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Chinese professor claims ancient civilization is a western plot...

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posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:06 PM
Chinese professor Huang Heqing has proposed the idea that Eurocentric models of historical accounts on ancient Levant, southern Europe, and even including the Indus valley people and ancient India, are fabrications to as Taiwan english news reported:

A Chinese professor claims that the Egyptian pyramids, the Parthenon, and other remnants of ancient civilizations in the West, were all faked by Western scholars in order to fabricate an ancient history, and diminish the glory of China.

Initially reported by []Hong Kong News[/url] the professor of a well established university has almost abruptly given his rather conspiratorial account of the west fabricating almost everything involved in ancient cultures and ways of life, battles, reforms, etc, etc. as fabrications by European and western nations. A rather bold claim on his account.

I will point out a rather humorous comment on the TEN article linked above to sort out this blatant attempt to revise history.

First someone invents the Homeric epics the Illiad and the Odyssey (and all their derivate works like the Aeneid and the Divine Comedy), then invents the ruins of Troy AND then let someone like Schliemann start digging – ALL in some few years with the purpose of degrading China. Without anyone in the European cultural elite objecting to this? Sure.

That Huang Heqing grew up during the Cultural Revolution, where those that couldn’t doublethink were executed, explains a lot of his “reasoning”.

On a personal note, this is a stark reminder of what lengths, and how far gone the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) have gone to ensure such rhetoric and how far they have strayed from Maoist contradictions. In 2008, I will point out that a great statue of the Empire builder Genghis Khan, standing 30 meters in height was erected glorifying Mongol independence, a sort of symbol to stick it to Beijing. Which clearly struck a nerve considering in October 2020 an exhibit to show case the historical figure was met with backlash:

It said the Chinese authorities demanded that certain words, including “Genghis Khan,” “Empire” and “Mongol” be taken out of the show. Subsequently, it said that they asked for power over exhibition brochures, legends and maps.

Any attempts to revise, or sway historical facts and efforts is unacceptable.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: strongfp

Made me chuckle, China are Liars (Sorry to tar and feather all many individuals are honourable and honest but there is no denying history on this point), have been since the beginning of recorded history and still are.

Qin Shi Huang (Emperor Chin) he wanted to be known as the first emperor of China but of course he was not BUT he destroyed all history of the seven kingdoms that was a threat to him, had the scholars that would not lie (proof that not ALL Chinese are liars as to them to lie was the greatest form of dishonour and they had given there lives to recording and protecting history and literature so they chose to die rather than rewrite history to suit him) murdered and burned all there book's.

In China there are a great number of pyramid's including what should rightly be a huge tourist attraction today the once over a thousand foot tall (Artificial mountain far larger than the great pyramid in Egypt) WHITE PYRAMID, it once had a glittering giant gem on top and it's sides shone white in the sun until the communists and there cultural revolution when it was destroyed, it is still there but not recognizable to accounts of it even from the 1940's when western pilot's reported seeing it.

The cultural Revolution was another period of trying to erase the past to create a lie and brainwash there people and the rest of the world as to the true nature and history of China, the Han it seems were once a minor tribe but for the past two thousand years have been butchering and eradicating there competition - oh and they are one of the most racist peoples in the world seeing all NON Han as barbarian and inferior to themselves whom they truly believe to be a superior form of human being.

One of the problems they have is that much evidence of ancient China suggests that many who lived there were NOT what we see today as east Asian, in fact they may have been very European like in appearance and the famous mummies of the Taklamakan desert are just a remnant of that ancient people whom may very well have been the true original founders of Chinese civilization - and they were despite there appearance NOT European's but a different ethnic group, distantly related but separate nonetheless.

Long, long after it was built the great white pyramid had a Chinese general buried in one side of it in a tomb dug out of the already standing pyramid, so it is convenient for them to claim it was built for him, it was not and is far older.

The Chinese communists were so paranoid of these western seeming remains that and fear that the west would RECLAIM land that may have once belonged to people that to the Chinese seemed to be very western that they even ordered farmers to FARM on the side of pyramids to hide them and try to wear them down over time.
This is daily motion, youtube seems to have LOST these videos, hmmm I wonder why?.

China lives Lies, the communist party of China is BUILT on Lies.

This man is just towing the party line, the truth is probably far weirder and many Chinese even identifying themselves as Han are probably descended at least partially from that long vanished WHITE - but not European race of China.

Though in fact China probably had MANY root cultures and at least some of those would definitely have been fully native south east Asian.

edit on 13-2-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:28 PM
That does not make any sense. Some very old pyramids are in China, and the Chinese will not let hardly anyone come there and start digging around because they could contain treasures and ancient remains of people in the past. I belong to a group that has people go investigate ancient stuff, and they go to India and South America and all over the world checking out these things and a few made movies about them. One had got a chance to visit an old pyramid in China, covered mostly with grass and trees, and he said it was very old. He was not allowed to snoop around much or even pick up a shovel. But he got to see one and was allowed to take a few pictures as long as he did not put them on his TV show, which he didn't do...but we saw one of them in his slides. They just do not want westerners coming there and robbing them of artifacts....something that has happened a lot in other ancient sites around the world. If they go into a museum, they should go into a Chinese museum, not one elsewhere in the world..

He had lots of pictures of big ancient structures in India, those old buildings put the pyramids around Italy to shame and are very old. One has a bunch of stone statues on it, all naked people, kind of cool. I guess the British made everyone move away from that old temple because it was not Christian like when they were running India. Now it is just a tourist trap and from the looks of it, soldiers or someone shot the hell out of some of the stone artwork in places.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

It has been said that even the Chinese communists fear the wrath of the spirits of the past, that they fear to Excavate Emperor Qin's tomb for example despite the fact it definitely will contain huge amounts of treasure, that tomb is also a pyramid but despite being far younger than the likes of the ancient white pyramid and despite the white pyramid having been trashed by a later large tomb being dug into it's side to house an influential general the pyramid of Qin is bow sided and looks far more like a hill than does the ancient white pyramid that may be many thousands of years older indicating that not only did an unknown previous civilization in China build bigger they built better, many pyramids though were definitely built both by and during the seven kingdoms period and some even into early Chinese dynastic periods but none of these come close to the more mysterious giant's like the great white pyramid - so called because at least one side used to have huge white stone slabs while the other three supposedly had slabs of different colours.

Another reason is that they do not want evidence proving they are not the original inhabitant's and perhaps there civilization was not originally founded by people that looked like they do today to come to light as it would be a shock to there self identity and national pride.

edit on 13-2-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: strongfp

S+F !!

GREAT post !

We should all push back like you do against anyone from any side attempting to revise history.

edit on 13-2-2021 by M5xaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: rickymouse

It has been said that even the Chinese communists fear the wrath of the spirits of the past, that they fear to Excavate Emperor Qin's tomb for example despite the fact it definitely will contain huge amounts of treasure, that tomb is also a pyramid but despite being far younger than the likes of the ancient white pyramid and despite the white pyramid having been trashed by a later large tomb being dug into it's side to house an influential general the pyramid of Qin is bow sided and looks far more like a hill than does the ancient white pyramid that may be many thousands of years older indicating that not only did an unknown previous civilization in China build bigger they built better, many pyramids though were definitely built both by and during the seven kingdoms period and some even into early Chinese dynastic periods but none of these come close to the more mysterious giant's like the great white pyramid - so called because at least one side used to have huge white stone slabs while the other three supposedly had slabs of different colours.

Another reason is that they do not want evidence proving they are not the original inhabitant's and perhaps there civilization was not originally founded by people that looked like they do today to come to light as it would be a shock to there self identity and national pride.

That second paragraph seems rational. If archeologists start digging around they will be carting off all sorts of things saying it is not the Chinese people's relatives...basically stealing things by claiming it is theirs if they find white people DNA in a tomb.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Doesn't explain why the Chinese Government doesn't do public digs of these sites like in modern day Egypt. The artifacts could easily be cataloged and kept inside China for research.

This sounds more like the socialist regime doesn't want the Chinese people to have evidence of their heritage so they can't question their place in history.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

Fascinating. Thank you

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Also a very good point.

OR that they do not want there people to realize they are in fact MANY peoples with distinct history's and much to be proud of in there distant past, they want to harmonize and homogenise there society into moulded controlled sheep that do the party's bidding and never question.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 06:16 PM
To be fair I had a comparatively good education including college but it is true that you will not be taught much if anything about ancient China. Western history has downplayed their developments and achievements which are numerous. The Boxer rebellion was barely 100 years ago yet the Western powers were playing China as if it were just any old colony for labor and profit.

Yes the CCP is a bunch of lying so and so's exactly like many in Washington. We should educate ourselves on China and learn why they might have long standing hatreds against the Western powers. To them the last few decades have been their comeuppance and they feel history is preparing for their time in the limelight of world powers.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

Not that long ago, China had the worlds largest and most advance naval fleet in the world. The Emperor was so impressed with this fleet's size that he had it recalled and destroyed due to fear that the Admiral would dethrone him. Chine then went on a closing up era. This is what China has done many times in the past when it faces disgrace about it's policies. During the time of Plague (the 14th Century) China was all but forgotten, even though it was a major trade partner with many places in the west. It wasn't due to the Mongol invasion's, it was due to their own policies.

What do you think China will do when the Plague starts up again, and it can once again be traced back to them? They will do what it has always done... close up it's boarders. Look at how it dealt with the SARS Corona Virus. Shut down the town, refuse to answer any questions, and blame every other country for it's mistakes. Regimes change but the people that make up those regimes are still the same.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: strongfp

We might have a hard job faking the pyramids in this day of age never mind the recent past. LoL

Same with the Parthenon, or older parts of it anyhoo.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

"Western" And Eurocentric history is a bit of a touchy subject, but it has taken the right steps to correct it's faults. Revising history can be conducted in a responsible, peer reviewed, and archaeological way, but to blatantly call the the great pyramids of Giza (and this is an understatement) a rather modern fabrication? Is not only dishonest, but a blatant insult to the thousands of academics, and field archaeologists who have devoted their lives to studying such feats of human civilization.

Chinese history runs deep, and you bring up a good point, it's recognition is rather pushed aside, we can discuss Chinese history for hours, days, and it's very interesting, all the way up to the Opium wars, to the great leap forward. The stark reality is, who ever is incharge in China, is trying to build a lie.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 09:19 PM
Hmmm ... sounds like either getting a doctorate in China is easier than elsewhere or the dude's had some loved ones disappear.

I'm not enamored of individuals who lack solidity in their spines and suckle at the teat of tyranny, but that's just me. Perhaps if my soul gets beaten a bit more, I'll come around to the "truth is written by the winners" mindset. It's easy to judge from afar, though that mindset of "power is truth" is creeping across the "free" world, too.

posted on Feb, 13 2021 @ 09:59 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
It once had a glittering giant gem on top and it's sides shone white in the sun until the communists and there cultural revolution when it was destroyed, it is still there but not recognizable to accounts of it even from the 1940's when western pilot's reported seeing it.

One looks at the current condition of the Great Pyramid, and thinks "How could anybody wreck such a magnificent structure, using it as a rock quarry?"

Then we see evidence of it happening in our own time...
edit on 13-2-2021 by gb540 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 03:57 AM
Study and learn about ancient civilizations usually takes you to the bitter conclusion that they were smarter than us.

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Trueman

Not really, but it is important to remember that Stone Age societies had 10s of thousands of years to develop, and we've barely had 4 thousand years to try and figure things out.

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: strongfp

All goes to prove there are Chinese professors that happen to be as nutty as a fruit cake.

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 05:46 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Asktheanimals

"Western" And Eurocentric history is a bit of a touchy subject, but it has taken the right steps to correct it's faults. Revising history can be conducted in a responsible, peer reviewed, and archaeological way, but to blatantly call the the great pyramids of Giza (and this is an understatement) a rather modern fabrication? Is not only dishonest, but a blatant insult to the thousands of academics, and field archaeologists who have devoted their lives to studying such feats of human civilization.

Chinese history runs deep, and you bring up a good point, it's recognition is rather pushed aside, we can discuss Chinese history for hours, days, and it's very interesting, all the way up to the Opium wars, to the great leap forward. The stark reality is, who ever is in charge in China, is trying to build a lie.

All too true, yet if we look at the world there are clues that at least suggest that civilization is far older than our current ethnic division's, indeed the true history of the earth if we get past entrenched and still stuck in the 1800's views of human history is very intriguing.

Yes these may be just stones and it may be seeing sheep in clouds but what if in fact they were once carved by man perhaps even long vanished ethnicity's that no longer exist upon the earth.

How about a statue/carved figure the size of a mountain side that may once have been adorned in blue but whose features many have likened to east Asians of today but in entirely the wrong part of the world (unless after some ancient cataclysm survivors migrated to places they had not formerly dwelt and left there one time homelands now washed away behind them).

Or huge stones that appear to be placed, artificially shaped and yet are larger even than the behemoth's at Baalbek (Which are a mystery as well since neither the Romans nor the Greek's before them had the capability of moving such stones and other sites for example the Parthenon seems to have been built on before the Greek civilization claimed the site, perhaps even before the Mycenaeans though the temples and ruins we know today are definitely Classical Greek just not the structure they were built upon which may be far older ruins of a fortress or older city acropolis or palace).

While subjective and not proven to be anything at all these are still intriguing, there are many others as well such as the Carpathian sphynx, most likely a natural formation but definitely a site of ritual for a very long time perhaps even dating back to the time of the Neanderthal but perhaps once it could have been carved or at least made to look more anthropomorphic by some ancient being.

Of course I won't touch on the thorny subject of the Bosnian Pyramids but in there instance I believe they may very well be artificial.

None of this is proof however but it does place Eurocentric views on the backburner at least as far as unknown prehistoric civilization is concerned.

posted on Feb, 14 2021 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: gb540

Sadly all too true.

Robbing out as we call it has occurred throughout human history, the superstitious nature and ancestor worship of the Chinese however - did - afford some protection at the cultural level to many of there ancient sites until that is the cultural revolution, after that much was lost and will now never be recovered not only destroying there own history but that of a greater part of humanity in the process.

The cultural revolution was a time of murder, cannibalism and starvation on a scale not seen before in recorded human history, Mao wanted to wipe the slate clean and erase all that had come before just as Qin had done in his time, while Qin worked millions to death building his wall, his palace (which took years to burn down after a revolt following his death) and his tomb Mao had the educated murdered, school children butchered there teachers, village elders were hung or shot or beaten to death and the farmers were driven from there land causing mass starvation, societal collapse and catastrophe into which the starving millions could only huddle in the less than merciful arms of the communist party to try to escape.

This left them with a generation that knew nothing that had come before, nothing of the pre-communist era and nothing of there own historical once magnificent past.

But in an ironic twist of history the very same thing that made tradition so important to the pre-communist Chinese once stagnated there civilization, they once had a grand fleet that sailed as far as the east coast of the America's and were set to rule the world in the 13 and 14 hundreds BUT after the forward thinking progressive emperor died his successor was an insular man inspired by the writings of Confucius that wanted China to look inward and closed the borders to the outside world (even burning the mighty junk's of the grand fleet, ship's almost as large as some modern steel hulled ships to the waterline and destroying much of the writings from there expeditions as well though there are some that claim there are Chinese ruins in Australia perhaps a gold mining colony founded by the grand fleet then forgotten but then again there are also much more provable claims of ancient Egyptian contact with Australia they even had a pyramid that was destroyed in an act of historic vandalism *** ), in the next hundred to a hundred and fifty years the rest of the world leapfrogged over china and surpassed them in almost all areas of technology and science as well as Europe becoming the dominant force in the world, itself rediscovering the Americas and going on a period of empire building and expansion which China had just given up on.

Todays communists are resurrecting much of that past China but in there own interpretation of it and rewording ancient writings to use them to brainwash and control there masses of people while looking enviously and covetously upon Taiwan were a remnant of what was still survives and were ancient traditions still hold sway.


The Gimpie Pyramid was sadly demolished almost completely and robbed out it's stones used for building elsewhere, sadly something that has happened right through human history and one reason there are not ruined mega city's just lying everywhere for us to stumble on, they get cleared away and there stones re-used.

edit on 14-2-2021 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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