepare for real and future “UFO” encounters. Instead of War Games...perhaps now Encounter Games.

Not any of these sightings, that I can read, are mentioned to be out farther into the mid Atlantic or mid Pacific or while the navy is in other oceans and seas as well.

Thx for the article, as it shows, and tells us of the distribution of sightings according to FAA sources.

I like the Drive.....

The reference charts I previously posted in another thread:

edit on 5-6-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 11:02 AM
Last Night:

Part 1 - Transcript from CNN Don Lemon Tonight with Elizondo....subbing for Lemon is Coates

COATES: So, new tonight. Sources telling CNN that an upcoming government report says U.S. intelligence officials have found no evidence confirming UFOs that were seen by U.S. navy pilots in recent years were in fact alien spacecraft. But that report making no definitive assessment as to what the objects might actually be. Are there now even more questions about what's flying in our skies?

Here to discuss, Luis Elizondo, former director of the Pentagon's Advance Aerospace Threat Identification Program. Luis is the right person for this conversation. Welcome to the show. I'm glad that you're here. Luis, you know --


COATES: Thank you. And sources are telling CNN that the upcoming Defense Department report does not actually determine what these unidentified flying objects actually are. It doesn't say, it doesn't say that they're alien spacecraft but it doesn't say that they're not. It doesn't rule it out. It's going to add some fuel to the debate that's already going on, isn't it?

ELIZONDO: Well, indeed it is. You know, the U.S. government has already stated now for the record, according to some of these inside sources, that this is definitely not some sort of secret U.S. technology. So that argument now is finally for many decades now is finally off the table. So that really only leaves two options, doesn't it? And that is, one, it's some sort of foreign technology that has

somehow managed to leapfrog us. Or, it's something completely and totally different. And I think it's important that when we look at this, we also look at the context of the U.S. government's involvement in this topic historically.

And so, there is truly documentation now that is coming forward. Some of my team members have been able to uncover through the FOIA process and that also by the way has been available for quite some time. That demonstrates that the U.S. government has actually indeed been dealing with this issue for over 70 years.

And that's a little bit problematic. Because if we say this is a formal adversarial technology, we know that the Russians after the Berlin Wall came down, had shared a lot of their UFO files with us. And so, we know they had the same problem we did.

Furthermore, if that leaves let's say a country like China, that would then, in essence, we would have to consider the fact that China or another country now has had some sort of beyond next generation technology for the last 70 years. And as we know, that's a really hard secret to keep. And furthermore, that these technologies have been deployed over controlled U.S. airspace.

So, I think you're right. There's a lot more questions now that we have to ask ourselves. And let's be clear too, that the report did not say this was some sort of alien type, or extraterrestrial technology. It simply said, it could not rule that out. I think that's an important caveat.

COATES: I want to go to that data that you are talking about. About that history to give people the context you're speaking of.

Because you actually did share new declassified report with our team, and they detail -- they detail intelligence on UFOs resembling something like a Tic Tac going all the way back to 1947.

You got a CIA report from 1953 says Swedish airline pilots encountered a silver, or white-flying lozenge traveling at high speed. You got an FBI report from 1964 that detailed a UFO that's like a butane tank. And then some navy pilots say that they have seen something like a flying Tic Tac in recent years as well. So, I mean, why do you think of this pattern? The similar characteristics over time, what's your thoughts?

ELIZONDO: Well, first of all, thank you for doing your homework. I think a lot of media has been lazy about this topic. I also want to thank you for your courage for reporting this topic. I do know that there's still some stigma and tableau associated with it.

I think the fact that you have pilots separated by decades, if not generations, reporting the same type of observations describing what is the same what is essence the same object, a 40-foot long whether it's a white flying butane tank, or a white flying Tic Tac, or a white flying lozenge, at the end of the day there are describing the same thing. They are just describing it from the context of the generation that they're growing up in.

So, were definitely, I think it's safe to presume that we're seeing the same objects in the sky time and time and time again. And obviously that's a concern, because if the argument is that there is some sort of foreign technology that has somehow mastered this and is 1,000 years of the United States, and by the way, has been demonstrating this technology for the last 70 years. I think we've got bigger problems on our hands.
edit on 5-6-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 11:03 AM
Part 2 - Transcript from CNN Don Lemon Tonight with Elizondo....subbing for Lemon is Coates

COATES: Well, speaking of that, I mean, because of the pattern, because of the over time you're talking about, I mean, if we don't have an answer soon on what exactly this flying phenomenon are, is that a failure for our national security?

ELIZONDO: Well it is certainly -- it would be a -- it would be a failure, an intelligence failure that would eclipse 9/11 by orders of magnitude. If it turns out that this is some sort of foreign adversarial technology. But I think it's important, we have to keep all options on the table. There's a lot of information right now that suggest it's not.

And I know as hard as that may be to digest for some people, as an intelligence officer, it is important that we approach this topic objectively. We have to really try to keep our emotions out of this. There's a lot of preconceived narratives, we, as Americans have about this topic. Part of that is because of the socialization of this topic over the last, well, the last 70 years.

I think we have to really keep an open mind, keep all options on the table. And if it turns out, if it turns out that this technology is not foreign adversarial, well, then we need to be prepared to have that conversation as well.

COATES: Well, you know that NASA says that they're now looking into UFOs as well. But I mean, does that -- is there need to be a whole of government approach to figure what these things are? I mean, especially if they could be intelligence gathering tools for other countries. Is a whole of government approach the right way to go?

ELIZONDO: Right. Well, look, from a Department of Defense perspective and an intelligence perspective, our government should be looking at this from a national security perspective. But there is a whole lot of other, if you will, facets to this issue. And I do think we need a whole of government approach.

I think we need to have the FAA, and NASA, and NOAH. I think we need to have also have our academic institutions and our scientific community all involved in this. And then, maybe we can start fining some answers. I don't think it is the purview of our national security apparatus to give us answers on things that aren't necessarily national security-related.

Frankly, I don't want my government telling me what I should think about something. I want my government to provide the facts and then allow us as the people to make our own determination on what this means.

Ultimately, this is a topic that impacts everybody equally, and yet differently, depending on perhaps the way we were raised, and some of our philosophical and theological views. So, I do think a whole of government, frankly, maybe a whole of society conversation about this.

COATES: Luis Elizondo, thank you for your time. I appreciate it so much. We'll stay tuned.

ELIZONDO: My honor and privilege. Thank you.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 11:35 AM
We should protest!!!!! Alien march would be so surreal!!! Let's go!!!

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: game over man
We should protest!!!!! Alien march would be so surreal!!! Let's go!!!

The Capitol is now armed
after the last march....and then there’s this

edit on 5-6-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

originally posted by: game over man
We should protest!!!!! Alien march would be so surreal!!! Let's go!!!

The Capitol is now armed
after the last march....and then there’s this

They're hiding the truth of the Universe. Indigenous people had science right. These Ufologist should band together an organize a the storm area 51 but better and different.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:02 PM
"John Brennan, the former Director of the CIA, said in a podcast last year that some of the unexplained sightings might be 'some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don't jet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.'"

quote: New York Times - "Interest in U.F.O's Has Been Building In U.S. Since '47" - By Jennifer Jett - June 4, 2021


posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Apparently the government has pretty much the same "evidence" as the public. Short grainy footage, and witness statements of unidentifiable aerial phenomenon.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:17 PM
The dog that you think you just saw pooping in the park...
It's a dog.
You could have filmed it...doing what it did...
And when other people asked you to prove it's a dog they're looking at...You just say:
It's not a cat but I have no evidence that you're looking at an actual dog either.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:51 PM
Below is a screenshot from last nights Tucker Carlson Tonight show....once again Elizondo is on.

It shows the document mentioned in the CNN Don Lemon report that was elaborated on, But Not, on Tucker’s show.

Notice....Obtained By Skyfort and Luis Elizondo ........Skyfort is Elizondo’s gig!

From a Twitter post:

“ Luis Elizondo's new Skyfort, LLC was incorporated in Wyoming on April 15, 2021, weeks before Elizondo began his media tour. In network interviews, he did not disclose that his appearances were serving as free advertising for the company he began promoting today on Tucker Carlson.”

If anyone can find the document to share or link to.....please do.

Is Elizar’s Skyfort going to compete against The Black Vault? What may be the sinister motives of Elizar? Or to be fair, but skeptical, benevolent motives? Time will tell.

Some would say he’s a “Piece of Work”...old timers would remember that saying...

Enquiring Minds want to know.

edit on 5-6-2021 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
A sneak peak game of kick the UFO can down the road....

WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomena witnessed by Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain the unusual movements that have mystified scientists and the military, according to senior administration officials briefed on the findings of a highly anticipated government report.


By all means post content from the New York Times article.....I can’t open it up
nagging subscription pop ups using my iPad mini....
This would be called stonewalling people yet again from some elites in the Pentagon who think they are gonna hide this forever.
edit on 5-6-2021 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 04:02 PM
Neil deGrasse Tyson is making the rounds on the news blaming people with smart phones to discover UFOs. That kind of victim blaming is pretty hypocritical considering he is vocal against police brutality...

Then he blames the declassified UFO videos as malfunctioning infrared radar.

Has any scientist attempted to explain how these UAP's...COULD work?? How come no one can reverse engineer these videos??

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 09:09 PM
Is it odd to anyone else that these things sure seem to interact a lot of the us navy? Like, it’s their objective or something? Also interesting, terrestrial options such as human derived or perhaps other options haven’t been taken off the table.

Do we or don’t we trust what they have to say at this point regarding the phenomenon?

a reply to: Ophiuchus1

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