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Don't Forget that Monday is the Verdict in Minneapolis....

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posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 09:29 AM
At least 9 minutes of knee to throat isn't shooting a pistol instead of tazer or shooting a 13 YO with his hands up.

But then 9 minutes is a lot of time to review what is happening while 3 more officers watch.

Nothing changes in the next few years, if at all.

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 09:56 AM
Am I living in a parallel universe??? I live in the UK and I could have swore I heard on the news that Chauvin was acquitted.
Maybe I'm a seer like Nostradamus. Time will tell.
edit on 16-4-2021 by crayzeed because: added sentence

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: roadgravel

The knee was not on Floyd's throat.

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 10:55 AM
My question is: What will all the Democrats BBQ once all their cities are reduced to charcoal?

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 01:49 PM
BLM terrorists and Corporate media have utterly polluted the trial. There is no way that this is a fair trial - it's a trial that has made the jury fully understand that if they dare to find the defendant not guilty they will be signing off on the destruction of the livelihood of thousands and the likely deaths of many. The media especially and the Democrat politicians really enjoy threatening the courts, as Schumer did to the SC. they seem to get away with it.

This should have been declared a mistrial and the case thrown out.

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

There will be no acquittal, no mistrial, and no hung jury.

Chauvin killed that man, in broad daylight, and took no care for the person he was killing. Disgusting.

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: VeeTNA
a reply to: projectvxn

There will be no acquittal, no mistrial, and no hung jury.

Chauvin killed that man, in broad daylight, and took no care for the person he was killing. Disgusting.

The freedom loving patriots here love it when cops kneel on your back, neck..what the f ever!!!, for 9 mins, several of them while's cool!! the "while dead" part is horrendously inexcusable, but they will.

This place is full of phoney's.
edit on 16-4-2021 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: VeeTNA

Floyd died from anemic hypoxia due to the presence of 4 times the lethal dose of fentanyl.

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: vonclod


You should try watching the trial.

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
The freedom loving patriots here love it when cops kneel on your back, neck..what the f ever!!!, for 9 mins, several of them while's cool!! the "while dead" part is horrendously inexcusable, but they will.

This place is full of phoney's.

I can't freaking believe you still don't get you were lied to for a year Your sense of logic is very lacking.

So tell us, how many minutes could the Police had their knee on Floyd's neck and he wouldn't have died of an Overdose? Let's see if you can do Math.
edit on 17-4-2021 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 11:24 PM
My sources say a guilty verdict is likely and to expect the deliberation to be surprisingly quick...

And one of the key moments was the pulse checking...and the 2 minutes and 44 seconds the knee remained there after that...
edit on 16-4-2021 by Cosmocow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 12:48 AM

originally posted by: Cosmocow
My sources say a guilty verdict is likely and to expect the deliberation to be surprisingly quick.

I'm thinking a Hung Jury like others are thinking.

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: CryHavoc

Well we will see. I believe what my sources are telling me. The checking of the pulse and the 2 minutes 44 seconds after appear to be very big points in the jurors eyes. This testimony is where the most of the jurors took detailed notes...

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: CryHavoc

So tell us, how many minutes could the Police had their knee on Floyd's neck and he wouldn't have died of an Overdose? Let's see if you can do Math.

Don't care, the point keeps sailing over your cannot allow police to take the 9 minutes we all saw. The 2+ minutes where the guy was pretty much dead are extra special. I'm not saying it's straight up murder either, it's dereliction of duty, depraved indifference..etc

edit on 17-4-2021 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

um, no. His blood tests showed that the drugs in his system were far lower than for people who were arrested for DUI and still alive.

edit on 17-4-2021 by VeeTNA because: grammar

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

BTW, I watched the entire trial, from jury selection through opening arguments through every single day of the presentations. I also watched the "no jury present" things - the conferences, the motions, etc.

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: VeeTNA

on average

This is an interesting way to put it.

He also said this:
Daily Mail

He told the court that even though there was a high level of fentanyl in Floyd's bloodstream – 11ng ml where a 3ng ml could be lethal – individual tolerance had to be taken into account.

I'll grant tolerance to a certain degree.

Nearly 4 times the lethal dose, however is beyond simple tolerance.
edit on 4 17 2021 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

edit on 4 17 2021 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 11:33 PM
Maxine Waters was just live in Brooklyn Center calling for the rioters to ignore curfew, etc. Seriously????? I can’t believe a US Congresswomen is calling for more riots? What is wrong in America?

posted on Apr, 18 2021 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
Don't care, the point keeps sailing over your cannot allow police to take the 9 minutes we all saw. The 2+ minutes where the guy was pretty much dead are extra special. I'm not saying it's straight up murder either, it's dereliction of duty, depraved indifference..etc

Don't care.

George Floyd said he Couldn't Breathe long before he was on the ground with a knee in his neck. The entire World was lied to about it. You know, all those Protest signs that said "I Can't Breathe" If he had as much drugs in his system as some people have said, he would had died with or without a knee in his neck. Respiratory Depression is a symptom of a Fatal Overdose of Fentanyl. Saying "I took too many pills!" is a symptom of a Fatal Overdose of Fentanyl. Saying "I can't breathe because there's knee in my neck" is a symptom of suffocating from having a knee in your neck. He never said that. George Floyd knew why he couldn't breathe.

If several Medical Examiners didn't say George Floyd had a Fatal Dose of Fentanyl (Tainted Heroin) in him, if George Floyd didn't say "I can't breathe" before he was ever on the ground, I'd be right there with you.

But you're defying logic and ignoring facts.

And Chauvin isn't on Trial for Dereliction of Duty or even Negligence, is he?

originally posted by: bryan2006
Maxine Waters was just live in Brooklyn Center calling for the rioters to ignore curfew, etc. Seriously????? I can’t believe a US Congresswomen is calling for more riots? What is wrong in America?

I think it's called Somebody Elected Morons

I want to know why she isn't charged with Inciting to Riot at minimum.

I notice our Vice President isn't saying anything. Joe probably told her to stay out of it now that she's part of the Executive Branch.
edit on 18-4-2021 by CryHavoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2021 @ 05:24 AM
double post
edit on 4/18/21 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

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