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Playing Politics with our lives- 440,000 deaths later and now a reversal on HCQ

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posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Like all legislation, there are usually a few different reasons why things get voted up or down.

No doubt Pharma exploited the pandemic, the lesson learned..
We can push a marginally effective drug like Remdesivir and make a killing.

The WHO has already stopped recommending it, but not before we sold ton of it to Europe. Its still being used here, $3000 for a treatment, HCQ and Ivermectin cost a few dollars.

Excellent article on Remdesivir's journey to approval. If someone should be prosecuted, its Fauci.
"Fauci’s Remdesivir: Inadequate to Treat COVID-19 and Potentially Lethal"

Shortly before Fauci began touting his flawed and now-terminated study, strong peer-reviewed evidence from a genuine double-blind study was published indicating that remdesivir is both useless and dangerous in treating COVID-19.

Sadly hes is still running things..Amazing with all the fact checking going on, the MSM has given Fauci a pass.
edit on 29-1-2021 by 111DPKING111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2021 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: ScepticScot

Scientific studies flat out lie . Listen if I have a billion dollars and pay handsomely , I can get a ton of scientists to tell me exactly what I want . Money talks . Sorry to burst your bubble on this

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: 111DPKING111

Look, if it works it doesn't matter who was promoting it, it would have been knocked down and erased from the media.

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 12:29 AM

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: Thenail
a reply to: ScepticScot

Scientific studies flat out lie . Listen if I have a billion dollars and pay handsomely , I can get a ton of scientists to tell me exactly what I want . Money talks . Sorry to burst your bubble on this

Does that included the study saying hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for covid?

posted on Jan, 30 2021 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot

originally posted by: Thenail
a reply to: ScepticScot

Scientific studies flat out lie . Listen if I have a billion dollars and pay handsomely , I can get a ton of scientists to tell me exactly what I want . Money talks . Sorry to burst your bubble on this

Does that included the study saying hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for covid?

HCQ is an effective treatment for Parasites.

Some say it kills Covid.

If it does why does an antiparasitic kill Covid ?

HCQ is a Synthetic drug built around a core molecule of Wormwood or Sweet Annie.... these Plants are natural antiparasitic/bacterial remedys.

Most existing Pharma products Dr.s and People say are working happen to also be Antiparasitics.

Covid-cold is viral sized.

MOST Bacteria are not viral sized....however as with everything there are exceptions to the rule....and there are Pleomorphic Bacteria which can morph and change their mass and shape which allows them to live and exist in 3 different sizes and shapes....Bacterial - Viral - Fungal.

This Pleomorphic Bacteria is so rampant and widespread Globally that Billions of People have it Insitu and always have.

This means that Covid-cold likely has some number of RELATIVES ALREADY LIVING INSIDE YOUR BODY in any or all of its 3 different forms and sizes when it comes calling.

These Pleomorphic Bacteria live SYMBIOTICLLY with Parasites which we become infected with via the consumption of untreated goods in the Foodchain.THe Bacteria hitchhikes into our body on Parasites then it lays dormant until triggered to morph to defend itself.

posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 08:25 AM
a reply to: one4all

If it does why does an antiparasitic kill Covid ?

Im not sure the reasoning here, most nutrients/chemicals in our bodies are multi-functional.

Zalenko thinks the zinc combination is the key. HCQ is a transport for zinc into cells which stops viral replication, reducing viral load, which in turn stops your immunity from running wild.

Ivermectin is primarily anti-parasitic but known to also be ant-viral. Right now, it is considered the better drug.

See 22:24 in the following video for an explanation on Ivermectin

posted on Jan, 31 2021 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: 111DPKING111
a reply to: one4all

If it does why does an antiparasitic kill Covid ?

Im not sure the reasoning here, most nutrients/chemicals in our bodies are multi-functional.

Zalenko thinks the zinc combination is the key. HCQ is a transport for zinc into cells which stops viral replication, reducing viral load, which in turn stops your immunity from running wild.

Ivermectin is primarily anti-parasitic but known to also be ant-viral. Right now, it is considered the better drug.

See 22:24 in the following video for an explanation on Ivermectin

One cannot fully and completely experience the simplicty of this issue until One learns to exclude The Great Virus Lie......there are VIRAL SIZED THINGS but no such thing as a "virus"......what they saw that catalysed the word virus was a Pleomorphic Bacteria expressing itself in VIRAL SIZE.

Because there is no such thing as a "virus" there can be no such thing as virus mutation.......its bullspit completely.....there is however Pleomorphic Bacterial MORPHING....."they know that" and substituted the word micro-lie mutate to support their Macro-lie about the imaginary "virus".

They are trying to work with the gain of function focus to hamstring it ....when they just need to poison it.

They are intentionally forcing everything down the Path of Most Resistance....which is how you know they are manufacturing and fabricating and constructing.

There is replication....there is Morphability.....2 different approaches.

posted on Feb, 1 2021 @ 12:19 AM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
a reply to: 111DPKING111

While I don’t disagree with the assertion that HCQ was the target of a media smear campaign that would undermine Trump’s approval ratings, I have to say if you believe that was main objective you have failed to see the bigger picture. Yes, the disinformation campaign was intended to contradict Trump, but the real motive for the HCQ propaganda was much more sinister. Many honest and professional doctors lost their jobs because they prescribed HCQ to their patients with Covid. Pharmacies were prevented from filling prescriptions for HCQ when it was prescribed for covid. The CCP, Deep State, and Pharma corporations succeeded in withholding the most practical and inexpensive treatment for Covid from those who needed it. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies were rushing to produce their “vaccines” knowing that an effective cure that already existed wasn’t going to interfere with profits.

1. Many people whom were at risk were denied HCQ and eventually lost their lives.
2. Pharmaceutical companies were able to push their vaccines, as well as earlier treatments like Remdesivir, onto a market that was clearly manipulated to their favor.
3. Trump was robbed of his validation and what would be his inevitable success for accurately promoting a proven safe treatment.

To me, the biggest crimes committed were not by the media (although they most definitely are criminals) but instead by the insurance companies that were able to get doctors fired and prevent pharmacies from filling prescriptions. Everyone knew how obviously illegal this was when it happened, and yet it has taken this long for the truth to be told.
It is indeed a multi layered conspiracy, and to your post I would add that there are supposedly components in the vaccine which are deadly and also dangerously altering the genetic code of everyone who gets the vaccines and possibly all their offspring or even it may involve sterilizing mass populations for their long promoted depopulation efforts worldwide. In short, it is a diabolical plot from he((.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
a reply to: 111DPKING111

While I don’t disagree with the assertion that HCQ was the target of a media smear campaign that would undermine Trump’s approval ratings, I have to say if you believe that was main objective you have failed to see the bigger picture. Yes, the disinformation campaign was intended to contradict Trump, but the real motive for the HCQ propaganda was much more sinister. Many honest and professional doctors lost their jobs because they prescribed HCQ to their patients with Covid. Pharmacies were prevented from filling prescriptions for HCQ when it was prescribed for covid. The CCP, Deep State, and Pharma corporations succeeded in withholding the most practical and inexpensive treatment for Covid from those who needed it. Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical companies were rushing to produce their “vaccines” knowing that an effective cure that already existed wasn’t going to interfere with profits.

1. Many people whom were at risk were denied HCQ and eventually lost their lives.
2. Pharmaceutical companies were able to push their vaccines, as well as earlier treatments like Remdesivir, onto a market that was clearly manipulated to their favor.
3. Trump was robbed of his validation and what would be his inevitable success for accurately promoting a proven safe treatment.

To me, the biggest crimes committed were not by the media (although they most definitely are criminals) but instead by the insurance companies that were able to get doctors fired and prevent pharmacies from filling prescriptions. Everyone knew how obviously illegal this was when it happened, and yet it has taken this long for the truth to be told.

Hello! One doctor Anthony Faucci was the sole doctor credited on a 2003 experiment and publication in scientific journals where his research concluded that Hydrochloriquinine was the sole drug that cures all forms of coronavirus. What else do u need.

posted on Feb, 3 2021 @ 06:24 PM


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