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Shooter kills multiple people at Colorado Grocery store

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posted on Mar, 24 2021 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: game over man

Lebron "King" James suffered a "right high ankle injury" against the "Hawks".

Kobe's rape case happened in "Eagle" "Colorado".

Shooting happened in "Boulder" Kobe crashed "FLYING" into a "mountain".

Kobe Bryant has a tattoo of a "crown"

Shooting happened at "King" "Soopers" in "Boulder" "Colorado".

The Last "Supper" was wine and bread the night before crucifixion of Jesus.

"Alyssa" Altobelli, "14", "died" on Kobe Bryant's fatal helicopter crash.

Ahmad Al Aliwi "Alissa" was "14" when he became "paranoid".

"Alissa" killed 10 people and suffered a "right leg injury".

Teri "Leiker" (Laker) died at 51 after working there 30 years. She started at "21", "Alissa" killed everyone at "21".

Eric Talley left behind a family of "8". Kobe used to wear the number "8". Eric's father "Homer" Talley said Eric wanted to be a drone operator or "pilot". The Simpson's opening starts in the "Clouds", "Homer's" "son" gets in trouble, and a baby was put in a bag in a "grocery store". "Homer" also wrote the Iliad which is a poem about the battles of "Achilles".

There's more symbolism in this event I'm sure.

drugs are bad mmkay....
edit on 24-3-2021 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2021 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Very sad

It is.

Too bad someone is going to come along and illogically blame 9 million (plus) registered gun owners that didn't do it.

And there was a shooting at a DMV in a suburb of Chicago today.

Maybe we should Defund the Police or something [/sarcasm]

posted on Mar, 25 2021 @ 02:10 AM

originally posted by: roadgravel

America's diversity is a weakness on multiple fronts. We have too many diverging priorities and values to succeed as a country any more.

A man in Europe caused WWII by pushing that line of thinking.

Racism, bigotry and greed is the real problem.

Ideas about how to better the human race are not new. Some 2,300 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato wrote: “The best of either sex should be united with the best as often as possible, and the inferior with the inferior as seldom as possible.” It wasn’t until more recent times, however, that efforts to upgrade the human family began in earnest. This discipline was called eugenics.

The term “eugenics” was coined in 1883 by Sir Francis Galton, a British scientist and cousin of Charles Darwin. The word comes from Greek terms meaning “good in birth” or “noble in heredity.” Galton knew that various flowers and animals could acquire certain desirable qualities through selective breeding. Might not humanity be improved by similar methods? Galton believed that it could. He reasoned that if a fraction of the cost and effort devoted to the breeding of horses and cattle were spent on “the improvement of the human race,” the result would be “a galaxy of genius.”

Influenced by the writings of Darwin, Galton reasoned that it was time for humans to take control of their own evolution. During the early decades of the 20th century, Galton’s ideas became extremely popular among politicians, scientists, and academics, in both Europe and the United States. Reflecting the popular notions of his day, the leader of a powerful nation wrote: “Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind. . . . Any group of farmers who permitted their best stock not to breed, and let all the increase come from the worst stock, would be treated as fit inmates for an asylum. . . . Some day we will realize that the prime duty of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his blood behind him in the world, and that we have no business to perpetuate citizens of the wrong type.” Those words were written by the 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt.

In fairs and expositions in both Britain and America, the laws of genetic inheritance were depicted, often on a vertical board displaying an array of stuffed guinea pigs. They were arranged to show the inheritance of fur color from one generation to the next generation. The point of the exhibits was made clear by accompanying text. One chart stated: “Unfit human traits such as feeblemindedness, epilepsy, criminality, insanity, alcoholism, pauperism and many others run in families and are inherited in exactly the same way as color in guinea pigs.” Another exhibit placard asked: “How long are we Americans to be so careful for the pedigree of our pigs and chickens and cattle—and then leave the ancestry of our children to chance?”

These ideas were not merely intellectual exercises. Tens of thousands of “undesirables” were sterilized in both North America and Europe. Of course, the definition of who or what was undesirable depended largely on the views of those making the decisions to force sterilization. In the state of Missouri, U.S.A., for example, legislation was proposed that called for the sterilization of those “convicted of murder, rape, highway robbery, chicken stealing, bombing, or theft of automobiles.” In its misguided effort to achieve a master race in one generation, Nazi Germany went a step further. After the forced sterilization of up to 225,000 people, millions of others—Jews, Romanies (Gypsies), the disabled, and other “undesirables”—were exterminated under the guise of eugenics.

And of course, from the beginning of Darwin's evolutionary teachings, it was taught that negroes were less evolved than caucasians, and more closely related to the ape (as per Darwin's teachings concerning the subject):

edit on 25-3-2021 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

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