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Gina Carano Interview Released

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posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: olaru12

It is true that in most company's not just media ones were you work you are given a code of conduct to sign, these days that will usually include clauses relating to social media BUT I would argue that there was NOTHING that miss Carano said that was in any way harmful or threatening to Disney and that since they are NOT a government agency any such clause would be ruled unconstitutional in a united states civil rights court if it was seen to infringe the individual right to free speech outside of there employer, she said nothing about Disney in her comment but there false accusation has given her licence to speak her mind were the are concerned also so any such clause is now null and void on account of the fact that it is Disney that have then broken the contract, if one side breaks a contract while the other may then sue for restitution they they are then no longer contractually bound since the other side has broken it.

It may be corporate practice in the US but I am pretty certain that under your laws it is also illegal to censor an employees free speech if that speech is not aimed at the company or bring it into disrepute, the idea that an actress or actor is a brand and so alienating any fans can then tarnish that brand and the company's investment could be used but if so in this case she tarnished nothing, her comment was not even racist, homophobic or any other such thing that she was accused of but just pointing out that cancel culture is similar to how other forms of persecution have began which is actually historically provable so since facts can not be rendered as bringing into disrepute you have to then realize that Disney is the one that is in contractual breach here NOT Miss Carano.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: olaru12

It is true that in most company's not just media ones were you work you are given a code of conduct to sign, these days that will usually include clauses relating to social media BUT I would argue that there was NOTHING that miss Carano said that was in any way harmful or threatening to Disney and that since they are NOT a government agency any such clause would be ruled unconstitutional in a united states civil rights court if it was seen to infringe the individual right to free speech outside of there employer, she said nothing about Disney in her comment but there false accusation has given her licence to speak her mind were the are concerned also so any such clause is now null and void on account of the fact that it is Disney that have then broken the contract, if one side breaks a contract while the other may then sue for restitution they they are then no longer contractually bound since the other side has broken it.

It may be corporate practice in the US but I am pretty certain that under your laws it is also illegal to censor an employees free speech if that speech is not aimed at the company or bring it into disrepute, the idea that an actress or actor is a brand and so alienating any fans can then tarnish that brand and the company's investment could be used but if so in this case she tarnished nothing, her comment was not even racist, homophobic or any other such thing that she was accused of but just pointing out that cancel culture is similar to how other forms of persecution have began which is actually historically provable so since facts can not be rendered as bringing into disrepute you have to then realize that Disney is the one that is in contractual breach here NOT Miss Carano.

That's why I wished Gina well with her lawsuit. I've worked for Disney on their movies, I'm not one of their fans.

But still comparing the Republicans to Jews is something only a dumbass would consider.

This might better explain where Lucas Films is coming from.... 2966

edit on 22-2-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: olaru12

To be fair I don't think she did, she compared the Cancel culture, the hatred to the NAZI's not the republicans to Jewry.

That is just looking at her thoughts the other way around and NOT how I believe she intended it to be taken but you have a point in that such is the argument someone debating against her would take.

Yes comparing political ideology to race is not correct but the basic premise of her argument was stop hating, stop persecuting this is how this began irrational hatred that became generational and generational hatred that ended in genocide.

Personally I hate Tory's since I am a centre left brit - ok I don't hate them but I despise there politics and only grudgingly agree on some points because the left is often too far left for me and the liberal democrats are weak and have almost nothing in common with my own personal beliefs and convictions so like millions I find myself without suitable representation in parliament and default to Labour even if I no longer like them.

In short our politics are almost like yours but skewed the other way a bit.

And I agree you can not draw an analogy between a political group and a race but once again I don't think that is what she was doing, she was pointing out the irrational hatred and it's terrible outcome and as far as her intentions were I agree with her absolutely, as an outsider looking in the US is wracked with hatred and that can never be good, a house divided can not stand.

And I still think she would win her case should she choose to prosecute them if she had a good contract lawyer and get a mega settlement from Disney as well as suing them for defamation and attempting to destroy her career to cover there own arses which would give her an even bigger pay out.

Because I think it is clear cut and dried that the argument she made was NOT the interpretation you have put on it and to argue that particular interpretation would be easily dismissed since her intent was to draw an analogy between the current hatred between group's not to liken the hated to the victims in this particular case though you know beliefs are beliefs and persecuting someone for there beliefs then add to that the huge amount of anti white racism prevalent on the Democrat side, perverse when the Democrats are really the Heirs of the confederacy and the Republicans Heirs of old Abraham Lincoln don't you think.

It was the Republicans that fought to FREE the slaves, end oppression and were the BLUE BELLIES while the democrats were more or less the Johnny Reb's and you can check that it is a fact regardless of how things have panned out today.

edit on 22-2-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Yes, perhaps I'm more left and can't give any Qanon cultist, trump bootlicker much credibility; But she still deserves her day in court. Although being familiar with the legal system in the US, Gina will be ground to dust emotionally and financially before it ever reaches trial. That's the way the American corporate oligarchy has it set up. We're not sophisticated as you folks in Britain. It's always in the Big dogs favor and when you go up against them, be prepared to get bitten in the ass.

Discretion is the better part of Valor in Corporate America. Free speech is just an ideological phantom. Or to use the vernacular here in tamalewood, "play stupid games, win stupid prizes"

anything else?
edit on 22-2-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: olaru12

An analogy?
They have taken away a persons right to speak and her opinion
Your government and media are oppressing people, you don’t get it
What Carano said was bad?

You don’t get it, I get it

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

And that is perfectly normal and people get fired or resign because of those differences of opinion.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 07:50 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: infolurker

You mean Consequence Culture.

She said things her employer didn't like. So they chose not to renew her contract.

So you can't have the wrong opinion in Hollywood or you lose you Job ?
That is a double edged sword that will one day bite the lefties as well, it's just a matter of when and how.
(Have a look at Bill Maher debating Ben Affleck)
Some people on the left get away with outrageous political/social statements from my perspective and nothing happens to them.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: olaru12

An analogy?
They have taken away a persons right to speak and her opinion
Your government and media are oppressing people, you don’t get it
What Carano said was bad?

You don’t get it, I get it

I have an opinion of you, but I'm not going to express it because I would be banned from ATS.
Apparently Gina didn't get it; that Opinions have consequences when you run your mouth on social media. It was in her contract and she chose to ignore it.

Do you get it now?
edit on 22-2-2021 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

How many teachers at christian schools haven't been fired for doing things against the "schools policy"?

This isn't a leftie just started this sort of thing issue. Cancel cultures roots lie in conservative dogma. If you don't like that the atheist is running for office. Then you then enact laws ensuring they can't be in office. You don't like interracial marriage. You create laws to ban it. So on and so forth.

Don't be angry that the other side is using your tactics against you.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 09:26 PM


posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 09:57 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: olaru12

An analogy?
They have taken away a persons right to speak and her opinion
Your government and media are oppressing people, you don’t get it
What Carano said was bad?

You don’t get it, I get it

I have an opinion of you, but I'm not going to express it because I would be banned from ATS.
Apparently Gina didn't get it; that Opinions have consequences when you run your mouth on social media. It was in her contract and she chose to ignore it.

Do you get it now?

You are completely ignorant on this subject. Trying putting in some research.

(1) Kathleen Kennedy has been lookin for an excuse to fire Gina for a long time. People showing love for the character of Cara Dune completely destroys KKs false narrative that people disliked the terrible new trilogy because they are against strong independent women.

(2) You have ignored all the double standards from the left. They do and say worse, going as far death threats yet are never held accountable. Gina's first offense was not putting a pronoun in her twitter bio. Right now this minute, there still far left actors that work for Disney that still don't have their pronoun's listed. They will never be held to the same standard because they support the far left.

(3) Pedro Pascal and other Disney actors have tweeted far worse. Pedro called all Trump supporters Yahtzees and white supremacists (completely ignoring all the minorities that voted for Trump). Why isnt' he fired? You are totally OK with that though aren't you? Double standards are always OK with the far left.

(4) This has nothing to do with policy. This has to do with not falling in line with the far let group think. Nothing she posted was offensive. She never alluded to who she votes for what side she takes. If you find anything offense with her tweets, then that is just a rorschach test showing how ill your mind is. Left always projecting.

(5) The fact she was fired proves her point. The left are are dehumanizing their political opponents in order to justify all of the hate and malice they have for people who don't think (brainwashed) like they are. Meanwhile, they are free to do and say what they want without repercussions. Rules for Thee, but for Me.

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
a reply to: olaru12

An analogy?
They have taken away a persons right to speak and her opinion
Your government and media are oppressing people, you don’t get it
What Carano said was bad?

You don’t get it, I get it

NOTHING she said was bad, the left in the US have been calling for death to there enemy's, the downfall of the state and sheltering racists that are calling for race war against whites and condoning genocide, one girl whom simply said ALL LIVES MATTER was murdered for standing up to them.

Don't you get it THEY ARE THAT BAD.

(Oh not all of them and there are evil on both sides that are just as bad as one another but the centre of both party is more moderate of course and more sane).

edit on 22-2-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: infolurker

You mean Consequence Culture.

She said things her employer didn't like. So they chose not to renew her contract.

If you say things the government doesn’t like, then they should be able to choose to terminate your social contract too, am i right?

posted on Feb, 22 2021 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: grey580
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

How many teachers at christian schools haven't been fired for doing things against the "schools policy"?

This isn't a leftie just started this sort of thing issue. Cancel cultures roots lie in conservative dogma. If you don't like that the atheist is running for office. Then you then enact laws ensuring they can't be in office. You don't like interracial marriage. You create laws to ban it. So on and so forth.

Don't be angry that the other side is using your tactics against you.

She did not do or say anything against their policy. Stop pushing this false narrative. If anything she did was against policy, then Pedro Pascal and many other Disney employees deserve to be fired because they have done what Gina is accused of x10.

Cancel cultures roots do not lie in conservative culture. That is a lie. Cancel culture is a product of extremists who think their way of life is the right way. Right now, the Left are the current leaders of Cancel Culture. Even if you agree with them, you are still in danger of being cancelled.

Your tribalist mind doesn't seem to be able to grasps these facts, so you point the finger at the other side while constantly ignoring your side committing the far worse actions.

Gina's tweet was about this very subject. Yaht-zees came to power caused by division from Government who dehumanized political opponents. Her point stands true, we are being divided and that allows bad actors to invade and conquer. This isn't right or left thing. It's a reflection on history. If we don't want history to repeat itself, people need to wake up and see we are being divided. Go ahead keep being a tribalist and accusing other of being cultists while ignoring your own cult like behavior.

It's crazy a beer commercial gets it.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: kyosuke
She did not do or say anything against their policy. Stop pushing this false narrative. If anything she did was against policy, then Pedro Pascal and many other Disney employees deserve to be fired because they have done what Gina is accused of x10.

This is why the phrase "at our sole discretion", and similar, are important. Here is an example from the T&Cs of ATS:

17) Rights In Posted Materials: ... TAN has the authority to decide to display your postings or not, and you grant TAN the right to modify your posts, remove offensive material, modify your post title to accurately reflect content, remove vulgar comments, remove insults, or delete any other content deemed inappropriate, all at our discretion.

That means that even if you think a meme posted by Pedro is 10x more offensive than the meme Gina posted, TAN decides however they want.

That is what happened at disney.

Cancel cultures roots do not lie in conservative culture. That is a lie. Cancel culture is a product of extremists who think their way of life is the right way.

That has been the MO of the religious right for quite some time.

They never said the left isn't doing it, just that some segments of the right have also been doing it, for some time now.

edit on 23-2-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: daskakik

It does not matter who judges policy, the point is, she did not break policy. She is being cancelled for not bending the knee to leftist extremists who target her, because she tried to stay apolitical. Also, she was fired because Kathleen Kennedy has a personal issue with her. Cara Dune destroyed the fake narrative that Star Wars fans hate women.

Has nothing to do with breaking policy. Has more to do with identity politics and KK's hurt ego.

Cancel culture is a product of extremists. Extremists seek power. In getting power they often hide behind ideals of good such as Religion or Social Justice. This is not a right or left thing. I don't care where you think it's rooted. That's not relevant. Currently, the left own cancel culture, and are backed by the establishment. As such, we are seeing heinous double standards in how rules and justice are applied. Gina being fired proves her point.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: kyosuke

Cara Dune destroyed the fake narrative that Star Wars fans hate women.

What narrative, fake or otherwise?? I've never heard that one before.

Major characters in every facet of Star Wars have been women, strong women, at that.

I'll admit to having a crush on Carrie Fisher when I was a teenager and Star Wars came out summer of '77.

Nope, that's a new one on me.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: kyosuke
It does not matter who judges policy, the point is, she did not break policy.

Legally, it does.

Has nothing to do with breaking policy. Has more to do with identity politics and KK's hurt ego.

That could be the case but legally, KK has the upper hand.

I don't care where you think it's rooted.

And, truth doesn't care what you think.

ETA: What that poster was pointing out was that before Cancel Culture was trademarked as such, segments on the right were doing the same thing so while the "name" might belong to one side, those types of actions do not.
edit on 23-2-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 02:48 PM
Just watched the interview.

I haven't been overly impressed with her as an actor but at the same time she didn't do that badly either.

As a person however, I gained more respect for her in that she seems like a person who refuses to fit into a mold and values integrity and fairness above all else. Of course, that will sooner or later clash with someone (as it has).

It doesn't matter if this had been a right wing cancellation of the left, the fact that it happens at all is troublesome to say the least.

So, even though this has been going on for a good while, people like her standing up may make a difference some day. Big thumbs up to Gina on this one.

posted on Feb, 23 2021 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: olaru12

I read the comments there was nothing wrong with them.

"Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,"

This sounds reasonable First step is to separate and devide people.

We need to clean up the election process so we are not left feeling the way we do today.
Put laws in place that protect us against voter fraud.
Investigate every state.
Film the counting.
Flush out the fake votes.
Require ID.
Make Voter Fraud end in 2020.
Fix the system.

Again wanting fair elections sounds good to me

And looking at her tweets seems to be against child trafficing so im not sure why people believe this should have gotten her fired. I will say i will miss her on the Mandalorian it was interesting. But i decided to cancel my subsciption to disney plus that was the only reason i had it.

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