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Ridiculous 3:33 A.M. Pesterings

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posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 03:16 PM
So... I had an odd incident last night/morning when I was disturbed by a distinct crash in my residence and a strange, hard-to-describe feeling of "presence" when I came to full consciousness. I glanced at the clock on my "entertainment stand" and it was 3:33 a.m. At that moment, the T.V. which was silently on, froze a moment and went dark, then came back on a few seconds later. The T.V. has never done that, before.

Nothing was out of place to explain the loud noise as far as I could tell.

This drawing attention to "that time" has happened before, though it usually consists of an unsettled awakening at that ridiculous unit of time. It became "bad" enough that I altered my sleep patterns to avoid sleeping then. Luckily my job allows some autonomy.

But this incident had a noise and an electronic hiccup attached and it makes it difficult to write off as my own unconscious doings. What is this, assuming truth and a modicum of sanity?

I'm aware that the mind can keep a count in the background and that one can "train" oneself to wake at any time. I'm not aware, however, of the subconscious being able to make an objective, physical noise like a small stack of ceramic plates dropped onto a tile counter, though, or freezing a t.v.

I know some of the alleged meanings of 333 and that some link it to 666; but that number doesn't necessarily mean what most 17 yr old metal heads think it does. I am unimportant... in any measure by anyone not myself, that is.

What bored being or process is taking the time to bother another being on a bi-weekly (or so) basis using a particular time count with a weak association to "evil?"

I assert that much of the so-called "paranormal" is ...stupid. Not that it doesn't exist in some manner, just that it is banal and DUMB.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 03:20 PM
Sounds like exploding head syndrome, I used to experience it often but not anymore for some reason and as far as I know it's more common to happen as you fall asleep not mid sleep. Is that what happened? If not, why are you sleeping with the TV on? Afraid of the dark? That could explain your irrational feeling of a presence.
edit on 2-2-2021 by RMFX1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

You've got a great writing style.

When you say "This drawing attention to that time" it instantly transported me back to my Starcraft playing days in the late 90s.

For some reason, I would look up at my mineral tally just before it reached 666.

Too many times to mention it wasn't unsettling but it happened so many times that statistically I would have had a better chance of winning the lottery.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 03:30 PM
Just to add, when I experienced this in the past it was more like someone dropping the cutlery drawer on the wooden floor. Very loud.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: RMFX1

Exploding head in the old flick, Scanners? Heh, nope... I am familiar with that "syndrome" and have experienced it once or twice when a child, I think, but this was not it. To be more exact, I was pulled towards consciousness before the noise and t.v. weirdness by ... something. It didn't match the phantom sound and resulting scrabble to attention I vaguely remember as "exploding head."

I'd venture that being afraid of the dark doesn't happen without cause. I was never wary of arbitrary units of time until I was seemingly bothered at a certain time, over the years.

In this case I fell asleep watching the tube.

But thanks for the input!

edit on 2/2/2021 by Baddogma because: add: I was watching a subtitled Scandinavian procedural -which was why the tube was silent.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 03:55 PM
Everyday occurrence here. We have a blind seven year old cat that is always hunting for things in boxes, he then mowwws like a cat that has just found a mouse. If the wife leaves a scarf or mitts she is knitting out, he hauls them downstairs. We did not have nearly as much problem with him getting into things when he was caughing and congested all the time, heck, sometimes he just slept all day and when he got up we thought he was going to die. I figured out how to treat him with mostly amino acids and proteinases and special grassmilk, and of course unlimited bacon. Now he gets into all sorts of trouble, he does fall off the table once in a while and we have to rescue him occasionally when he can't get down.

Oh, this is about ghosts, the ghosts are so busy laughing at the cat that they don't bother us.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

EVERY soul is important. It is the what the current battle of Good vs. Evil going on right now (God vs. devil). YOU are so very important!

If it keeps happening call on the name of Jesus. It will stop. For the moment, but it may continue to pester you. If it does, let me know. I am saying a prayer over you right now.

edit on 2-2-2021 by hiddeninsite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Heh. Poor kitty, tho ... hope it's continuing to be better.

In my case, if it is "ghosts" or a "demon" on team evil, or an OBE traveler tired of spying on nekkid hot younger folk and wasting their precious time waking up some random middle aged dude, then I can only hope they find a more entertaining hobby.

When I croak, I hope I have better things to do... as if I have to wake up people at a certain time for eternity I will certainly either go on strike or invent an etheric alarm clock, instead, so that the myriad of souls can do something more interesting.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:20 PM
333 angel number meaning

Angel number 333 stands for encouragement and assistance

There is your answer. Ask your angels for help, and they shall provide help.

Drink more water, and go touch the trees. Maybe wander around a lake, find peace.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: hiddeninsite

Awww ... you're very sweet. Thanks.

I remain miffed as a unit of soul currency, though, and hope to negotiate a better state of being at some future juncture.

But if team Jesus lets me sleep in peace, then he, and they, get my full support!


but what if they're sending clandestine reps to harass folks using the "other" sides symbols, as a cosmic smear job? It can get confusing.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Skada

That is a much more (literally) encouraging perspective... but frankly, I'd rather a glowing, beautiful form appear and just tell me to spend more time in nature, or clean my room,or something, rather than a decades long campaign of obtuse, more-than-slightly-creepy hints that ultimately unsettle me.

Meh, maybe it's beyond my scope and the only way to get through to my ofttimes sarcastic self.

The mystifying is called that for a reason, I suppose.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Ah, thanks. I care about your soul (it glimmers like precious diamonds).

Ha, ha - well I think there are only two sides and so whatever is harassing you is coming from one of them, and God isn't a bully (hee hee).

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: Baddogma
a reply to: rickymouse

Heh. Poor kitty, tho ... hope it's continuing to be better.

In my case, if it is "ghosts" or a "demon" on team evil, or an OBE traveler tired of spying on nekkid hot younger folk and wasting their precious time waking up some random middle aged dude, then I can only hope they find a more entertaining hobby.

When I croak, I hope I have better things to do... as if I have to wake up people at a certain time for eternity I will certainly either go on strike or invent an etheric alarm clock, instead, so that the myriad of souls can do something more interesting.

Why is it bugging you though. Did you piss it off or doesn't it like you for some reason? I am sure there are spirits here, but they don't harrass us. Well, maybe they take over the cat to gain power and bug us.....sometimes I see almost a human like look in that cats blind eyes.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: hiddeninsite

That "two sides" opens a can of cosmic worms. I wasn't raised in a particular religion and find them all a tad too ... religious. Discounting all of them may be a bit premature, as well.

But there being intelligence in the fabric of reality and coming to grasp that without preexisting dogma is... nice.

But geez, what is the "bad" side doing? I appreciate the music, rebellion and contrast so we can appreciate the nice stuff, but ... ? Are there actually different sides, ultimately?

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Why is "it" bugging me? I wish I knew. I've spent some effort being innocuous and keep to myself. I lived in a couple massively haunted rentals and had some intoxicant experimentation in my youth but I'm not some impressive prize in some cosmic struggle! At least I fervently hope not as that would mean this reality is much more screwy than it seems... and it seems pretty screwy.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Getting your attention. Success.
Question is what are you going to do?
Are you open to talk? Do you fall on your knees & whimper "Almighty..." or some nonsense like that? Will you ask it to be your genie?
Since nobody knows what it is, you got zero clues what it might be, the best approach seems to be to look at it as a personality test.
So instead of wondering what it is, who is Baddogma?
If we assume it is an 'alien' (basic word meaning, no ET etc) intelligence do you get spooked, irrational, submissive, or do you offer it a drink and exchange of some pleasantries?

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

At least I fervently hope not as that would mean this reality is much more screwy than it seems... and it seems pretty screwy.

Something is happening/changing. It seems to manifest itself in blatant synchronistic events for me. I'm beginning to think what we deem paranormal might be more normal than we realize.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: hiddeninsite

What beautiful posts you make. Glad you jpined ATS.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: Peeple
I also like your reply. It is beautiful in it's way.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Nice it went to all the trouble of giving you some concrete "sign" you had company.

Not that this will matter but in solidarity I have a rather large cat whose mission in life is to wake me at 3am to alert me to weirdness outside. Lovely.....I don't have to wake till 4:30. Took YEARS for me to convince him that not everything he perceives is important. OK....years and threatening his life with a tea towel.

Like you I'm nobody special and not being 6yrs old , not all excited about non corporeal nighttime buddies. My house isn't the pub but I'm sure there are about a gazillion other people who would be delighted!! (appropriate name of paranormal group inserted here)

You can just tell it to piss off.
Some people will disagree with this but those cheap battery operated tennis racquet bug zappers? I threaten to wave mine around cause it dawned on me a nice jolt to it's system ought to convey my unavailability.

Still it's interesting you got the TV thing and the noise.

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