But this incident had a noise and an electronic hiccup attached and it makes it difficult to write off as my own unconscious doings. What is this,
assuming truth and a modicum of sanity?
Watch the water....I mean watch the electrons.
Current is current and with the new smart dispensation
of current....the home is basically a cell.
A prison cell where torture ensues based on
your social cred (compliance).
You cannot discuss this around LE because you will be evaluated.
During this routine, do avoid all references to the EM spectrum if you
want to be taken off hold in 12 hours
Kathryn Ross had a good line in Stepford.
She said “If I’m right it’s even worse than being crazy....”
Many will opt for ‘crazy’ rather than to understand the monster we allowed
to invade our bodies, homes, and souls, ie., accept it, as the new normal,
and like a good neighbor
report those who
do not.
My screen does the same thing when the current starts jacking.
(Digital signals are sensitive, usually all or nothing)
You can feel and hear the pressure change.
The inputs are satellite controlled, and are made possible via smart metering.
Eventually the sats will be so refined at reading your bioelectric aura
that digital valves won’t be necessary for neural ‘monitoring’; however, since the system packs
enough energy to kill, damage, or slowly disable a person, or any material
really, the police, firemen, and paramedics will continue to make arrests
and keep records
about anyone who says boo about this, because this is your future.
And baby, if this doesn’t make you feel violated then nothing will.
It means you have nothing left to violate.
But all is not lost
you can rat out neighbors to boost your social cred....
Welcome to Park Ridge, it’s a wonderful place!
And it is everywhere, just like
a cloud, an invisible cloud.
If you haven’t developed your spirit relations with God, I would advise you start,
because the plan is nothing less than demonic. Assume your eyes are occupied, for starters.
Transmitting straight to mister quantum computer, along with everything else.
Electrorheology (fluid clutch dynamics) is involved in this biodigital convergence (technofascist picner attack)
but I say God first. God was there first, and I say God has been waiting for this and is properly pissed,
whether you believe in the ‘immaterial’ realm or not. It exists. Count on it.
# 1399
edit on 19-5-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)