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Heavy periods for women after the Vaccine

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posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: frogs453
For what it's worth, 4 women in my household and none of us had any issues.

Why am I having a hard time believing that four separate women don't have any issues?

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 07:48 AM


posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus
🤣🤣 that could be a whole other thread. No issues related to this subject.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: rickymouse

Imagine if the vaccine caused ED in men. How much time do you think will pass before enough men are willing to talk about it for it to be discussed in the open. These types of issues for both men and women are great for anyone wanting to get away with a sterilization program since people aren't comfortable talking about these issue right away. By the time these are brought up too much time will have passed to stop the people behind it.

Seriously, My first posting here needs to be addressed.

If it caused ED in men the government would admit there was a time machine and send those guys back to untake it. LOL
There's a pill for that!

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Any cursory search of the internet will bring up a whole host of often official sounding denials that there is any link between Covid 19 vaccines and fertility and yet there were claims by some medical professional's that it could cause issues with the placenta, I believe that it stands to reason that if a woman's foetus inherits the genetic alteration which the vaccines are creating in the mothers cells to make them produce the spike protein from the virus that this in turn will also make her immune system react to and her body reject the foetus that is so affected.

Pretty much as a Rhesus negative mothers body usually reacts to her foetus if the father is Rhesus positive but actually more aggressively than this natural immune response because unlike the Rhesus negative mother whose body has to learn to make antibody's to the foreign Rhesus factor her baby's body is then producing in the case of these gene tampering vaccines they are designed to trigger and immune response to the spike protein, this in turn means that as soon as the baby's cell's start to also produce the spike protein having inherited it from the mother and probably the father the immune system will react even more quickly and even more quickly reject the foetus from her body killing it in an immune response.

It is pretty straight forward, even if the mother has not been inoculated with these GENE tampering vaccines but the father has then the baby so conceived has a possibility of inheriting the altered genes and then producing the spike protein within the mother's womb, this in turn will result in miscarriage.

The heavy period is probably the spike protein as some have claimed binding to the placenta and her immune system attacking it, this too will cause miscarriage.

So why are they denying this, who do those so called experts work for, who is paying there wages?.

And after all they do want to kill most of us off right.

Now that they have 3d printing, robot's are becoming ever more advanced and capable and artificial intelligence is becoming ever more capable the elite do not see any further use for the working class (or even for the lower rank's of the elite), remember that.

You know the Nazi's used false news as they took those people to the gas chambers for there SHOWER.

edit on 21-4-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Just a question:
During the sterilization issues in Africa with those Gate Malaria Vaccines, how did it effect Women? I mean women were the targeted gender in that sterilization episode, so there should be a list of health issues and things to watch for. DO these Covid Vaccine health issues and those match up?

Apples and oranges - completely different technology. Those malaria vaccines were actually vaccines.

These mRNA jabs are not vaccines, they are gene therapy.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:41 AM
Half of society is limp already, I doubt anyone would even notice at this stage of the game. Male vitality has bottomed out.

a reply to: 111DPKING111

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Just a question:
During the sterilization issues in Africa with those Gate Malaria Vaccines, how did it effect Women? I mean women were the targeted gender in that sterilization episode, so there should be a list of health issues and things to watch for. DO these Covid Vaccine health issues and those match up?

Apples and oranges - completely different technology. Those malaria vaccines were actually vaccines.

These mRNA jabs are not vaccines, they are gene therapy.

These are using a form of Genetic splicing and arguably are NOT vaccinations but as you rightly point out Genetic engineering.

Everyone accepting them is making themselves a guinea pig.

The alterations they are making may well be permanent, in fact the affects of these experimental genetic modifications are not only almost definitely permanent but also will be passed onto the next generation, hence the likelihood of them causing miscarriage or related infertility in a high number of woman.

The first Vaccine ever discovered was Cow Pox.

Real Vaccines do not affect your DNA or RNA in any way whatsoever, they work by introducing something that will promote a MILD immune response such as the pathogen AFTER it has been killed using radiation in which case it will be inert in the bloodstream but still trigger the immune system - WHEN - the immune system finally detects it as a foreign body, afterwards if a person catches the live pathogen there immune system will already be locked and loaded to react to it because it has been trained by the vaccine.

In these GM experiments however they are instead of injecting a vaccine actually altering a patient's (guinea pig's) genetic material and getting there cell's to produce a small part of the virus in question which is this time of course Covid 19, this means the cell will then produce a part of the virus and that will somehow get into the blood stream, be detected by immune system as a foreign body and then trigger the creation of anti body's made to hunt it down, this in turn could lead to anaphylactic shock in many patients even years after receiving the vaccine, this could occur even to an unrelated infection causing there immune system over reacting.

Also the altered DNA as I point out could be passed to children in the womb, cause miscarriage and worse.

Make no doubt about it this IS the new Thalidomide and what is more the drug company's KNEW this which is why they wanted immunity from prosecution.

Let's be fair all they needed to do was irradiate batches of the Covid 19 so that they became inactive after growing them in host cell's and then injected patients with the irradiated virus so as to trigger there immune response and that WOULD have been a vaccine, this Crispa genetic splicing is NOT Vaccination it is something far more serious and probably for a completely different reason to treating the virus.

Another matter to bare in mind is the short shelf life of this technique, how many of these FALSE vaccinations will it take to adapt to the mutating virus, how many other virus will this be adapted to and the end result how much new potentially life threatening, tumour triggering, mutating and malicious code will they be putting into people's cell's.
Will they even remain human?.

This is worth reading if true?.

One disinformation website claimed this scientist was a Veterinarian which was obviously to dissuade the public from taking his advice seriously, see the third link for his background.

The offending article that lied about him was this one.
So you see when competently challenged they will as usual stoop to character assassination to try to discredit.
A very serious black mark against McGill.CA.

edit on 21-4-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

I have to agree with Vasa Croe, it could be linked to clotting, issues, you open the door but can you stop the flow, funny. Then again the women body is a very fine tune machine, one disruption to the system and everything can go wrong. Specially when women are the ones that can carry life to term.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Yes, thanks for posting this, the big pharma keep calling this injections "vaccines" anywhere I go I call it for what it is and injection, no a vaccine, this could be the most life altering experiment in humanity.

And now they want our children.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 01:34 PM
hm i did make a thread about this... got closed after four posts for duping another thread, even though that was just about false positive mammograms and didn't include the period info. thanks for getting this out there, since i wasn't successful

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Mass sterilization. a large number of childbearing age women will loose the ability to retain a placentae with millions of aborted fetuses worldwide in coming years.


posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:14 PM
I am getting close to "that time", and so far there is nothing untoward going on, and I've been vaccinated.

My symptoms for it range from "OMG! I'm dying ..." to "OMG! I totally lost track of time ..." This one is somewhere on the mild side, so if it's going to be really bad one thank to the shot, it's underperforming in the premenstrual department. I guess we'll see as the main event gets here.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111
Lots of chatter on Reddit about heavy periods for women, Any thoughts? - Link
Most informed page I have seen so far is here - Link

This doctor contacted various people she assumed would be in the know(vaccine makers), but nothing.

She suggest

The three ways the COVID-19 vaccine could potentially impact menstruation are:
-Impact on the chemical messaging from the brain to the ovaries.
-Impact on the chemical messaging from the ovaries to the uterus.
-Impact that directly affects the lining of the uterus

As many have pointed out, there has been a reluctance to talk about it since even a hint of impropriety might hurt the almighty vax campaign, but it has left women wondering if they should be concerned and of course creating doubts about govts concern for their well being. As it should..

CLOTS. Vaccine mRNA released into the bloodstream looking for cells to tell "make spike proteins". The nearest cells are the cells that line the vascular system, the walls of the veins. Vein wall cells start to make spike proteins and as they form the spike, platelets come along and activate as they hit the spikes, causing clots to form.

Congratulations on all you vaccinated "lab rats", you are a grand experiment to see where clots will form and how bad and agonizing your reactions will be, just a matter of time. Sorry, but you took the blue pill.

posted on Apr, 21 2021 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: panoz77

originally posted by: 111DPKING111
Lots of chatter on Reddit about heavy periods for women, Any thoughts? - Link
Most informed page I have seen so far is here - Link

This doctor contacted various people she assumed would be in the know(vaccine makers), but nothing.

She suggest

The three ways the COVID-19 vaccine could potentially impact menstruation are:
-Impact on the chemical messaging from the brain to the ovaries.
-Impact on the chemical messaging from the ovaries to the uterus.
-Impact that directly affects the lining of the uterus

As many have pointed out, there has been a reluctance to talk about it since even a hint of impropriety might hurt the almighty vax campaign, but it has left women wondering if they should be concerned and of course creating doubts about govts concern for their well being. As it should..

CLOTS. Vaccine mRNA released into the bloodstream looking for cells to tell "make spike proteins". The nearest cells are the cells that line the vascular system, the walls of the veins. Vein wall cells start to make spike proteins and as they form the spike, platelets come along and activate as they hit the spikes, causing clots to form.

Congratulations on all you vaccinated "lab rats", you are a grand experiment to see where clots will form and how bad and agonizing your reactions will be, just a matter of time. Sorry, but you took the blue pill.

IF IF I were going to take one of these shots, I would take a mild clot buster like natto a week before and 2 weeks after. Jarrow and Andrew Arthur Medical both sell one. - link

The ABC groups are in a tight spot on this since if they recommend a clot buster, it will be asked of course, "Have you trialed this additional therapy on a 100k people?" They would also admit that they put people at risk who initially took the shots, as if that it isnt already obvious.

This guy was certainly on the wrong end of it, sadly easily preventable
edit on 21-4-2021 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2021 @ 12:09 AM
originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ManFromEurope
a reply to: Shredder36

I heard about the micropenis-thing happening to people who had COVID-19.

Evidently, that's just your side effect, haven't seen that reported elsewhere

And the pitch appears to be a soft ball right down the middle! CRACK!

It is heading for the fence, high flying and out of here. A HOME RUN!

Fear porn either way. Just don't even consider this "vaccine" and all will end well.

edit on 22-4-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2021 @ 12:18 AM
a reply to: panoz77

The blue pill indeed. My parents did take the shots and they are not doing bad but they both work their garden, eat right and exercise daily. Vit D, C and other good nutrients help sustain those two Octogenarians. I still told them I was concerned but they were taking it no matter and are aloof about it too. They don't wear masks accept where they think they should for friends sake.

But I am afraid for the younger people who have all their life ahead of them if these reports of the mRNA altering our DNA turn out to be true. My kids are not getting the damn thing, it is experimental and very dangerous.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Shredder36
I am pregnant and I know any day the midwife will offer me my vaccine. My family keep urging me to get it but like I have told them I never had no intention of getting it and I certainly don't now. We have barely any data on how it effects unborn babies. Plus I am a really high risk pregnancy so the fact they keep trying to talk me into it is disturbing to say the least

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

May the Lord keep you and your child safe.

I for one respect your choice and think you may be wise given the number of complications and side affects being reported, I have already made clear my belief that this is not a vaccine but something else in my previous comment's, that said they would be crying out to get people like you to take it because of the experimental data value that tracking a pregnant vaccine recipient will yield to the scientists and doctors, they value that data far more than one single life or one single child.

I hope that we do eventually get a TRUE vaccine for the virus, the technology and even a German professor that made a working TRUE non RNA - non gene editing vaccine do exist, though his treatment a TRUE vaccine has by all account's been suppressed, hence the obvious fact that there has to be an ulterior motive for whatever the hell this is they are putting into people's body's.

posted on Apr, 25 2021 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: panoz77

CLOTS. Vaccine mRNA released into the bloodstream looking for cells to tell "make spike proteins".

1) The clotting episodes are associated with the J&J vaccine, which is not an mRNA vaccine.

2) The mRNA vaccines are intramuscular injections directly to muscle cells, not intravenous.

3) Clotting is a risk because it may interrupt blood flow. Not enhance it. Blood thinners enhance blood flow. Clotting agents do the opposite.

edit on 4/25/2021 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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