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Why isn't there a "No Race Theory"?

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posted on May, 23 2021 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: Blue Shift
As someone with a useless Sociology degree, I can tell you that most academics understand that the whole notion of "race" is a wildly outdated, 19th Century concept that has been disproven for decades. But people still think that way because it's much easier to hate somebody when you define them as "The Other.". Hard to hate somebody just because of their variant genetic haplotypes.

Of course racism is stupid. It's easy for simpletons to swallow the idea that there is some uniform type of human in masses that all behave the same. It still should be able to point out some regional differences in gene heritage or culture. Not in a devalueing way but hey it's not secret that African make up good runners. I see no racism in here. This doesn't say every African is a good runner. No racism either.

Constructing rooms for certain types of heritage or groups, that's racism. Critical race theory is, and needs, racism to justify it's own existence. It's also built into us to be skeptic of new things and mistrust first. Not everyone or animal we meet has good intentions for us, since we exist it was like that. Facial detection fails with a different looking, new type of face or skin color. A different behavior and language, all that is strange to us.

Even though in today's world it should be expected to easy overcome this natural prejudice. Instead of focusing on races, we should embrace culture, because that's what defines the societies worldwide, not the genes. And we all could learn a lot from each other. Stop wars and share tech, declassify hidden tech because there's no big state enemy...

pipe dream

posted on May, 23 2021 @ 04:01 PM
I don't want Black history month, Black history is American history- Morgan Freeman

posted on May, 23 2021 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: TzarChasm

originally posted by: Blue Shift
As someone with a useless Sociology degree, I can tell you that most academics understand that the whole notion of "race" is a wildly outdated, 19th Century concept that has been disproven for decades. But people still think that way because it's much easier to hate somebody when you define them as "The Other.". Hard to hate somebody just because of their variant genetic haplotypes.

Terminology may be antiquated but racism is still very real, Nazis are still very real, and ethnic cleansing is still very real.

True. Just because a concept is old and disproven doesn't stop people using it as an excuse to hate and kill. We're still apes that way. Dumb apes.

posted on May, 23 2021 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: MrEnergy
a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Everyone gets the overall picture of critical race theory. But that’s entirely different than civil rights. Which is what JR was. Which is what the op was deconstructing.

The op literally said “But the thing that gets me is why isn't there a 'No Race Theory. Isn't that what Martin Luther King, jr. wanted?“

The op is covertly saying JR was a closet post modernist. Or entirely ignorant to what critical theory is and how they have been manipulated with the same tactics to push the stupification of society.

I see this has flew over your head. Jr wanted people to be judged by their CHARACTER,not their skin tone or"race"

besides Science has said there is only one race on earth,and thats humans. different ethnicities,but same race.

posted on May, 24 2021 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
If BLM were Marxist they'd be storming Oprah Winfrey's mansion and redistributing her wealth to poor white people.

I see. So it's Only Black Lives Matter plus Marxism.

Now I get it.

Especially since there were Black People over the last year demanding White People give up their houses.
edit on 24-5-2021 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

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