Me: Someone "upstairs" stepped on my tail today, so I changed my mind.
Terpene: Are you going to spill the beans then, or what about, did you change your mind?
I did spill the beans, I'll join the dots. Context is everything.
If one stands outside of human thought one sees the egregore from the outside, and not from inside the egregore. Two totally different views of the
same thing. The Russian doll perspective.
From inside one has all the trappings and woo of what one is percieving. Like standing inside a church on Sunday mass. There is a religeous
atmosphere and woo of being in church.
From outside it is just a building, four walls and a roof and a spire surrounded by green grass and a path or two.
One can view chatholicism and see it for what it is on the outside. A yellow ovoid coccoon looking thing with "daughter" ovoids. One can view bhudism
too. It looks like the ovoid surrounded by red ovoids. It is built differently from the religious. Different architecture one might say.
Nevertheless, go far enough out there and look back and they are just separate containers.
So we have the structure of lies and theoretical learning - 'human thought' I guess one can call it. I don't know the techniical terminology,
Surrounding that are the 22 Rishies(?) who meditate on the illusionary world of human thought. Bhudist "second heaven"?
Beyond them is the Bhuda. Surprisingly for me he had two women with him. I looked up wikipedia and it says he had two wives in life. Dunno if they are
the same ones, I suspect so. My gut feeling is if they are the two wives, if he had his life over, he would probably run for the hills if they showed
up again.
Now the Bhuda is looking at something beyond transfixed and it feels like he can't look away. I know what he is looking at. They are human looking men
I saw years ago and I didn't know the significance at the time. They remind me of the stone busts of Greek philosophers you see in the pictures from
They are absolute perfectionists, and not so much as a thought out of line. They consider masculinity to be far more perfect than feminine because
males "evolved" out of the primordial(?) feminine. They got rid of the female/feminine long ago.
However, they are also intollerant of imperfection.
My guess is the Bhuda sees their architypical perfect vision of humanity.
Now when one sits and studies this, it is like sitting outside a house and looking through a window at the family within.
Okay, that is the perspective from where one sits.
Mentioned in passing earlier in this thread:
About eight months ago I took on a case. A girl in her early teens who had what the psycholgists call "early onset schizophrenia". That coincided with
my long service leave from work so I spent six weeks in her mind day and night. She lives on the other side of the world from me here in Australia.
What I found was a foriegn "minder/handler" who would enter her consciousness and torment her. One deals with him so he doesn't come back.
What was left then was a waking dreamstate of years of misery.
What I discovered was misery is accumulated like black soot. Misery covers and clogs everything in the consciousness and subconscious.
This is where, with help from the fae, we worked out how to remove the accumulated misery. What was underneath the misery when it was removed was
happiness. So the default state of the living human (child) is happiness.
The method used was to hold the misery laden dreamer-girl in my arms while remembering the feelings of loving protectiveness that comes with the
experience of holding a small child in one's arms. One actually psychically holds the psychic/dreamer/subconscious target within one's own
The mother's reports on improvements are neccessary. One has to see psychic work have an effect in the physical world. The girl smiling, laughing and
singing before school in the morning was what happened.
It helps if the target is on the other side of the world because they are asleep while one is awake and one can work consciously on their dream-self.
We have worked a lot more on the technique but no one seems to be interested. Her mom is an ATS member by the way, and will probably read this.
So we now have two points:
1. The default state of being a living human is happiness.
2. By using our own memories, and the memories of our physical bodies, it is posible to surround a living misery laden child with a loving
protectiveness to restore the default state of happiness.
Key point: We use what we have as ordinary living human beings. No "gods" required, no "higher selves", no "spirit guides", no "prayers", no
scriptures nor sacred books nor secret grimoire. We already know everything we need to live in this world, at least our body does.
Now back to Bhuda.
When I realised he is doing basically the same thing as the fae taught me for the girl of holding people in the loving protectivenness evoked from a
memory, that is when I got into a whole lot of trouble.
So a question: what is the state of Nirvana? ; )
Second question: do we really need gods and religeon? What if people knew the gig was a sham based on old knowledge rebranded?
The living human physical body knows wonders, we just need to learn to apply the memories for ourselves.
What quickly followed was one of my blackest days ever, and physically painful too. The type where you wish for non-existance. One of the two women
visited and simply said: "People who know too much do not have a place in this world".
That one sentence *issed me off big time. It was her that stepped on my tail (figuratively speaking).
Just join the dots . . .
I can't say the word
redundant any clearer.
edit on 19-5-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo and clarity
I spose what got me into trouble is realising the implications. In order to look towards "higher" worlds, this world and humanity has to be made
miserable first. Otherwise nobody would need nor want "them" and what they are selling.
edit on 19-5-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added extra bit