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Feds: Your employer can legally require you to get vaccinated

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posted on May, 31 2021 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: tamusan

This can't happen in many foreign countries because they have much stricter legislation to protect citizens rights.

Legislation that Republicans typically vote against because they put red tap and restrictions on businesses.

Sorry, but your reaping your own policies here. You want less federal oversight so you also have less federal protection.

Its like when a republican votes down consumer protection legislation and then gets angry when a company sells them a lemon.

More federal oversight would prevent cheap Chinese goods from harming consumers, but guess what, republicans vote it down because of the burden that it would place on retailers and importers. Then when your two dollar knockoff iPhone charger explodes and the fumes make you trans you get upset.

What a twisted way to view things.
the obscuring of big government via corporations, government isn’t forcing vaccines it’s your employer. Government isn’t censoring your speech, it’s Facebook and Twitter. Using business to enforce laws governments aren’t allowed to is sadly, a democrats idea and the world we live in is largely the result of this form of governance. This is hardly the result of voting down cumbersome government waste.
edit on 31-5-2021 by Rob808 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Rob808

What a twisted way to view things.

Where I come from we call this "Opportunity Cost", it means that in order to have one thing you can't have another.

You might say "You can't have your cake and eat it".

This is hardly the result of voting down cumbersome government waste.

No, it's not. This isn't about voting down "waste", it's about voting down tighter regulation of industry. Which is usually a republican thing. Republicans have traditionally voted down doing anything that locks industry in, or which gives people more rights in respect to business.

Now it's come back to bite them.

As with my above example. It was Republicans who didn't want to make retailers or importers liable for the safety of consumer goods. They said that it would place too large a burden on companies, and that it was government overreach. Now a shady business can import all manner of dangerous goods from China without having to perform safety checks in them.

Republicans didn't want legislation restricting online speech, now Facebook and Twitter are censoring them.

This is the cost of small government. You don't have the red tape, but you also don't have the protection that the red tape can bring. Such as health and safety requirements or consumer protection laws.

These things are the essence of big government. You can't limit overreach without also limiting regular reach, because one is based on the other.

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Rob808

What a twisted way to view things.

Where I come from we call this "Opportunity Cost", it means that in order to have one thing you can't have another.

You might say "You can't have your cake and eat it".

This is hardly the result of voting down cumbersome government waste.

No, it's not. This isn't about voting down "waste", it's about voting down tighter regulation of industry. Which is usually a republican thing. Republicans have traditionally voted down doing anything that locks industry in, or which gives people more rights in respect to business.

Now it's come back to bite them.

As with my above example. It was Republicans who didn't want to make retailers or importers liable for the safety of consumer goods. They said that it would place too large a burden on companies, and that it was government overreach. Now a shady business can import all manner of dangerous goods from China without having to perform safety checks in them.

Republicans didn't want legislation restricting online speech, now Facebook and Twitter are censoring them.

This is the cost of small government. You don't have the red tape, but you also don't have the protection that the red tape can bring. Such as health and safety requirements or consumer protection laws.

These things are the essence of big government. You can't limit overreach without also limiting regular reach, because one is based on the other.

Again, a very twisted way to look at things. We don’t need to restrict speech, democrats want to anyways. So because republicans didn’t vote for bad and wasteful policy, democrats have enlisted private entities to enact the same policies rejected by the Republican law makers... for policies we don’t need like forced vaccinations.

It’s the red states fault you burned your coffee this am too right? If only some law was passed forcing your coffee pot manufacture to limit the heat function to 200 degrees instead of 215, those damn republicans got you again...

Edit: I see your angle now. This is the cost of the opportunity to offer my labor services in exchange for income to provide myself with food, clothing and shelter is I must offer my body to my employer to be used for drug testing. Seems fair and reasonable. Wait...
edit on 31-5-2021 by Rob808 because: (no reason given)

Our “small” federal government has spent how many trillion dollars in the past two years? When would you consider it a “large” government?
edit on 31-5-2021 by Rob808 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine

But you seem to be forgetting the vaccine doesn't fully protect.

And I still don't understand how a vaccine in your blood stream.
Protects your lungs from getting infected by an airborne virus.

The amount of anti bodies in the lungs are miniscule. That's why
the vaccine doesn't work.

The vaccine develops immune defenses so the virus is no longer a "nuevo virus" where you body immune system says WTH is that? Nothing really stops any virus from getting in you, but it is what the body does in defending you in an endless dance. So you get it and the body kills it over and over and you never know, or you get it and you feel sick for a day or so compared to weeks in an ICU or death.

The logic you are pushing here as others are pushing doesn't make sense. Your body is constantly being attacked from viruses such as the cold. The cold viruses you had before the body quickly kills. With the new ones you were never exposed to the body needs a few days to generate the new T-cells to kill it so you feel sick for a few days.

Something really nasty and your body can not keep up, so a vaccine gives the body that needed head start to prevent the virus from incubating as the body generates the T-cells etc. needed until it is too late for your body to defend against it.

edit on 31-5-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I finally have some one with some brains talking to me
on this point. So I hope you don't mind me pressing you a
little bit.

The virus enters the body thru the sinus and once in the air way
in to the lungs it attacks the lung cells. Because the lung cells
regen less often. The vaccine can't possibly kill a virus that
disseminates in the lungs. Because the antibodies are almost
non existent in the lungs. No vaccine can prevent the virus from
entering the lung once it's in the air way. The vaccine can only
keep the virus from disseminating in the blood.

The way vaccines work for say measles is because they keep
measles from disseminating in the blood stream right? So from
what I understand it's virtually impossible to prevent a virus from
infecting the lungs with a vaccine. Because the vaccine is in the
blood stream where it can't keep the virus from infecting the lungs.
So basically what are they doing with these vaccines? Because
this is common knowledge as I understand it.

Common among virologists and I can't find any information that even
speaks to this point. Nothing mentions how vaccines keeps the
lungs from infection it only mentions "cells in the body".
And I find that odd.

edit on 31-5-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine
The vaccine can't possibly kill a virus that
disseminates in the lungs. Because the antibodies are almost
non existent in the lungs. No vaccine can prevent the virus from
entering the lung once it's in the air way. The vaccine can only
keep the virus from disseminating in the blood.

I'm not sure your point here since lung epithelial cells do produce antibodies. COVID attacks much the same way as a cold or flu viruses do within the lung cells. A vaccine doesn't kill viruses it mimics a virus to cause the body to produce the antibodies needed. To say there isn't much blood in the lung I think is also wrong... I'm not an expert here but there are a lot of experts that see it as a normal process for vaccines.

I think you are suggesting that since the vaccine is injected into the blood then it never gets to the lung cell to have the mRNA kick start the lung cell antibodies to be reproduce. The problem here is the mRNA does reproduce millions of fake COVID viruses and like COVID it can only do this in lung cell. Viruses are very particular to what cells they can or can not use, so saying that the mRNA can not get to the lung cells with not enough blood for this to work is incorrect since faked viruses are actually made and antibodies are produced with both easily measured and it can only do that in lung cells.

edit on 31-5-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 05:23 PM
Print off a fake vaccination record, show it to your employer, it is against the law for your doctors office to disclose your medical records. This means it is impossible for your employer to verify anything.

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 06:15 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on May, 31 2021 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Then this is our point of contention.

The problem here is the mRNA does reproduce millions of fake COVID viruses and like COVID it can only do this in lung cell.

And here's my source if you like.
Very well respected.

And thank you for allowing me to bounce this off of you Xtro.
Well done!

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: Xtrozero

Then this is our point of contention.

The problem here is the mRNA does reproduce millions of fake COVID viruses and like COVID it can only do this in lung cell.

And here's my source if you like.
Very well respected.

And thank you for allowing me to bounce this off of you Xtro.
Well done!

Do you think everyone will die from the vaccine? I tend to believe it does what it is design to do, and is just a start to many bigger cures. So we either are going to kill the human race or we are seeing the next big jump in medicine. I guess at the end we will all be dead one day

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Do you think everyone will die from the vaccine?

I harbor no illusions as far everyone goes. That is to say I realize
I couldn't know such a thing either way. I've read an alarming
number of people on this site. Who say they know someone who's
died from the vaccine.

I guess at the end we will all be dead one day

Well I was kind a hoping my little grand darlins would at least
have some sort of decent life. But I can see that's most likely
not gonna happen. If it wasn't for those two little snakes
(that's what I call my grand daughters lol) I wouldn't care at
all. They got me wrapped though.

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 08:08 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Randyvine
a reply to: Xtrozero

Then this is our point of contention.

The problem here is the mRNA does reproduce millions of fake COVID viruses and like COVID it can only do this in lung cell.

And here's my source if you like.
Very well respected.

And thank you for allowing me to bounce this off of you Xtro.
Well done!

Do you think everyone will die from the vaccine? I tend to believe it does what it is design to do, and is just a start to many bigger cures. So we either are going to kill the human race or we are seeing the next big jump in medicine. I guess at the end we will all be dead one day

Yes, this means you can make custom medicines for 1 individual. For example, you have an iron deficiency easy to correct makes your body produce it. Have cancer they biopsy it and tell your body how to kill it. Instead of say drugs to help you sleep make the body increase melatonin in your system. There isn't a disease that can not be cured and medicines become custom just for you which means fewer weird symptoms. You won't need multiple medications to alleviate side effects like when they give you blood pressure medication and have to give you another medicine for side effects.

This is the next big step in medications though it will eventually put all the drug companies out of business.

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 10:55 AM

originally posted by: Randyvine

I harbor no illusions as far everyone goes. That is to say I realize
I couldn't know such a thing either way. I've read an alarming
number of people on this site. Who say they know someone who's
died from the vaccine.

Even if 5000 did die directly from the vaccine and are not just a correlation to be investigated it would be .016% chance to die... This less than 1% of 1% so I don't think people know people who have died from it.

Well I was kind a hoping my little grand darlins would at least
have some sort of decent life. But I can see that's most likely
not gonna happen. If it wasn't for those two little snakes
(that's what I call my grand daughters lol) I wouldn't care at
all. They got me wrapped though.

mRNA was being tested for a couple of decades now to cure cancer, Ebola, rabies etc really bad crap. Your granddaughters might be growing up in a whole new world of medicine, think of when penicillin was discovered, but 10 fold better.

So how much time do we need to suggest the vaccine works and is not killing people?

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr

Yes, this means you can make custom medicines for 1 individual. For example, you have an iron deficiency easy to correct makes your body produce it. Have cancer they biopsy it and tell your body how to kill it. Instead of say drugs to help you sleep make the body increase melatonin in your system. There isn't a disease that can not be cured and medicines become custom just for you which means fewer weird symptoms. You won't need multiple medications to alleviate side effects like when they give you blood pressure medication and have to give you another medicine for side effects.

This is the next big step in medications though it will eventually put all the drug companies out of business.

Its all doom and gloom for many lol... Since mRNA has been tested for a couple of decades it is not just some pull it out of our butts vaccine. It was rather easy to customized it for COVID and that is why they were very quick in getting it done and produced.

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
a reply to: tamusan

Mine bribes us.
Gave us a $100 visa gift card to get vaccinated.
The health unit came out to the mine site and jabbed 350 of us the first week.
Then came back and got the other 250 on the next shift.

As mine did, opt in by certain dates when you have 2 shots completed the percentage of our yearly bonuses are awarded , starting at %120.

Otherwise you take 50 hours of training classes on your own time for just 100% of the "bonus"

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: 00018GE
Print off a fake vaccination record, show it to your employer, it is against the law for your doctors office to disclose your medical records. This means it is impossible for your employer to verify anything.

I said this a number of times in I could just get card stock and print one, pen in the information, throw a couple of initials and you are GTG. The funny part is why even ask since a person without the vaccine is not a threat to others who have had it, so coming to work you are not a risk to others, but they could be a risk to you. It is your choice either way, and if you get COVID and it becomes serious its your choice.

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

So how much time do we need to suggest the vaccine works and is not killing people?

I was wondering if I should ask you that question. lol

But you just gave me something to really hope for X. I didn't even
have that a a few minutes ago. Don't know how long it will
last but it's more than I had. So I thank you for that.

Think I'll grab one.
edit on 1-6-2021 by Randyvine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2021 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Randyvine

But you just gave me something to really hope for X. I didn't even
have that a a few minutes ago. Don't know how long it will
last but it's more than I had. So I thank you for that.

Think I'll grab one.

I got it about 3 months ago, so I'll let you know.

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