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Chaos in Indian village as cure for covid is free.

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posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: dasman888

They certainly started it... but I am not sure SARS CoV2 was an accident.

Funny it was found in blood antibodies well before it was seen in Wuhan.. Any proof is came from China or is this just more xenophobia..

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: lovemyworld

The old saying that there are many ways of killing a cat comes to mind just like there are many ways of doing anything, the same for Covid would have to apply it seems to be a natural law..

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 04:04 PM
Can anyone tell me how I might contact this young man, Anandiah? I am currently having terrible issues with piles - It feels like I’m walking with a large football (soccer ball for you yanks!) between my legs. I don’t trust those bloody quacks at the GP surgery with their blood tests and drugs and whatnot but this gentlemen seems to know what he’s doing.

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: DougHole64
I've heard the natural cure is an elastic band or strong thread.
I presume it's a bit like docking the tail on a dog??

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: DougHole64

According to my herbal book, a wet tobacco leaf applied is a sure cure.

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 07:05 AM
Perhaps I could combine the two, I’ve just ordered a tobacco plant and I have a ball of string at my disposal. Will update once the procedure begins.

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: DougHole64

go to the doctor.

Hemorrhoids are vascvu8lar structures and if they are as big as you say if you cut them off or cut the blood flow with a string you could throw a clot and stroke out or they could start bleeding out of you control.

this is why people die from home 'fixes'.

what happens if you start to hemorrhage? what's your plan of action?

if it's not to 999/911 you are putting your life in to unnecessary danger, seriously.

I don't know why this isn't the first thing you would do. A doctor could take care of it in one day with zero pain or discomfort and you would be safe.

but you would rather rub exposed veins with a toxic plant and restrict the blood flow to the point it stops flowing threw the vessel.

just talking to a doctor and running this by them if your dead set on doing your home remedy wont hurt.

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Don't use string, just shove a wet tobacco leaf there, you don't want to break any skin.

posted on Jun, 4 2021 @ 11:59 PM
a reply to: anonentity

It's still a toxic plant in direct contact with MAJOR blood vessels and mucus membranes.

advising someone to wipe or to insert something into to their bum is not safe.

a doctor that deals with that kind of stuff is the only safe way to deal with this problem

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: penroc3

You are quite correct let him suffer. Mind you he could try smoking a ciggy with his bum. Do you realize he's having a laugh?
edit on 5-6-2021 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 01:23 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: dasman888

They certainly started it... but I am not sure SARS CoV2 was an accident.

Funny it was found in blood antibodies well before it was seen in Wuhan.. Any proof is came from China or is this just more xenophobia..

It's been confirmed to be in France and Italy in December and there are some reports that Covid was in Europe as early as March 2019 Link

It's entirely possible that the outbreak in Wuhan wasn't ground zero, it was just a super spreader event.

It's also possible that the virus originated outside of China, and what we saw in Wuhan was simply a more dangerous mutation of a virus that had been circulating around the world for months. We know that super spreader events can happen and that variants can lead to sudden outbreaks. This is approximately what happened in England, and what is now happening in India.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: anonentity

yeah but someone reading it who has the same problem he is claiming might try it and hurt them self's or worse.

but I guess dispersing irresponsible medical advice is a joke.

Next time your at your GP/PCP tell them this 'joke' and I bet you $ to doughnuts they will say the same thing.

Do you have any idea how many people end up in the ER(or morgue) because something they saw or read on the internet?

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 04:35 AM

Officials said that a deal has already been struck with the postal department and private courier service to deliver the medicine in rural and urban areas across the state. The website is expected to be launched by next week. Once it is launched, people can book their medicine by paying a nominal fee which will include courier charges to get the herbal medicine delivered to be delivered to their homes.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 04:44 AM
a reply to: penroc3

You do realize that medical cock-ups is the third leading cause of death in America? I bet the death rate of people treating themselves is nothing like that.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
Can you tell me the name of the vaccine which is the regular old fashion version please?

edit on 5-6-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: AaarghZombies
Can you tell me the name of the vaccine which is the regular old fashion version please?

Any vaccine that's labelled as being a "Viral Vector" vaccine

If you're in the UK, then you want the Oxford AstraZeneca, if you're in the US you want the Johnson vaccine.

They use the old fashioned method not the mRNA method.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
But it is not a regular old fashion version vaccine though is it?

originally posted by: fernalley

originally posted by: NasirQ4
a reply to: Itisnowagain

AstraZeneca is the live virus vaccine... this is the traditional technology

And if I have to eventually take a jab this is the one I’ll be taking

Actually it is not traditional vaccine at all. It is considered a DNA vaccine like J&J that ultimately codes cells to produce spike proteins like the mRNA vacs

Good article explaining this in the NYtimes

edit on 5-6-2021 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
a reply to: anonentity

yeah but someone reading it who has the same problem he is claiming might try it and hurt them self's or worse.

but I guess dispersing irresponsible medical advice is a joke.

Next time your at your GP/PCP tell them this 'joke' and I bet you $ to doughnuts they will say the same thing.

Do you have any idea how many people end up in the ER(or morgue) because something they saw or read on the internet?

Your clarification is very much appreciated, Penroc and has no doubt saved me a great deal of discomfort. I apologies for the delay in replying, I had been inadvertently detained by my son and his plant eating girlfriend who have unfortunately insisted on seeing me now that I have been double jabbed and restrictions have been eased. A pleasure I would gladly do without!! I will be sure to see a professional next week. I have been recommended a acupuncturist by my daughter in law to be. Hopefully they will be able to help.

posted on Jun, 5 2021 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: penroc3
advising someone to wipe or to insert something into to their bum is not safe. ...

Is that why they arrested me, after catching me looping-back into the line-up,
for the tenth time, for the Covid™ anal swabs ?

Just kidding : the ointments and suppositories didn't work for me.
Don't use medication any more, and it all feels much better.
Here are some tricks : apply some saliva. ( Usually one's own... LoL ! )
Ever seen a dog or cat licking their wounds ? Saliva has healing power.
Also apply some organic coconut oil, when really sore. It works, but careful for stained Stanfields™.

You could also show it to your doc, because doctors love to see those kind of things... LoL !!!

If the only thing your doc can do, is write prescriptions for chemical cures : it would be wise to be wary, and investigate alternative treatments.

As is the premise of this thread : officially approuved treatments, are not necessarily the best treatments.
But they are certainly the most profitable treatments...

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 12:08 AM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: dasman888

They certainly started it... but I am not sure SARS CoV2 was an accident.

Funny it was found in blood antibodies well before it was seen in Wuhan.. Any proof is came from China or is this just more xenophobia..

Citation needed, when and where?

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