posted on Jun, 12 2021 @ 05:09 PM
For anyone to down talk the word Conspiracy, it is a very funny thing because we know those are the people who believe the media. It is a terrible
thing that we know the media plays on the natural fears of mankind, but even more the unintelligent fears of our ego. To be such a dishonest almost
criminal like enterprise it is only common sense to expect their games like talking down on a subject because they want others to believe them.
With all the secret societies in this world, how can there not be conspiracies? If you just look, they all revolve around one central thing, the
Vatican. How can these Roman Catholics be so stupid as to believe an organization that has been lying, ruthless, killers for a full 2,000 years? One
can only expect that they would steal all the antediluvian artifacts and plan world domination. Yet most of the world is disrespectfully rejecting any
thought of truth.