posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to:
So there is no leak into the blood stream?.
They have created needles and trained nurses to such a degree that when they are mass distributing and administering these they are all straight into
the muscle cell's, non gets into the lymphatic system or the blood stream?.
Sorry but that is a piss poor response phage.
If the RNA altering compounds are injected into the body they are then going to get into the blood stream, the lymphatic system and quite possibly
spread anywhere in the body that the vascular or lymphatic systems connect as a result.
Let me ask you this phage, do you want to have your DNA tampered with, for your cells to produce a spike protein from a strain of virus that has
already mutated into a new strain that no longer has that spike protein, that will force such new strains to become dominant and to have a constantly
triggered immune response to the spike protein that is then being released by those cells - into your blood stream and lymphatic fluid's, antibody's
that will become useless as the old strain of the virus dies out and the new strain takes over?.
So are you then comfortable with the idea that they will then redesign this RNA injection to have NEW spike protein data for your cells genetic
material to produce yet MORE spike proteins and again and again, until there is so much rogue genetic material that can of course trigger new
mutations through random RNA transcription errors.
edit on 25-4-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)