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Some States Have made a Pledge to support BLM 13 Guiding Principles

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posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: blueman12

That was precisely my question......are they doing this only in the Black Urban schoold districts or is a State mandating this across the board into all the school districts? If so, what exactly does that mean......that white kids must sign a pedge affirming the rights of Blacks to have Black Villages? To affirm the right of transgendered Black people to equal rights? If so, I guess we can say.......who cares.....if you're white you can affirm the right of Blacks to have pretty much anything....If you arent Black, what does it matter?

If that is what they are doing, then we are seriously one step closer to "Not my tribe, Not my Problem".

Why we have learned that it is easy to opt out of toxic public education.
COVID and closed schools have taught us this lesson well.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: TXRabbit

What has to happen is there has to be some kind of realistic plan to rehabilitate the black family. That's really at the root. There are too many kids raising kids and that lies at the bottom I think of everything wrong from the poverty to the lawlessness, and now it's a generational problem.

You need that plan, and you need the community buy-in on it. They need to realize how important it is, and not simply turn their backs on it as something that's "white" and therefore not necessary for them. Along with the rebuilding of the family, you need a rebuilding of community, real community and healthy community, not gang community which is what so many of those neighborhoods have.

I don't think you need to do anything about stuff like gangsta rap and the like. If you get the above to start working, I think it will fade away or morph into a healthier expression of itself. I don't think rap itself is a bad thing; I do think the subjects it covers are somewhat toxic.

I think if you got the above to start working, you'd see attitudes on education begin to shift too from where they are.

The big problem though is figuring out how to heal the family structure and getting people on board with that. Right now, they don't even want to try.

edit on 4-2-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

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