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Ridiculous 3:33 A.M. Pesterings

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posted on May, 8 2021 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: olaru12

I didn't feel any malevolence but I don't want to step on any curandero's toes either.

As funny as that sentiment can be to most educated secular westerners as well as the self I was, I agree, amigo.

I still can't wrap my paradigm around it on some days.

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 07:33 AM
I think sunlight being that it is radiation either impairs or interferes with these things. Reason being roughly between 1 - 3 AM are the darkest hours when the Sun is on the opposite side of the planet, also the ambient heat radiation also has to dissipate from the environment that accumulated from the day. 1-2 billion years of no immediately perceivable life is odd. So entities that like cold and light starved (Dark) places.

Use the Timebar at the bottom to see where the Night cast:

Zoom Earth
edit on 9-5-2021 by TheKestrel04 because: added link

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Ok, I avoided responding due to what I perceived as poor communications... but I don't want to be rude.

I didn't mean paranormal phenomena wasn't legitimate. It certainly exists.

I meant that it was obtuse and hard to unravel and could be perceived as one dimensional and dull witted in some instances.

This gets into belief systems and the whole "good" and "bad" paradigms that, in my estimation, bury oneself in self constructed worlds that may or may not have any bearing on actualities. Personal world constructions may also be the primary reality... but I dunno for certain.

If the prayer, religious constructs and self cleaning work as protective measures, then wonderful! I just refrain from asserting certainties in case it's incorrect. I also would never want to infect someone with my personal chronic doubt, either.

I am glad you are better and Sled is a peach! I posted in that thread several years ago, myself.
edit on 5/9/2021 by Baddogma because: comma removal

posted on May, 9 2021 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: TheKestrel04

Yeah to sunlight (and "Hi" Kestrel... been awhile since seeing that avatar!).

I admit to a general sense of relief and blissful rest once the sun came up during my several years of experiencing what this thread described.

I still find it very weird that these things occur ... and in such numbers. Whatever we call these things, and the names could fill several pages, they are obviously more involved in our human experience than common modern philosophy admits.

posted on May, 19 2021 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

I have a complete chronological so called diary here on Sleep Paralysis [sled735 thread] and also on another separate blog on my witness of UFOs. Their timing coincides. I prayed to God and all disappeared in Spring 2019. They haven't been back since.

I do not need any kind of help but I finally reached out and will see a medical professional who handles the above sort of stuff as I want "their" take. Many don't have the ballz to discuss. I finally found one as I sent them my materials. I need a professional stamp on this stuff so I can discuss it in public as a speaker.

posted on May, 19 2021 @ 01:20 PM

But this incident had a noise and an electronic hiccup attached and it makes it difficult to write off as my own unconscious doings. What is this, assuming truth and a modicum of sanity?

Watch the water....I mean watch the electrons.
Current is current and with the new smart dispensation
of current....the home is basically a cell.
A prison cell where torture ensues based on
your social cred (compliance).

You cannot discuss this around LE because you will be evaluated.
During this routine, do avoid all references to the EM spectrum if you
want to be taken off hold in 12 hours
Kathryn Ross had a good line in Stepford.

She said “If I’m right it’s even worse than being crazy....”

Many will opt for ‘crazy’ rather than to understand the monster we allowed
to invade our bodies, homes, and souls, ie., accept it, as the new normal,
and like a good neighbor
report those who
do not.

My screen does the same thing when the current starts jacking.
(Digital signals are sensitive, usually all or nothing)
You can feel and hear the pressure change.
The inputs are satellite controlled, and are made possible via smart metering.

Eventually the sats will be so refined at reading your bioelectric aura
that digital valves won’t be necessary for neural ‘monitoring’; however, since the system packs
enough energy to kill, damage, or slowly disable a person, or any material
really, the police, firemen, and paramedics will continue to make arrests
and keep records
about anyone who says boo about this, because this is your future.
And baby, if this doesn’t make you feel violated then nothing will.

It means you have nothing left to violate.
But all is not lost
you can rat out neighbors to boost your social cred....

Welcome to Park Ridge, it’s a wonderful place!
And it is everywhere, just like
a cloud, an invisible cloud.

If you haven’t developed your spirit relations with God, I would advise you start,
because the plan is nothing less than demonic. Assume your eyes are occupied, for starters.
Transmitting straight to mister quantum computer, along with everything else.
Electrorheology (fluid clutch dynamics) is involved in this biodigital convergence (technofascist picner attack)
but I say God first. God was there first, and I say God has been waiting for this and is properly pissed,
whether you believe in the ‘immaterial’ realm or not. It exists. Count on it.

# 1399
edit on 19-5-2021 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: TheWhiteKnight

Well ...


THAT was veeeeeeeeery unsettling and very close to what I perceive as possible (probable, even) on my darker flights of fancy ... or postulations.

I prefer a nicer dreamworld, personally, and cling to the view that personal consciousness is more primary and powerful than anything.

I just hope preference and hope hold more power than dark schemers and quantum demons!

We are what we consume... and think, but it's difficult to discern exactly where the metaphorical tires of whimsy meet the hot asphalt of any common "reality."

I'll just hope that any dark, frightened power gets bored with total control and realizes freedom brings unexpected fun.

One allegedly has to get through hell to get to heaven, but that ignores that some folks like the journey more than the destination.

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

One allegedly has to get through hell to get to heaven, but that ignores that some folks like the journey more than the destination.

Ya know BD, the Pope apparently admitted that hell was a lie. (source somewhere here on ATS).

When I was young and impetuous and moved in dowsing circles, a senior (American Christian) dowser challenged the upstart to a challenge; "Dowse the Devil!"

He wanted to put me in my place apparently.

I came back and told him and the others of my adventure with the Devil.

"The devil is a lie." is what I told them.


When people believe lies they build the lie as a thought form in the world of thought-feeling.

Below the cathedrals and churches of old Europe are intricate hells of many "levels". They actually push down on the (ley? energy?) lines of the earth to make a cage of sorts. Such is the power of ritual combined with belief.

The American churches are far simpler. A simple hell below an abandoned church in Idaho is what I "visited" at at the time. One fellow was there all alone. The pastor had told him sinners go to hell, he believed it.

The only thing I said to him was this: "You can walk out of here if you want."

With that he was gone.

One might say in a western sense: Black lies are the demons, white lies are the angels.

To understand the Astral and all the illusion is simple.

Demons to the left,
angels to the right,
simply walk the middle path.

edit on 21-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Dante's Inferno should be required reading

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: penroc3

Dante's Inferno should be required reading

As fiction.


My own best guess (from nothing more than reading a tad and then sitting on a couch and ruminating) is that we experience what we want to, way down deep. Reality isn't exactly as real as most think it is.

Perception perception perception.

Learn to love the rain, too, and every day is lovely.

It comes across as simplistic and moronic... but it's never the less as true as anything else in the human experience... maybe.

posted on May, 21 2021 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268


Methinks you are closer to the truth than most.



posted on May, 21 2021 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Maybe an inkling of a complex subject . . .

a reply to: penroc3

Dante's Inferno should be required reading

One can look at that in terms of a rehabilitation program prior to one's acceptance into their particular heaven.

A (deceased) American girl once thought this old ghost belonged in her folk's heaven, so she took me to the gates. The guardians would not let me in.

She was devastated, and I was not surprised.

edit on 21-5-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

i have always wondered what the deal is with the whole 330 thing.

there must be a significance for this hour, and if you think about it why wouldn't they come when the sun is out as there would be more energy to manifest things from.

nut then i realized that everyone for the most part ALL around you is SLEEPING, there are with out a doubt people who possess ESP or something similar.

some of these creatures might be manifestations of peoples worst/best dreams.

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 10:28 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

This whole "beliefs make a form of reality" make such discussions rife with landmines... especially for the lovely, kind folks who hold religion near and dear.

It also points out that all the myriad religious and magical beliefs indeed could (or DO) have validity that can bleed into our so-called "material world."

I've been leaning in this direction (consciousness as primary and forming our common world) as a leading contender to explain all this utter weirdness we experience.

It doesn't explain that much, though, and especially murky is where intent turns into a "reality" and how opposing views work themselves out.

and Penroc, as to dreams, etc., I woke up with Plato's Allegory of the Cave on my mind... then 40 min later I sat down to my Youtube notifications and the first one mentions Plato's Cave 3 min in. Synchronicity, e.s.p., coincidence, nuttiness... whatever, stuff like that happens at least twice a day for me... and sometimes to the point of almost breaking my "cool."

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 10:46 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

This whole "beliefs make a form of reality" make such discussions rife with landmines... especially for the lovely, kind folks who hold religion near and dear.

It also points out that all the myriad religious and magical beliefs indeed could (or DO) have validity that can bleed into our so-called "material world."

You're exactly right there BD, I thinks so anyway.

My only suggestion is for folks to consider that there may be more than one heaven.

I think someone once said; My father's house has many mansions.

"House" meaning "town". "Mansions" meaning "heavens".

Then it makes sense why the children who live in the Catholic mansion throw stones at the Masonic kids who live in the mansion across the road.

Some Catholic kids are brats . . . .

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

My only suggestion is for folks to consider that there may be more than one heaven.

Hmmm... perhaps I should give some concentrated "believin' " to a post death cyber-punk, gothic "heaven" that includes happenin' underground club scenes with the most inaccessible, obtuse music, exotic elder gods in assorted penthouse retreats, nifty cafes where everyone is smart and witty and we all have super fast hover cars and luxurious yet tasteful homes on steep cliffs over roiling, pristine seas ...and can vacation anywhere in a vast universe?

I could do a few decades in such a place before ennui sets in, I think.

I've slogged through enough decades in a shabby, bureaucratized, polluted clown-world.

posted on May, 22 2021 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

i think our body's act like a TV set(from the old days of broadcast TV) and our consciousness is broadcast to our individual meat suits like one would tune in a frequency on a TV or radio. The brain has structures called micro tubules that are on the end of our brain cells axons.

researchers say they act on a quantum level and that our brain may be a super quantum computer. But even then you need a program/soul to run a person. Maybe that's why science hasn't found where conscience is or the fact we are among the few creatures with emergent consciences on earth.

(ETA) a computer can be affected by an outside source like a hacker or maybe an admin making a change. I think we manifest these things around us because we have the 'programing' to see and accept things like UFO's or creatures.(ETA)

i think to a limited amount we create the reality around us and maybe that can influence the collective (un)conscience to act in a way we would perceive as synchronicity or luck.

Some people are blessed/cursed with the ability to ripple the pond of collective (un)consciousnesses to the point of appearing as ESP, PK or some other paranormal thing.

Jung and Vallee I believe were on the same page when it comes to UFO's, being part of the collective (un)consciousness acting as a teacher. And there is another researcher of good standing that i cant remember his name but he postulated we all have a biological 'antenna' and when he scanned the brains of people who have had close encounters with the paranormal they had a clear and obvious formation in their brain that people who had never had anything para happen to them, hence the 'antenna' idea.

if this whole ET/UFO thing turns out to be someone from another star, while exciting, i would be very disappointed because it would still not explain most close encounters with craft or orbs and beings humans have seen from day 1.

but maybe we are just looking at shadows on a wall and reality is out of our reach/understanding.

edit on 23-5-2021 by penroc3 because: eta

posted on May, 23 2021 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

The Battle Angel Alita afterlife?

Alita was cute, but the downside there was organ harvesting.

Zarum was heaven but the hell was more appealing.

posted on May, 31 2021 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: RMFX1
Nice idea: It really does sound like it could be exploding head syndrome.

a reply to: Baddogma
Since I don't know more about the situation, I would suggest that it is a hypnagogic hallucination of some sort, OP. They're normal and can be brought on by things like daily stress or a disturbance in sleep patterns. Essentially, it's like you're stuck between dreaming and wakefulness. They happen when you fall asleep or wake up, usually.

However, it is very pertinent to note that if electrical malfunctions or disturbances are a constant variable during these "pesterings", then that lends more validity to this not being exploding head syndrome or hypnagogia. Either way, I don't think you should pay much attention to it if possible. Just try to ignore it, dude

posted on Jun, 3 2021 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: rukia

Howdy, "Rucksack" ... long time no readee. I trust you've been well?

As explained, perhaps poorly and too briefly early in the thread, I am familiar with "exploding head" and this was different in that something pulled me closer to consciousness before the noise... so I started to come awake and then the "bang" and then the fully awake weirdness with my television. The darned thing froze for several seconds and then contracted to a squarish blob and then winked out... and then reversed the process and came back to a full, moving video. It has/had never done that before nor since.

My couple of experiences with "exploding head" when I was much younger consisted of a "Bang" and then a scramble to consciousness with a "WTF!" The exploding head "bang" had a different tonal quality, or less of a tonal quality and more of a "mental" one, and didn't reverberate off my walls for a moment like this "bang" did.

I would not knowingly pass off some possible internal neurological hiccup as "woo" and don't much talk about the stuff that could possibly have mundane explanations... otherwise I'd be posting about weird experiences every few days or weeks.

Any more experiences with 'demonic' laundry?

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