About the vaccine, yesterday I was at my veterinarians and I was talking with the vet and a customer that was 'around' 54 years old, or close to it.
He was talking about his wife had cancer and she somehow got COVID, so they admitted her into the hospital and she was then transferred to another
hospital close to Dallas, Texas, in other words, a BETTER hospital. The hospitals in my town are pretty bad, it's a small place, so...
She was pretty bad off and they gave her a 10% chance of making it, according to this man, her husband. She was in the hospital for 47 days. I 'think'
that he said that they gave her the shot after the operation, in-between her getting COVID, I can't swear to that now though. He then said that he
also received the shot and that his first shot laid him up for 4 days. He said that was the worst that he has ever felt, but, he still went ahead and
took the second shot, brave man, I wouldn't have. Anyway, they apparently went through hell on account of COVID and cancer.
She had breast cancer and had a double mastectomy, so she was not in the best of health (I assume) when she caught COVID.
I didn't get to finish the conversation because someone came into the room, then my dog was ready to go, so I hope the best for both of them, but it's
just another story to add the already long list of people that sometimes feel worse after the fact. I really wish that I could have continued that
little talk, I did find the time to wish them both well though, I hate hearing about that kind of deal.
He did say that she was making a recovery, slowly but surely, hopefully so.
My point is, we hear all kinds of stories, and I ask everyone that I come into contact with (well, within reason) if they know anyone with COVID, or
if they have had it, and if so, what were the symptoms.
I live in a small town of 25,000 and hardly anyone here abides by the mask rules or the 6 foot rule, and that includes that vet I was at. I asked the
girl behind the counter last week why they didn't wear masks (because up until then, I had been) and she said, "We just don't believe that they are of
any help".
My entire neighborhood doesn't abide by any of it, they have parties, family get-togethers, Christmas, Thanksgiving, you name it, they do it, with
large crowds, as far as I know, nobody has gotten a thing.
I will say that I have a neighbor next door and one across the street (she's pregnant) that 'may' be doing something to combat problems, I no longer
see either of their parents visiting, which was either a daily or frequent thing for the parents to do. That might be because of them trying to
prevent the parents from getting sick, the baby, I don't know, but both sets of parents are my age, late 60's.
edit on 28-2-2021 by recrisp
because: (no reason given)