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Blatant Satan-worshipping In Pop Music

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posted on Apr, 18 2021 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Obviously. I am/was an entertainer myself.

posted on Apr, 18 2021 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

If true my brother?...then you understand. I fight for God, Country, Family, the Oppressed, the ill and elderly, children and animals....

...and musicians who work hard...very put their original ideas to sound.

The industry has always been twisted...not the musicians.

posted on Apr, 18 2021 @ 11:48 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
Here's some actual Satanic music. The frontman and creative force of the band was a theistic Satanist who ended up killing himself due to his beliefs.

I enjoyed it until the vocals started.

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 02:57 AM
Hahaha, being a death metal guitarist for 30 years now, all I can do is point and laugh at these wannabe satanist pop muzos.

Go check out Mayhem, Deicide, Gorgoroth and so forth...

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: Beestie
We mentioned Deicide previous page, how about Morbid Angel!..Trey anyway.

edit on 19-4-2021 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 03:55 AM
Haha yes, old school death metal. Nah guys, metal should be taken with a grain of salt. Most of these okes are just bible bashing atheists, trying to get a reaction from the theists. All in good fun really.

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 04:52 AM

edit on 19-4-2021 by Kromlech because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

You fail to understand why we have reverence for the symbol of the cross.

I discern you don't understand your Bible.

If you did, you would understand and comply with the admonition of
Exodus 20:4 and never use the instrument of a cross in any manner.

You fail to understand that giving reverence to a symbol places you
in the same position of the occultist who also practice idolatry.

I'm going to assume you're young in your Christian faith, or you
would have at least a modicum of understanding that the majority
of Christian practices/ceremony are riddled with occultism rituals.

What's really fascinating are the so-called Christians who vilify
what they assume is evil, while at the same time supporting
a crass amount of evil disseminated over their television.

Do a little research, and you'll come to the conclusion that the
Christian institution is responsible for more abuse, rape, torture,
and death than all the occultist combined.

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

she's a GRIMES ripoff/friend

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 09:51 AM
It's got nothing to do with Satanism, she's just trying to be edgy.

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 03:08 PM
The older folks of every generation thinks the young ones are dabbling in devil music lol. Didn't they say the same about the Beatles at one point?

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: s1nGuL4r1ty
The older folks of every generation thinks the young ones are dabbling in devil music lol. Didn't they say the same about the Beatles at one point?

It's one of the ways you know you've turned into a geezer along with eating dinner at 5PM.

posted on Apr, 19 2021 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This response makes no sense and is based entirely on subjective opinion you got from my post. I don’t reject spirituality at all. Lack of belief in Christianity isn’t a universal rejection of spirituality.

In fact i didn’t really say anything about christianity. I made a joke about a Roman who is shocked by crosses in christian society because he assocates it with general awfulness. I know what the cross represents and why Christians use it. This was to demonstrate how people draw different meaning from symbols.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 03:24 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
Hopefully I could send her some discerning attention.

I'm sure she would appreciate the further attention.

The visual artistry is Powerful while Poignant...

Art...Craft...Spell...idol...mask... You see "Supernatural" or "Spiritual" Power is in-acted through affirmations in Faith based Assertions and replications of these Assertions to strengthen the Faith based projection of thought or imagery into The Aether broadly or to specific recipients...

These can be Supplications, Invocations, Conjurations,...or the simple "Communication"

It is the Act of writing the "Spell", Conjuring the Spirit, Reaching the third eye state through Trained Meditation or Psychoactive drugs...that strengthens our assertion into the Aether of Creation that our belief and visions should take form or presence at and around the site of invocation.

Done with enough repetition and concentration Spells, chants, prayers to idols, oils, water. ashes, incense, candles...
animal sacrifice, tithe...yes even tithe can strengthen our relationship with "supernatural and or Supernal Beings...

But, "as below so Above", just like here on Earth, the Aethereal holds good and bad "people",..and with the "Bad" ones, the Lure is Exciting, but the Truth of the Reward is that its a real F###ing Colossal Drag...

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 03:29 AM

Blatant Satan-worshipping In Pop Music

Noticed recently that in the music video "Physical" the cartoon version of singer Dua Lipa makes a two fingers up satanic hand gesture.Disturbing.

"Symbolism will be Their downfall".

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Tinel

Blatant Satan-worshipping In Pop Music

Noticed recently that in the music video "Physical" the cartoon version of singer Dua Lipa makes a two fingers up satanic hand gesture.Disturbing.

"Symbolism will be Their downfall".

Rock musicians have been doing the same thing for 50 years.

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: Ohanka

originally posted by: Tinel

Blatant Satan-worshipping In Pop Music

Noticed recently that in the music video "Physical" the cartoon version of singer Dua Lipa makes a two fingers up satanic hand gesture.Disturbing.

"Symbolism will be Their downfall".

Rock musicians have been doing the same thing for 50 years.

Exactly. There were people saying the same thing when The Rolling Stones showed up half a century ago.

To be honest my biggest question from this thread is who the 'mysteriousstranger' poster is 😂, maybe it's Keith?

posted on Apr, 20 2021 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

I am a Christian, as anyone reading my responses in this thread can hopefully tell. I like to think that I'm tolerant, open-minded & compassionate towards people who actively rail against my beliefs, through music especially, as its the dominant form of cultural & personal expression on our planet & indeed in the universe at large, if life exists elsewhere I don't doubt that music is universal. After reading through various bits of this thread I did some YouTube research on the girl in the OP, Zheani, and she's been through some harrowing ordeals that clearly poisoned her mind against any & all forms of authority, except for the only authority that lets her do, say & think whatever the hell her emotions tell her to - Satan. She is a Satanist, that much is clear, but I sincerely feel for her, and understand her universal rebellion.

We have to understand that the free pass that Satan provides is attractive to people who have been hurt by authority figures in their lives, who want therefore to rebel against the ultimate symbol of authority, the very illimitable God of the Created Multiverse. But Satan gives that pass with deception & malice towards the recipient, knowing that the individual is thereby driving themselves towards a sort of self-immolation, denying themselves the ultimate journey of grace & truth, for a time, bringing on suffering of a new sort in this world, and potentially some limited suffering in a non-divine realm beyond this world - not with literal fires of hell (except perhaps for the seriously wicked seared conscience abusers of varying type who literally live by a sadistic, evil code) - even then, I think it's likely that eternal damnation is not something reserved for any but the demonic host, who rebelled despite full knowledge of the divine order & an intimate knowledge of the Creator. And even that may be figurative, in the sense that when a new Heaven & new Earth are inculcated, their suffering will end in destruction - only "..the smoke of their suffering ascends forever", not their actual suffering. The smoke is a memento mori to be witnessed at the dawn of the new worlds, proof that justice has been served & a new way has been implemented, highly likely with salvation for a great deal higher of an proportion of humanity than many Christian fundamentalists will believe. God is merciful & looks at the heart, not what the circumstances of life have caused, not what abuse has caused, not what Satan has caused.

In scripture there is an oblique quote which I believe refers to the fact that in the new creation, which is promised in the Book of Revelation, the old ways of sin & death could never again pollute & poison that new order.

"..for do you think that a thing will arise again for a second time?"

Admittedly, it's only a snippet, but nothing is in scripture by accident. People who think on riddles, paradoxes & deep mystery are able to apply these snippets as answers to puzzles that have tortured their mind in trying to seek an answer that squares the circle of how God permits suffering in this world - for a time. When the new Cosmos is brought into being, "that ancient dragon,..who leads the whole world astray" will no longer exist as a sort of bestial sugar daddy of rebellion. Instead, the truth of God, Heaven, Earth - as well as the former existence of Hell & Destruction. Nothing will be hidden, nothing will be off-limits. Do we think God can't handle the painful questions, our corruption, even the anger & rebellion in our hearts? He is Father of all, and understands us all with a deep intimacy & love - indeed, "every hair on your head is numbered", and "..not even a sparrow falls from the sky without His knowledge". Everything will be plain for anyone to know & understand, and because "..God Himself will be their light", there will be no room for misunderstanding. Ultimately, "..mercy triumphs over judgement", but justice will be served before that awesome day of re-creation.

I haven't included chapter & verse references here, but each quote can be found by searching in Google if you'd like to take a look. Bless you in your quest for truth, meaning, beauty, love, mercy & grace - everything I have found in Christ, who, in His own words, seeks to "..give you a rich & meaningful life"


PS - I hate those songs you highlighted as well - there are a number of similar 'fails' in contemporary worship culture - such tripe that I simply won't sing it in church. They are included by well-meaning folk, but the theology is warped. One of my favourite Christian artists is Future of Forestry, who embraces the deep mysteries, the unknown & unknowable, & acknowledges the pain & suffering we face in our lives without glossing over it. He's a musical genius, having a prodigious number of albums, all recorded in varying musical genres, sounding so different from each other that often you'd think each album came from a different band. A lot of inspiration for expansive thinking & restful meditation if you're a Christian who wants something a bit deeper to get your mind & spirit working in unison. I love Jars of Clay also, for the same reasons, though their style is pretty consistent across the discography. I also enjoy myriad non-Christian artists who express a reverence for love, truth, meaning, etc.

posted on Apr, 22 2021 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment


Good Journey to you Traveller...Always...

posted on Apr, 22 2021 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: Khurzon

Thank you brother/sister! The risk of posting at length is that it comes across as preachy, but in truth all I try to do is fit the scripture to the message, delineating the path of understanding, 'rightly dividing the word of God'. We must understand the entirety of the principle scriptural message (work justice, love mercy & walk with humility before God - that's the entire Old Testament summed up in one sentence - Jesus summed up the commandments as love God & love your neighbour as yourself - that's the New Testament in a nutshell) - when we understand that, we can start to apply sections of what is written as a means of emphasising a particular point we're trying to make. Sadly there are many, many deceivers & misled folk who muddy the waters. I can't abide hellfire & damnation 'preaching', because those who truly know God understand that "God is light, in Him there is no darkness at all" - the fundies who rail against 'non-believers' will probably get a bit of a shock one day.

One of my favourite quotes from the Lord Himself follows a question from one of his disciples:

“Teacher,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us.”

“Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. Truly I tell you, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to the Messiah will certainly not lose their reward.

The bold section highlighted above sums up the Lord's mindset towards those who do not practice a spiritual path, but have no opposition to the principle message of Christ as stated by my emphasis in the preceding paragraph - nobody is turned away, if they are decent, loving & humble people. Those fundies who claim that you must say 'the sinners prayer' with repentance in your heart otherwise you're damned forever are both deceiving & deceived. They do not understand the message of scripture & they do not know God in the way they ought to. Ideally yes, it is better to walk with God through decisive action in your heart - but God doesn't punish those who do not.. Perhaps they were let down by a supposed spiritual counsellor in their youth, or a hypocritical parent - maybe they were abused by a disgraced priest - the reasons why good people don't actively practice a spiritual path are many & varied. God's mercy & grace covers them, for "People look at the exterior circumstances of a person's life - but God looks at the heart.."

Just prior to the first quote above, in the same conversation, Jesus had given an example of the heart we must have towards all children (all of us, basically - we were all innocent children once):

He took a little child whom he placed among them. Taking the child in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.”

Christ is the fullness of God made manifest as a man - even many of the angelic orders & the spiritual powers of the Earth did not realise He had come until either some point in His three year ministry, or even after the resurrection in some cases. To welcome Him is basically to welcome anyone with love & grace, forgiving each other as we are forgiven. To love our neighbour as ourselves.

A little further in the conversation He issues a stern warning about causing others pain, or causing them to sin - just try to imagine how terrifying it would be for this to actually be the cause of one's demise, and you will see just how important it is that we do not manipulate or abuse anyone, ever (which should be obvious, but some people are warped & broken & need the warning - in particular He refers to crimes against children, who are yet to understand the world & therefore require love, grace & good counsel in abundance).

NB - Prior to the quote, I will just say that all children instinctively believe in the personhood of Christ, for He is a perfect father, it is impossible for any child not to love Him if they are blessed with the knowledge of His presence. My youngest son had a dream when he was five years old, which was utterly glorious - he was taken up through the clouds (an archetypal symbol of ascension which he instinctively understood) into the wide vistas & landscapes of Heaven. He was led by the hand by Jesus Himself, and was counselled to listen carefully to everything his parents would teach him, because we understand the world & can help him to remain on the right pathway throughout his life.. We believe he was given this experience to help him focus & follow the straight & narrow - he actually has 'pragmatic language disorder' (also known as social communication disorder, though the preceding term describes it better, for it is an artefact of language processing in the brain - he cannot holistically process language, and must link concepts together in a sort of web made from chains of conceptual links.. He also has high functioning autism, so he really does require careful guidance to properly interpret the world & to walk with confidence throughout his day to day life.. We were so incredibly overjoyed when he reported this wonderful dream to us - we had never 'coached' him in religious terms, he just knew that Mum & Dad pray & go to church, we never forced our faith on either of our sons - the dream was a true gift, inspiring him to this very day).

Anyway, back to that super-important warning about how we treat our children & those of others:

“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.

And so with deep reverence we must protect & guide the young, helping them on the path to a life which is rooted in the core messages of both the Old & New Testament as elucidated earlier in this post. Of course there is much wisdom in other paths - there is no way that God punishes people who follow the 'wrong' path due to cultural heritage or misunderstanding. But I sincerely believe that all should reverence Christ as the door for those who are fallen, weak or broken - "I came to seek & save the lost" & "Only the sick have need of a physician".

He is the lifeline - the only One who can actively save any & all from anything or anyone. "There is no other name under Heaven by which we can be saved" (as in - those who need saving).

"Every knee shall bow & every tongue confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord.."

"The thief comes to kill, steal & destroy; but I (Jesus) come to give you a rich & satisfying life.."

We have Enemies in this world - but we have knowledge of the One who will make a footstool of those enemies, the only authority by which even the greatest Enemy can be cast out & destroyed, no matter the gravity of the situation.

Sorry this post got a bit hardcore - but life is a serious business at times! Having said that, a rich & satisfying life is the goal, and everyone has a seat at the table if they wish. Blessings to any & all who read this - message me if you want to talk about any of these things, I'll be happy to discuss anything & everything under the Sun.

FITO. (..wearing his lay preacher's cap today).

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