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Medical Doctor Exposes 10 Deadly Dangers of Pzifer/Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccines

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posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Medical doctor?

She’s an osteopath.

Lol, you know when the headline says "medical doctor" it's going to be pretty far removed from a "medical doctor" qualified in the field.

posted on Mar, 6 2021 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

Look. They are attempting to force you to take an experimental vaccine. That's against international law since the Nazi Germany trials.

No they aren't. They're attempting to persuade you - for your good and for the good of those around you.

Unless you're being forcibly rounded-up and transported under armed guard to the vaccination centers, your Nazi Germany analogy is inappropriate.

You're offered the choice of getting a vaccine which carries a miniscule risk of killing you, or catching the virus which has a much greater (but small) risk of killing you or making you very ill.

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: Chadwickus

Again, seriously?

If he is your PCP, who knows your health better than he would?

And if you cannot feel comfortable with his advice, you should have gone elsewhere long ago.

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 01:18 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
My doctor is an osteopath. Board certified. Practices at a for-real hospital with MDs and other DOs.

Osteopaths are real doctors. They can prescribe medicine, treat medical conditions, order medical tests.


The American Medical Association listed D.O.s as "cultists" and deemed M.D. consultation of D.O.s unethical from 1923 until 1962.

M.D.s regarded that osteopathic treatments were rooted in "pseudoscientific dogma", and although physicians from both branches of medicine have been able to meet on common ground, tensions between the two continue.
Guglielmo, WJ (1998)

Overall, osteopathic medical schools have more modest research programs compared to MD schools, and fewer DO schools are part of universities that own a hospital.
Chen C; Mullan F (June 2009)

According to the British National Health Service, "Although osteopaths may use some conventional medical techniques, the use of osteopathy isn't always based on scientific evidence."

Sherri Tenpenny, who has also advocated against face covering to prevent the spread of Covid, is a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine with no training, qualifications or clinical experience in virology.

edit on 7-3-2021 by EvilAxis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 05:08 PM
Another medical doctor. How many do you want. I think I'll kill by a thousand cuts.


posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

You still haven't got the hang of this have you?
Dr Carrie Madej is another osteopath with no qualifications in virology.

She believes, vaccines will, "hook us all up to an artificial intelligence interface". Your first osteopathic quack failed to warn us about this - she said it's designed to kill us. Which one is it Doc?

If you want to learn about vaccines, refer to somebody with expertise in that discipline.

It isn't difficult to grasp. Travelling by air? You need an airline pilot, not a submariner. Got an electrical problem? Call an electrician, not a plumber. Problem with your teeth? Visit the dentist, not the optician. And steer clear of quacks.

edit on 7-3-2021 by EvilAxis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: EvilAxis
It's almost amusing..almost!

Some sense of deja vu just hit me..weird

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 09:05 PM
I've put up about 30 doctors but none are ever good enough. Instantly they are attacked to defend the stupid narrative. All these adverse reactions and deaths are all just a coincidence, must mean nothing. Nothing to see here.

posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: EvilAxis

Wow, I feel like I'm living in the Dark Ages.
I suppose if one digs deep enough, they can de-legitimatize anything.


posted on Mar, 7 2021 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: EvilAxis

Go behind the scenes with an experienced expert, virologist who worked under Anthony Fauci,director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984. She was jailed and now tells all. She has written a book listed below. "Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science," April 14, 2020 by Kent Heckenlively and Judy Mikovits

I think she isolated HIV. Probably not qualified either to the likes of you. LOL

Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ex-Employee, Jailed, Tells All (Full Video) aka Plandemic

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe

I suppose if one digs deep enough, they can de-legitimatize anything.

It's the other way around. Although osteopathy didn't originate from scientific principles or methodology, osteopaths were accepted as medical practitioners in 1962.

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
I've put up about 30 doctors but none are ever good enough.

No you haven't. You cited two osteopaths who, astoundingly, you think are 'good enough'. What kind of judgement does that demonstrate?

If you were defending yourself against a charge of murder, would you employ a criminal lawyer or would two real estate lawyers with contradictory explanations of what went down be good enough?

Please post your list of 30 doctors and make sure they're virologists or epidemiologists.

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
Instantly they are attacked to defend the stupid narrative.

So the vaccine designed to target Covid, but also designed to kill, and also designed to hook us all up to an artificial intelligence interface - that's not the stupid narrative?

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
All these adverse reactions and deaths are all just a coincidence, must mean nothing.

Please provide statistics of, "all these adverse reactions and deaths".

Your latest exhibit - Judy Mikovits - was once a virologist. Unfortunately the scientific achievement which brought her to public attention (evidence that mouse retroviruses cause of a number of human diseases) was unequivocally shown to stem from laboratory contamination and explicit fabrication of data. The paper (which was not about vaccines) was withdrawn, she was fired from her lab, and briefly imprisoned for theft of lab property. Having destroyed her credibility as a virologist, she jumped on the anti-vax bandwagon.

Much of her unedifying saga is recorded here:

If, nevertheless, you want to waste time fact-checking her vaccine claims: 'Plandemic’ is disinformation

Hopefully the other 29 you're going to provide are not serial lying fantasists.

edit on 8-3-2021 by EvilAxis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: slatesteam

Yeah, it’s totally legit to have an osteopath comment on the COVID vaccine.

She’s been spouting anti-vax nonsense for years.

And it’s not about working or not. She’s saying the vaccine is designed to kill people.

There are large panels of Drs all over the world whos messages are not being allowed, they are the top Drs in many cases on just these specialties.

Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated: The Study The CDC Refused To Do -- Interview with Dr. Weiler

It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Medical doctor?

She’s an osteopath.

I guess she must know something
From 1986 to 1998, Tenpenny was the director of the emergency department at Blanchard Valley Hospital in Findlay, Ohio.

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Chadwickus
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Medical doctor?

She’s an osteopath.

Here is a nice lefty link explaining that your attempt at assigning a maligning designation to a D.O. is pure B.S.

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

I guess she must know something

Can't you see the absurdity of that statement?
She's not a virologist.

Would you let an airline maintenance engineer without flight experience or pilot's license fly the plane? Would you let the pilot repair the aircraft in place of the trained engineer? Because they must know something...

Osteopathy and Virology are different disciplines, require different training and different academic achievements.

originally posted by: SeaWorthy

There are large panels of Drs all over the world whos messages are not being allowed, they are the top Drs in many cases on just these specialties.

In that case it should be very easy for you to tell us who they are.

Dr. James Lyons-Weiler has a Ph.D. in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. He is not a medical doctor, still less a virologist.

edit on 8-3-2021 by EvilAxis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

They are All Bad . You would have be an Idiot to take Any Vaccine without Knowing Exactly what is in it ............
edit on 8-3-2021 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith

[Judy Mikovits]

I think she isolated HIV. Probably not qualified either to the likes of you. LOL

That was a lie too.

a reply to: Zanti Misfit

Must be a full time job researching the chemistry of every medication and food you ingest.

edit on 8-3-2021 by EvilAxis because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: EvilAxis

She's not a virologist.

I CAN see the absurdity of that statement!

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: EvilAxis

I am Pretty Sure what is in Any Substance I Ingest , I Read the Label . The Label Has to Under Law , List Every Ingredient contained in Any Over the Counter Medicine or Food Product . The Leftists have not gotten around to Controlling the FDA just yet . You Are what You Eat Oh Evil Angle.........

edit on 8-3-2021 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2021 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

They don't have a clue about Osteopathic Physicians. I was wondering if they would ever figure it out and you had to show them. Chuckle.........

edit on 8-3-2021 by Doctor Smith because: added

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