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Some States Have made a Pledge to support BLM 13 Guiding Principles

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posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:31 PM
At least half that list sounds outright illegal.

The other half is just stupid.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Sorry to break it to you, but Asians still have a nuclear family. Whoever lives in your house with you is part of your nuclear family and generally it's organized around a married husband/wife, their kids, and possibly an elder parent or parents. We still have that in places here too. My own family did it for a time as it was necessary.

What BLM is talking about is complete jettison of the marriage and father/mother unit to raise children.

See what Boadicea says about the neighborhood and community as accessories to the nuclear family. What she says is how lots of us grew. Mom and dad and then your larger neighborhood and community. What BLM wants is to break up mom/dad and cut straight to community structures -- it takes a village.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's not what they do in Asia at all.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:51 PM
Ah great! Since I bet every AA killed by a cop was Trans and queer affirming, LOL

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 04:56 PM
They should just be honest, drop the b.s., and re-name it "Only Black Lives Matter", or at least "Black Lives Matter More".

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: Nickn3
If my state, Tennessee supports BLM, we will have a new Governor next cycle.

I don't know. I can see it being forced upon us. With the large amounts of people moving here from out of state and claiming Tennessee for themselves... I've seen a lot of people who have been here for just a few months telling lifelong Tennesseans "You're not a real Tennessean if you don't support (insert whatever current trend is)"

Bill Lee may be a Republican, but he's friendly with China. Mayor Cooper is a pushover Democrat. And then we got crackpots like Marsha Blackburn who as much as she says she's for her constituents just love screwing us over.

There's a problem with long time residents here voting for politicians no matter how dirty they are just because they claim to be Christian, and I'm pretty sure all the people moving here are voting Democrat.

I'm in a bunch of the political Facebook parties and it's a complete # show. The Republican parties are full of people who are diehard Trump followers or Republicans trying to distance themselves from "far-right" conservatives.

The Democrat party is going full bore with everything BLM.

I don't even want to get started on the "Libertarian" party.

You got "Libertarians" accusing everyone of being a fake Libertarians. "You're a closet Democrat," or "You're a closet Republican." Then on the Libertarian Party of Tennessee's official page as much as they claim to be against the two party system and not in favor of Democrats or Republicans have gone into full on pandering and Democrat bootlicking mode.

Hell, even the voluntaryist, ancap, and minarchist pages are full of statist, pro-authoritarian, boot licking Democrats and communists.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Sorry to break it to you, but Asians still have a nuclear family. Whoever lives in your house with you is part of your nuclear family and generally it's organized around a married husband/wife, their kids, and possibly an elder parent or parents. We still have that in places here too. My own family did it for a time as it was necessary.

That is totally changing. Rapidly changing in China, Korea and Japan and to some degree in the US.
Heck a lot of Asian women don't even want to get married anymore. What then?
Maybe Asians are the last to have the most nuclear families, but that doesn't mean it isn't on the way out.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: rickymouse We live to serve our 5 cats, They have trained us well.
You know, they have never forgotten they were worshiped in Egypt.

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: TonyS

BLM literally wants none of that.

They simply want revenge on people whose ancestors were more successful because their ancestors weren't as successful .

Truth hurts.

edit on 2-2-2021 by SKEPTEK because: china virus

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
More indoctrination? what the F, since when we send children to school to be told in what to believe,

This is ridiculous.

If the past year has taught Americans anything it is that the online education, representative of in school education is a wretched failure.

I have done my grandchildren's tutoring while their parents worked. The education was sparse and wretched, and they go to a school that is in the top 100 school districts in the nation.

My oldest grandchild doesn't want to go back to in school learning, he is now begging to be homeschooled.

I have had to supplement history (the real, correct history), and social studies (not propagandized), and science (not the watered down pc science). All year I have supplemented what the school failed to truly educate on and now I am firmly for anyone who has seen the light and wants to homeschool.

If COVID has done anything, it has opened the eyes of parents to the fact they CAN homeschool and do a much better job than the public schools - we have seen it first hand now.

BLM has long preached that the nuclear family must be disbanded in favor of a village. It was actually part of their manifesto before it was sanitized while Biden ran for office. This means they want parents OUT of their children's lives and for the "community" to have full responsibility for children and the parents to have little to no say or responsibility for their children. They see public schools as a way to indoctrinate children into globalism, socialism, putting society first and making the individual worthless and meaningless except for its contribution to the whole. So education must be minimal for most children so they end up knowing they are worthless and their lives have no meaning except as it relates to being of service to the greater society of the world.

Homeschool if you can to save your children from this liberal philosophy that is growing. Many liberals, (I have warned people on ATS repeatedly), are firmly against the nuclear family and see it as a danger to socialism and the collective. I have written about it many times and linked to journal articles about it.

This says to young adults, do not have children, they will soon belong to the state and if you in any way are not politically correct, you will lose your children to the state. Read between the BLM manifesto lines and you will see this subtly stated. This is a policy in China and China is dismayed that now that they have lifted the one child policy, young adults are not having children anymore at anywhere close to replacement rate leaving their society horrifically unbalanced age wise and gender wise, because IF they have children they abort until they get a male since abortion is encouraged as normal.

This policy of not your child, but ours, (socialist and communist ideology) discourages people from having children at all, there is no point in going through all one must to have and raise a child if it is deemed not yours at the drop of a hat by government officials. It is projected that soon (within a few decades) there will be a steep and rapid decline of the human population. But this is what Biden supporters voted for, a policy to save the planet and this policy will depopulate the planet, perhaps to extinction level.

edit on 2/2/21 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Feb, 2 2021 @ 10:04 PM

originally posted by: justdust
a reply to: rickymouse We live to serve our 5 cats, They have trained us well.
You know, they have never forgotten they were worshiped in Egypt.

Well, a true cat owner that knows their place in servitude. If you are really good at your servant job they may let you pet them without biting you.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: TonyS

So is it just affirmations or is money and effort being put into poor black communities?

I think one of the biggest problems facing poor black areas is lack of jobs, education, and health services. It's great to teach equality and respect but that's not just going to create infrastructure and jobs.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1

There's a problem with long time residents here voting for politicians no matter how dirty they are just because they claim to be Christian, and I'm pretty sure all the people moving here are voting Democrat

We got a similar problem in Illinois, keep voting in corrupt politicians and billionaires. We can't help ourselves, we love us a corrupt leader!

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: blueman12
a reply to: AutomateThis1

There's a problem with long time residents here voting for politicians no matter how dirty they are just because they claim to be Christian, and I'm pretty sure all the people moving here are voting Democrat

We got a similar problem in Illinois, keep voting in corrupt politicians and billionaires. We can't help ourselves, we love us a corrupt leader!

Gotta have something to bitch about!

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: blueman12

Jobs and infrastructure come where it is economically feasible to do so.

Businesses that start in poor urban areas have massive losses to things like theft. Then you have the recent summer of love where so many minority businesses in poor urban areas got burned out and looted by their own communities. Those aren't coming back anytime soon.

So, in short, a large part of the problem with getting jobs and infrastructure into those areas starts with the community itself. It has little respect for such things as private property, and until that starts to change, it will be an uphill battle.

This is a two-way street. The community often wants to lay blame everywhere but at its own feet, but it is a very real part of the problem. Notice I only said part, but it is an important part. And until it starts to address its part of the equation, the rest will be problematic to establish.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: SKEPTEK

BLM literally wants none of that.

They simply want revenge on people whose ancestors were more successful because their ancestors weren't as successful .

Truth hurts.

The way I see it, BLM is the marketing group for a culture that simply wants stuff, be it money, cars, clothes, jewelry, Nike Air Jordans...


and here's the rub....

They don't want to Pay or Work for it. They want it handed to them. Free. For nothing. All in the name of "I want, they got, so it should be mine too"

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Nicely worded post and I agree with much of it.

To elaborate further (the way I see it), the "community" for this culture is non existent. They are so focused on "gettin paid" that they don't reinvest in their infrastructures, their businesses, their children or their futures.
As an example of who does, look at the Asian communities. They stress the importance of success for their friends and families. They support their own businesses, their educations and most importantly, the reinvestment of ones success back into their community. Someone earns wealth and turns around to offer support to one starting a business or trying to get into college etc. It's cyclical.

You don't see that in the inner-city, BLM-driven culture

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Sure, and i do put blame on the community. But one should also put blame on the city which allocates resources to rich or middle class areas while completly ignoring a dying community full of crime.

Areas, no matter race, always get worse when jobs, healthcare, and education decline. Sure, the community plays a role, but so does the government.

Im not sure what awnser is, but it's a snowball effect of crime and jobs/education moving out.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: marg6043
More indoctrination? what the F, since when we send children to school to be told in what to believe,

This is ridiculous.

If the past year has taught Americans anything it is that the online education, representative of in school education is a wretched failure.

I have done my grandchildren's tutoring while their parents worked. The education was sparse and wretched, and they go to a school that is in the top 100 school districts in the nation.

My oldest grandchild doesn't want to go back to in school learning, he is now begging to be homeschooled.

I have had to supplement history (the real, correct history), and social studies (not propagandized), and science (not the watered down pc science). All year I have supplemented what the school failed to truly educate on and now I am firmly for anyone who has seen the light and wants to homeschool.

If COVID has done anything, it has opened the eyes of parents to the fact they CAN homeschool and do a much better job than the public schools - we have seen it first hand now.

BLM has long preached that the nuclear family must be disbanded in favor of a village. It was actually part of their manifesto before it was sanitized while Biden ran for office. This means they want parents OUT of their children's lives and for the "community" to have full responsibility for children and the parents to have little to no say or responsibility for their children. They see public schools as a way to indoctrinate children into globalism, socialism, putting society first and making the individual worthless and meaningless except for its contribution to the whole. So education must be minimal for most children so they end up knowing they are worthless and their lives have no meaning except as it relates to being of service to the greater society of the world.

Homeschool if you can to save your children from this liberal philosophy that is growing. Many liberals, (I have warned people on ATS repeatedly), are firmly against the nuclear family and see it as a danger to socialism and the collective. I have written about it many times and linked to journal articles about it.

This says to young adults, do not have children, they will soon belong to the state and if you in any way are not politically correct, you will lose your children to the state. Read between the BLM manifesto lines and you will see this subtly stated. This is a policy in China and China is dismayed that now that they have lifted the one child policy, young adults are not having children anymore at anywhere close to replacement rate leaving their society horrifically unbalanced age wise and gender wise, because IF they have children they abort until they get a male since abortion is encouraged as normal.

This policy of not your child, but ours, (socialist and communist ideology) discourages people from having children at all, there is no point in going through all one must to have and raise a child if it is deemed not yours at the drop of a hat by government officials. It is projected that soon (within a few decades) there will be a steep and rapid decline of the human population. But this is what Biden supporters voted for, a policy to save the planet and this policy will depopulate the planet, perhaps to extinction level.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think the distinction you are making is between online education as provided by the public school systems and online education as course studies prepared by Homeschooling Educational services. The Homeschooling Education services are orders of magnitude superior to the online schooling as conducted by the public school systems and work extremely well.

If I am reading you correctly then, yea, the lesson learned by many american households is that they just dont need the public education systems any more. We would see a shrinking of the Public school systems if not for the Open Borders policy.

This move away from the Public Education systems will work to even further divide the residents of the US from one another and from the government institutions themselves. Instead of migrating back to the public systems, parents who have adopted education pods will doubtless keep their kids in those pods rather than further disrupt their lives by making the painful transition back to the public system. I first learned of "podding" from a New York Times article decrying the practice as further increasing the social and racial divide. To understand poddiing, see:

It appears to me the future of the US is further and extreme Balkanazation.

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: TonyS

originally posted by: The2Billies

originally posted by: marg6043
More indoctrination? what the F, since when we send children to school to be told in what to believe,

This is ridiculous.

If the past year has taught Americans anything it is that the online education, representative of in school education is a wretched failure.

I have done my grandchildren's tutoring while their parents worked. The education was sparse and wretched, and they go to a school that is in the top 100 school districts in the nation.

My oldest grandchild doesn't want to go back to in school learning, he is now begging to be homeschooled.

I have had to supplement history (the real, correct history), and social studies (not propagandized), and science (not the watered down pc science). All year I have supplemented what the school failed to truly educate on and now I am firmly for anyone who has seen the light and wants to homeschool.

If COVID has done anything, it has opened the eyes of parents to the fact they CAN homeschool and do a much better job than the public schools - we have seen it first hand now.

BLM has long preached that the nuclear family must be disbanded in favor of a village. It was actually part of their manifesto before it was sanitized while Biden ran for office. This means they want parents OUT of their children's lives and for the "community" to have full responsibility for children and the parents to have little to no say or responsibility for their children. They see public schools as a way to indoctrinate children into globalism, socialism, putting society first and making the individual worthless and meaningless except for its contribution to the whole. So education must be minimal for most children so they end up knowing they are worthless and their lives have no meaning except as it relates to being of service to the greater society of the world.

Homeschool if you can to save your children from this liberal philosophy that is growing. Many liberals, (I have warned people on ATS repeatedly), are firmly against the nuclear family and see it as a danger to socialism and the collective. I have written about it many times and linked to journal articles about it.

This says to young adults, do not have children, they will soon belong to the state and if you in any way are not politically correct, you will lose your children to the state. Read between the BLM manifesto lines and you will see this subtly stated. This is a policy in China and China is dismayed that now that they have lifted the one child policy, young adults are not having children anymore at anywhere close to replacement rate leaving their society horrifically unbalanced age wise and gender wise, because IF they have children they abort until they get a male since abortion is encouraged as normal.

This policy of not your child, but ours, (socialist and communist ideology) discourages people from having children at all, there is no point in going through all one must to have and raise a child if it is deemed not yours at the drop of a hat by government officials. It is projected that soon (within a few decades) there will be a steep and rapid decline of the human population. But this is what Biden supporters voted for, a policy to save the planet and this policy will depopulate the planet, perhaps to extinction level.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think the distinction you are making is between online education as provided by the public school systems and online education as course studies prepared by Homeschooling Educational services. The Homeschooling Education services are orders of magnitude superior to the online schooling as conducted by the public school systems and work extremely well.

If I am reading you correctly then, yea, the lesson learned by many american households is that they just dont need the public education systems any more. We would see a shrinking of the Public school systems if not for the Open Borders policy.

This move away from the Public Education systems will work to even further divide the residents of the US from one another and from the government institutions themselves.
It appears to me the future of the US is further and extreme Balkanazation.

My grandchildren were/are doing the public school online schooling.
My grandson wants to go full on home school online using better curriculum from a private source. He is sick of the behavior that is allowed in public school, and has done far better and learned more online and through our supplementation than he ever learned in person. He has plenty of other, more healthy places to get socialization.

This has nothing to do with race, public school for young teens is so toxic as far as socialization that he would prefer to opt out and get socialization other ways. He has friends, sports, other after school activities and doesn't need the toxicity of the public school environment.

I could give a rats behind about balkanization, I care about his education and him not feeling bullied or put down or teased because he is really smart and a "geek".

No amount of guilt will get me to try and force him back to the toxic public school environment where the education is sub-par and heavily politicized with time consuming lessons on political correctness which interferes with actual much needed academics.

If this upsets BLM, or liberals or Democrats I don't care. BLM already is upset about nuclear families and thinks they are harmful to society. Something I find quite offensive and communistic (nothing to do with race, rather it is ideological philosophy of the collective is all, the individual nothing if not serving the collective).

BLM and the Democratic Party is pushing for socialism, and Democrats have long been mandating it's teaching in public schools, which has the same attitude about the individual that they are worthless except as they serve society and think exactly as the collective society says they should think, another ideology I find offensive. I don't want my grandchildren taught they are worthless and should not think for themselves, except in the service of society or the collective, or as they are told to think by their government. If that is balkanization, so be it.

I want my grandchildren (and all children regardless of their skin color) to be proud if they are the smartest in the class, to be proud of being a "geek" and to not feel pressured to conform to lower standards so they don't hurt someone else's feelings.

I also have one mentally handicapped grandchild and am proud of him and want him to feel worthwhile and important as an individual even if he doesn't pay taxes to the collective society. I find the socialist/communist ideology harmful to the psyche of individuals and children.

I'm sure you find my attitude disgusting and my thinking really incorrect. But, know what? I'm too old to care.

edit on 2/4/21 by The2Billies because: attitude

posted on Feb, 4 2021 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: blueman12

That was precisely my question......are they doing this only in the Black Urban schoold districts or is a State mandating this across the board into all the school districts? If so, what exactly does that mean......that white kids must sign a pedge affirming the rights of Blacks to have Black Villages? To affirm the right of transgendered Black people to equal rights? If so, I guess we can say.......who cares.....if you're white you can affirm the right of Blacks to have pretty much anything....If you arent Black, what does it matter?

If that is what they are doing, then we are seriously one step closer to "Not my tribe, Not my Problem".

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