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My Trip To A Missile Silo

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posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 05:55 AM
All I will say, is you seem to have a very vidid imagination now, as you did when you wrote your first "version" albeit nothing more then fiction.

[edit on 4/5/2005 by shots]

posted on Apr, 5 2005 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by shots
All I will say, is you seem to have a very vidid imagination now, as you did when you wrote your first "version" albeit nothing more then fiction.

[edit on 4/5/2005 by shots]

I'm not the one editing one-liner posts now. Your arguments have become shorter and shorter. I presented you the facts and the supporting data, some of which came from your own "official" sources.

I see you are online, waiting, waiting, waiting for me to reply to this completely off-topic debate. It is quite obvious now that you are just waiting to spew your phlegmacious mili-babble on me. If I wanted, I could just up and say my father's name.

You would recognize the name, and start another debate by requesting a DNA sample from both of us...or for me to scan my birth record... blah zay blah...blah blah..

Maybe you're just trying to rack up ATS points. I don't know, and I really don't care now. You dug yourself a hole by posting about "The Looking Glass" after I had already mentioned it.

So, I have a present for you. A really nice want which I'm sure you want dearly. Ready?

It's called The Last Word.
You get to have it, because that's pretty much all you seek in life.
So type in your last words. Go to town.
I won't be waiting. I stated what happened, which was supported by your own pointless argument.

Ready? Three, Two, One, POST REPLY!.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 12:33 AM
yah skunks are the worst..they are always the ones who set off the OZ..I got skunked once it was web gear still smells bad

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by USAFSF
yah skunks are the worst..they are always the ones who set off the OZ..I got skunked once it was web gear still smells bad

I was wondering what he meant. He wouldn't elaborate. LOL. Sorry for laughing....

Thank you, USAFSF.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 03:54 AM
You're very welcome..tell your dad i said thanks for serving

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 04:15 AM
S----- So
I------ Irresponsible
L------ Lie
O------ OmyGod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 01:54 PM
Are you saying that I'm lying, or that nuclear weaponry is a lie?

The question as to whether or not I am lying has been covered extensively, and I ask you to read my prior entries.

I understand that you are new...I hope you like it here.


posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 01:23 AM
Thanks for this interesting post. As already stated it is a relief from the far out nature of most forums. I am intrigued by information presented here. I always assumed there was a control center somewhere very protected that direclty controlled the launching of the nukes. I spent some time googling and could find nothing to add. good job.

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 09:15 AM
It's absolutely true that there have been concealed missile silo's out there.

Shots is currently just on the edge of completely trolling, he will not accept your experience and I believe you are sincere since I have seen no indications that you would just make all this up for what? attention? there are other ways you could get attention, and this would probably not be the best way so I am 90% sure you are truthful...good posts!

posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 02:19 PM
Thank you Lord Ax and Ground Zero for your comments. I described my trip as honestly as possible. I was young at the time, though I wish it had happened last year. Had it happened at a different era in my life, perhaps I would've been better-equipped (no pun intended) to describe the military-oriented aspects of the trip.

I told my family about my posting about it, and they found it hilarious that it was being refuted by another member. As you said, had it been merely for attention and prose, I could have achieved it by writing something straight out of the movies. . . being recruited. . . . seeing saucers. . .

But I admit, back when it happened, I found it boring and long. But when I look back, I wish I could do it again, so that I could have a more detailed description.

To USAFSF, I hope you are enjoying the weather now. It's warmed up a bit. 52 degrees here, and we're all wearing short sleeves.


posted on Apr, 15 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by shots

2. The elevator part is not true although if it were done on a tour it could have seemed possible, but he left out the most important part the exact procedure used from the top. His explaination of the cage procedure as you can see is clearly not true. see quote ** below for exact entry procedures used.

I assume procedures have changed by now, but it sounds reasonable that they would have password challenges to each and then both crews would enter the proper code in the key pad if they still use them. They may have even gone more high tech then that. It would seem possible they could use fingerprint or even retinal scans by now for all I know.

3.. There are only two officers assigned to each LCC there are no back ups as he stated. Hell the rooms only have room for two let alone 4 see pictures below by clicking on links. If the officers in the facility were hampered in anyway from performing their duties, headquarters would change control of their missiles to another launch facility. (see first paragraph in first quote below proving that control of missiles in its squadron or flight can in fact be changed).

Both of you are partially correct. First off, security procedures (and equipment) do change, and you should assume that any visitors are sheilded (as much as possible) from the actual procedures. Also, until fairly recently (90's) a second combat crews was always stationed topside at the MAF. This was due to rest consideration - at the time crew members were not allowed to sleep in the capsule, so each crew would pull a 12 hour shift.

Also, the firearms were carried to protect the code components in the capsule (a regulation required it) - although that also changed years ago....

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 03:49 PM
I thought I would bump this...

An interesting look at the occult world of our strategic missile forces (land based of course).

When I'm bored, I plot out LCF's and LF's on Google Earth and always chuckle when I drive by one (they are very close to public roads, usually no more than 120-150 feet) to the gate.

The OP is inconsistent with the Minuteman configuration but may be consistent with the Titan or perhaps Atlas launch facilities (both long gone in terms of operational facilities). The MX has a brief operational stint and it annoys me that we decommissioned all 50 MX sites in short order, while the Russians have just test launched a new generation of land based ballistic missile with a MIRV warhead. I know the U.S. Navy bears the brunt of the responsibility for our strategic missile forces, but I'd like to see an update to the Minuteman system. That being said, if I can pop a "thumbtack" on a LCF or LF in a couple of seconds on Google Earth... Then it's probably not too hard for any foreign power to target the same with their own missiles.

MAD Monkeys, not just for ground zero anymore...

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 04:12 AM
IMHO , the story reeks of fabrication ,

but to cut to the chase :

there is a single easy way to verify the story - provide the exact location of this " secret silo "

the OP claims he cleared / verified the details with his father - so where is it ?

posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 10:46 PM
Ok,first off,the pistols carried by the missile control officers had NOTHING to do with protecting the missiles.Think about it.If you were trying to invade a missile silo,you'd need an arsenal of assault weapons.A 9mm with one clip isn't going to stand up to that.Also,invading a silo is pointless since you still have to have the codes to launch the missiles.And as far as STOPING the launch of weapons,thats pointless too,since the nairborne command plane called the "Looking Glass" can automaticly launch any missiles that up to that point hadn't been launched.

The pistols were carried for AFTER the missiles were launched.This is where the grim reality of their job came into play.They're in a missile silo,targeted by Russian missiles.So,assume they don't get vaporized by a silo busting SS-18,well,everything above them is going to be hot for the next thousand years from the warheads that went off here and there trying to kill the silos,so theres no getting out either way.

So,then you figure,ok,you're locked underground,very little food and water,most likely the power is knocked out,and if theres a backup system,you'll be fine,until its fuel runs out.

Personally,thats no way to go out,starving in the dark.Not sayin'g I'd shoot myself,but,the option is there.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 11:23 PM
Very nice to see such unique memories brought to the public,

I am looking forward to read more!!

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:44 AM
i have seen a few secret things as a kid at dads base also

it was an old base also a test base and was a reserve base later on and lots of things were left there it was like the place was abandoned with all kind of things and my dads groups were the care takers kind of

believe it or not a 1 kilo ton warhead on a missile that turns into a torpedo

RUR-5 ASROC missiles. ASROC stands for anti-submarine rocket. There were the Mk-44 and Mk-46 acustic torpedoes or the W-44 which was a nuclear warhead.

in a a bunker that was a launch bunker and some storage bunker now this was near the coast

small stuff very bizare base. all bunkers were different very strange.

i guess the nike base near there were cool too.

these were small fire cracker nukes i touched them and or their boxes dad had the rad meter

its a state park now

i dont know if there was anything else secret there or heavy missles but i doubt it

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 08:53 PM
my god I really wish we had one of these in north dakota that were made into a museum so we could visit...

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 01:36 PM
this is all crap AND that story is just a story . . . glorified nonsense at best. i would poke holes in it, but you're discussing information that is FOUO at least.

but hey, there's all sorts of useless information to throw off the taliban, i guess.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 01:39 AM
Buy one and turn it into a museum! Man, I wish I had the bread to buy one of these things!

It's a bit late perhaps to discuss the validity of the OP's claim at this point, since neither he, nor the two disputers seem to post anymore, but really, what does it matter? He was 10, things seem much more grandiose when you're 10! Yea his description was a bit over the top, but he's workin' on a 20 year memory!

This was a cool thread, introduced me to the fact that these things are available to the public to buy! I'm savin' my pennies!

posted on Dec, 19 2008 @ 07:09 PM
Hello Missile Pukes;

33 33 3361 NUKE EM, NUKE EM; BOOM

If you havent said that while marching, you shouldnt on this website. If you have yelled that at the top of your lungs, then; welcome Comrades.

I recently was asked about a movie that is called the "Whiteman Scenaro" or something simular to that. I was asked to come up with about the subject.

Talking about memories. Man. Tip of the sword , so to speak. We had abosolutly no idea how big a deal we were right in the middle of.

Let me tell you a story. It was about 1983. We were down in Kilo flight. Something broke and I dont remember what. I cant tell you if it was Top Side or down stairs, but it was broke. We werent in the 510th so we called for a part. We all knew we have about 3 hours to kill. I did what any 19 y.o. that is on the tip of the sword would do. I took my number 13 'unshined' combat boot, and started dragging it the LF gravel to get down to the 'almost Kansas' dirt. I took about thirty minutes and wrote a message. "USSR SUCKS". After I was done, I looked up with satisfaction and shot the bird in the air with the opposite hand below my bicep (add a kind of.....up yours to it).

My interpretation. Completely satisfied with the morinings events and thinking we have the LC door open so the Commies have to be watching.....according to all my trainging. NICE JOB.

My Team Chiefs interpretation. Now I didnt tell you this, he is about 21 and responsible for all of the crap, and all of us. So he is naturally a little paranoid or he couldnt have gotten the job. He.....and I will call him "dad" because that is what we called him, and if you knew (J.B.) you would know that. He calmy states "the KGB is going to kill you".

Now for me, they didnt have me in my position by accident either. My reply was. So.

So later on the part shows up, we finish the 'can' change and go about our business. Anyway, I thought it was a cool story for any missile puke that might read this.

Remember; Nuke em Nuke em, BOOM.


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