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Feds rethink vaccination strategy as slowing demand reveals stark divide

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posted on May, 4 2021 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Biden administration’s top adviser on COVID-19, acknowledged the shift in experts’ thinking.

“People were getting confused and thinking you’re never going to get the infections down until you reach this mystical level of herd immunity, whatever that number is,” he said.

And for a year now I thought it was Dr. Anthony Fauci's job, as the TOP adviser on COVID-19, to make sure that people were not confused about the virus .... seems by his own admission he has failed at his job.

And I'd say miserably failed at his job given the fact that his own statements and actions have contributed greatly to the confusion ... remember when Dr death told people NOT to wear masks?

When do we get to fire him as top adviser and replace him with someone who can get the job done right? ... something tells me the politicians will soon be looking for someone to blame and he's at the TOP choice for that too.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: putnam6

Here comes the BS push as those getting vaccinated slows down. Watch the pressure I wonder if they will change tactics?

A friend's daughter had a doctor visit last Friday for routine seasonal allergies. The doc asked her if she was going to get the covid vax. She responded something like: "No. I'm young and healthy. Aside from the pollen allergy, I have no issues."
It's almost hard to believe what the doc said. He tried to guilt her into it with the "you need to be a good citizen" routine. When that failed, he practically accused her of being evil and selfish for not getting the jab.
She was shocked. She's done with him, and is going to find a new doc.

My doc did this with me a couple of months ago. When I refused the vax, he immediately jumped to the conclusion that I was a conspiracy believer. People thought I was exagerrating.

Well... Uh... You do post on a conspiracy theory website.

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: putnam6

Here comes the BS push as those getting vaccinated slows down. Watch the pressure I wonder if they will change tactics?

A friend's daughter had a doctor visit last Friday for routine seasonal allergies. The doc asked her if she was going to get the covid vax. She responded something like: "No. I'm young and healthy. Aside from the pollen allergy, I have no issues."
It's almost hard to believe what the doc said. He tried to guilt her into it with the "you need to be a good citizen" routine. When that failed, he practically accused her of being evil and selfish for not getting the jab.
She was shocked. She's done with him, and is going to find a new doc.

My doc did this with me a couple of months ago. When I refused the vax, he immediately jumped to the conclusion that I was a conspiracy believer. People thought I was exagerrating.

She should of asked that doctor how much money do they make from kickbacks pushing people to take the rushed covid "vaccine".

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