posted on May, 20 2021 @ 05:57 PM
I hope that saying works foe me...
back in fall of 2019, the world was pre-Covid/pre-Vaxx, took advice from Alt Media and restarted taking Zinc & D-3 for immune system robustness...
just 3 days ago my daughter's friend from NM was invited to bunk in a extra bedroom here...
the problem is that ms, L wants to fly out to see her sister in CA,,,but had to accept a Vaxx Jab to board a plane...
presently i am secretly disinfecting places ms, L sits in, touches, etc. because the Vaxx takes a week to start shedding skin cells loaded with
Spike Proteins and should continue contaminating this house for as long as 7 more weeks---> according to reliable alt media testimony
if ms, L hangs around much longer, her bedroom will be quaranteened by me so her shedding Vaxx molecules of Covid gets corralled
but i might rely on the Spirit to protect or 'seal' my body from getting the Covid disease from a Vaxxed, temporary guest who says i'm over hyping the
i believe that heaven is another dimension of Alien -spirit entities who are a billion years advanced from human mortals
and one of those Angels passed along that phrase to humanity (likely in a ancient civilization eons ago by now)