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Tesla's Death ray !?!

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posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 10:51 PM
Bandit, I am sorry it took so long to get around to checking your link. But, it was a very good link!

I would like to point out the following:

But no patent is truly safe, as Tesla's career demonstrates. In 1900, the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd. began thriving in the stock markets�due primarily to Marconi's family connections with English aristocracy. British Marconi stock soared from $3 to $22 per share and the glamorous young Italian nobleman was internationally acclaimed. Both Edison and Andrew Carnegie invested in Marconi and Edison became a consulting engineer of American Marconi. Then, on December 12, 1901, Marconi for the first time transmitted and received signals across the Atlantic Ocean.

But Tesla's calm confidence was shattered in 1904, when the U.S. Patent Office suddenly and surprisingly reversed its previous decisions and gave Marconi a patent for the invention of radio. The reasons for this have never been fully explained, but the powerful financial backing for Marconi in the United States suggests one possible explanation.

I refer you to my earlier post regarding the Cabal connections with Thomas Edison. I would say this speaks volumes for that theory.......

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 10:57 PM
I've tried looking fro Tesla's work, but yet there is nothing, the man was a genius

Did you ever hear how they tried to cover up the Siberian incident. They said it was a Meteor made of Ice that exploded before it hit the ground, Or something like that, Arggg!!!!, can't remember the whole story.

[Edited on 7/16/2003 by FoxStriker]

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 09:11 AM
You want tesla techonology go and play command and conquer red alert and kill some computer players.

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 09:57 AM
Nikola Testa is a personal hero of mine. Such a great man. I believe there is a book about his life entitles "Nikola Tesla: Man out of Time" which a fantastic read.

The story of Tesla calling lightning bolts from the sky at his Colorado Springs laboratory while simultaneously setting the local power companies dynamos on fire (due to excessive current drain!) is absolutely fantastic.

A real shame he died poor and lonely, but he will never be forgotten.

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by dragonrider
He is basically the most infamous and unappreciated inventor of his time. Posted by Beast4rmdaeast

Have to agree 100%
He was 100% genius, 100% scientist, and didnt give a damn about marketing or politics or other mundane crap. However, this allowed far lesser men to take credit and make profit on his hard work.

His "death ray" lives on today, as HAARP, and his other hard work is alive and well at Area 51 and other US bases in the form of X Craft.

i agree with everything, except 100% scientist. he was freaky deaky "new age" superstitious(only felt safe surrounded by "threeness"), had a vedic guru, and gleaned many of his ideas from the vedics. he claimed to be the reincarnated chief scientist from atlantis.
hard core scepticism isn't all it's cracked up to be.
note to self, nothing.

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Protector
Tesla was such a great scientist because he was a terrible business man. If he were financially wealthy, he wouldn't have ever made the number of inventions that he is credited for today.

Unfortunitely, I believe he only held a 100-200 patents, because other ideas were stolen from him. He was basically too poor to patent all of his technology. He was known for only sleeping 2 hours of a night because he worked so hard on his ideas. He enjoyed doing math and creating models in his head rather than sleep.

Tesla was recently given the credit for building the first radio (within the last 5-10 years) after a bitter court battle. People are still out there fighting for him to have a name in the science community. He was the right man born in the wrong century. What a shame. The father of AC power, transformers, power transmission through wires and air, the "death ray" or particle-laser, radio, and a large number of other popular inventions needs to be taught in history, not idiots that destroyed lives while sitting on their ass making millions.

He's the kind of guy that makes me believe today's scientists are drones with no creativity. Sad.

i don't think inventors are less creative. less motivated, yes. the whole trend set by westinghouse(engulf and devour), became a cultural movement(cabalist created), whereby, inventors, like rockstars nowadays, could no longer compete in the market without a sugar daddy. once a scientist realises all his ideas belong to someone else, he is ego-deflated. ray kurzweil is a recent exception to this trend. a great mind, that one.

henry ford?
the ford foundation(along with preston bush and the rockerfellers, to name a few), built(and SUSTAINED!) the nazi war machine. money was diverted from american institutions to h.b. farben, who's factories built the third reich's hardware.
all wars are a scam.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:26 AM
Patent's where something Telsa didn't really believe in. From a research paper I did on him, he barley even did any of his own patents. His assistant patented most of his ideas for him, the ones that Telsa at least put on paper.

Thing about Telsa that I don't think I've read on here yet is that he kept his best inventions in his head. When he was a child he was plagued by visions sorta. His brain would just put out this vivid 3d images. It actually saved him one time. He was at a swimming hole and somehow got caught up under a rock and didn't know how to get out and all of a sudden he had another image attack. But that image attack actually helped him get out because it showed him the way. Atleast that's what I gather from his biographys I read.

Also, when Telsa invented AC, he was in a hospital bed, I think it was for months too. The thing that used to plague him as a child suddenly stopped and helped him actually work things out in his head. He came up with the idea for AC in his head, worked on it in his head then when he got out of the hospitial, he put it together.

He challenged Edison's DC, telling him that he can re-do his line from Niagra Falls to New York and make it work a hell of a lot better. He did that, Telsa asked for the cash and Edison told him he was joking with him and didn't think he'd do it.

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 10:43 PM
He is *THE* greatest inventor of all time. Edison is nothing compared to him.

Had we been more cooperative with him we might live in a world 2-4 times more advanced.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 12:04 AM
BB youre right. The man allegedly formulated his ideas in his mind down to the smallest details. Great mind.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 12:23 AM
Some excellent books on Nikola Tesla.

I particularly recommend "Tesla Man Out of Time" and "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla"

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 10:39 PM
One death ray may be in
William Lyne's "Occult Ether Physics.."

page 26

Aluminum (aluminum reflects as in your rotating disk in the watt-hour house meter)
hemispheres with flat surface inline with ring energized by high voltage at
high frequency.

Beam away. Get a resonant frequency and mountains fall. And a good
sized backfire!

I now figure that just as the so called work function in vacume tube cathodes is the
heat required to boil off free electrons and the tunneling in transistors is at work
in hv-hf effects that Tesla found and is now confiscated knowledge.

No school or company will fund hv-hf work, and not many people want to
work on it, lol.

posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 09:59 AM
Nikola Tesla, if only the americans didn steal our inventor, if only the americans didn't steal the germen rocket technologies, i think the american gov has a habbit of stealing foreign technologies, i bet any money the atomic bomb wasn't invented by a american, i bet that person probably be a mexican insted

the truth hurts somtimes

posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by aspx
i bet any money the atomic bomb wasn't invented by a american, i bet that person probably be a mexican insted

i thought einstein invented that?

posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 11:53 AM
Tesla was ahead of his time he was an "observer" to our planet and one that recalled his knowledge of a "vast system" set up by ideas.He knew thought created reality.Here we are in a nation full of distrust to an open public revealing.His meer ideas would have (revolutionized) the way our world is set up.The open door policy would have unveiled a lot about "creative potential" and where it comes from.Tesla would have pulled us out of our vague undertanding to unlimited heights of what is possible.The government did everything in there power to limit his exploitation of "universal potential" because it is a threat to public safety,National security, and economics.Thoughts revoluitonize our enviroment.He was a (time traveler) sent to re-estimate lifes potential.To discredit such a beautiful mind would be a travesty world wide to humankinds potential."We are what we create."A reason why a government silences a source such as Tesla is due to the fact that they are bigger than life.

posted on Apr, 25 2006 @ 12:06 PM
Thanks T&L for the update...
I love it when people pull up old threads and update them with new info...

that is the way the info builds itself... upon the knowledge of the previous, not by new threads that require pages of retracing the same info, over and over...

I will see if i can find the book.

BTW, to the person that asked about American inventors...
the main reason we have many, is that America is a free nation... free to worship or not to worship... free to think, or not to...

Scientists like nations where they can choose to pursue religious taboo topics, and think along previously uncovered ground. We are a science magnet... (not to mention a great place for WW2 German expatriated scientists to hang out).

With our present stance on cloning, and stem cells, i fear that attraction of brain power will shift to S. korea, China, and europe...
we taught the world how to lead...
too bad we forgot.

posted on May, 10 2006 @ 10:15 PM
I must be on a half dozen forums after reading Lyne's two recent books.

A web page summary of one of Lyne's book under old title.

On the "Physics" book you should see how he rips into Einstein and how text books
have been changed.

Tesla's energy theory seems odd but he did more with it than any one else.

I just got off a forum on the greatest conspiracy which essentially posted a
web page, don't have link.. perhaps later. Lyne agrees with much of it but
tends to hit on Tesla, energy, germany in the 30s and such to promote his

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by aspx
Nikola Tesla, if only the americans didn steal our inventor

Actually I'm pretty sure Tesla came to the states of his own free will

Originally posted by aspx
if only the americans didn't steal the germen rocket technologies

Actually the Germans stole them first we just took them back

Originally posted by aspx
i think the american gov has a habbit of stealing foreign technologies

So espionage is an american invention

Originally posted by aspx
i bet any money the atomic bomb wasn't invented by a american, i bet that person probably be a mexican insted

We didn't formulate the idea but we did develop the idea into a working device. But the Soviets stole the plans then developed their own. So I guess espionage started to catch on.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 10:30 PM
The reaosn, atleast im my opinion, that large quantities of inventions have come from America is because we arent one anything....There is a plethora of unique people who are from and come to the United States. While the US doesnt always, specifically lately, have an open mind to new techs they tend to be.

I do think its important to remind people however that
A) The United States is 16th in digital technology
B) The UNited States is behind Japan when it comes to HS-internet and wireless tech
C) Instead of sending scientists, India is now recruiting.

So there are several factors in Global Scientific advancement that we need to be cognizant of. Yes after WW2 the US did have a sort of corner on the Science Market...however as more and more contires come out of the reccessions and depressions caused by WW2 the United States will continue to decline in science. We need to start inventing again and stop outsourcing.

If you like Tesla you should look into Autodynamics....theory counter to Einstienian physics.

But I would have to agree, especially in American Schools, that Tesla is defintally under-represented...but just like how the US censors anything that doesnt agree with our concept of "time" and the "timeline" the same is true with physics, chemistry, and anyother science for that matter.

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 08:40 PM
I hope I mentioned how Lyne rips into Einstein in his "Physics" book.

In any case I woke this morning ready to go to work and plugged in my
cd rom of Tesla looking over his patents.

I made comments on another message board so I'll put them here as well:

US Patent 649,621 Apparatus For Transmission Of Electrical Energy

was missing on my cdrom, so I went to a website
on a web site

and delphion

Oops can't touch this.

here is a close second:

I followed up with my own post:

This was 1900.
Uptight about Mr. Tesla's words.
Someone must have an old copy.
Lines 65-70 mention "... when carried by a
vessel floating in the air...."
Oh, we got a lot of those.
That is put this thing inside.

I a gonna have fun on the alien ufo forums.
They could care less.
And so do I. We can't have too many monoplies like Microsoft and Intel around.
I think the music biz will put the squeeze on
Apple if too much money is made with the iPod
music download service.

Ok, enough with the SECKRETZ, I must be on
my way.

That patent number is a footnote on page 22 for Lyne's "Pentagon" book.

I saw a post from someone in UK about triangle craft sightings, just don't know
where to put it or if I should ask permission. Its sort of second hand or hearsay
but wanted to see if it could be verified. A site on sightiings wants the first
person to post the actual event.

posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 02:11 PM

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