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You should read this if u want to be enlighten

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posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 11:30 PM
i must say to lukefj that proper grammer is not really a sign of good intelligence nor rebellious ability, you don't need to be able to write sa great sentence to lead a rebellion, your being ristricted by the thoughts of society. I'm merely a boy going into college myself, yet i can put together a rather handsome sentence, so can i lead the rebellion?? i have quite a few of the same ideals held by the young men in this thread, so why not eh?

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 09:40 PM
This has been an interesting one, though there have been some...juvenile points in it, no offense to anyone. But however you look at it, the point is true, though Im not so conviced its aliens to worry about, despite some experiences I have had. But a change in government, that the US does need. And if you want to get people to join you, put the alien bit on the back burner....bring a change in goverment, and that part will be revealed as true or not in the process. I am not one for war....I am one for....reformation, you could say. But change, in some form, is necessary.

posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by hellfireburns
I know our school sucks 'they made it that way so thier would be no rebellion when they come out of thier shells.

So you're working hard to make up for your lack of public education, right?

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Mycroft

Originally posted by hellfireburns
I know our school sucks 'they made it that way so thier would be no rebellion when they come out of thier shells.

So you're working hard to make up for your lack of public education, right?
you can say that, though a fight w/o knowledge would be point less

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 01:59 PM
hell yeah man, Ive heard lots of rumors that the NWO is working with aliens on our enslavement. Its about time to start training our minds and bodies for war, think about psychic soldiers my friend and the possibilities. Anyways Im with the rest of you freedom fighters.

posted on Aug, 10 2003 @ 02:02 PM
and another thing, there are actually police and military leaders within our country who are on our side, Ive seen referall's to Operation vampire 2000 and others who's purpose is to rid the government of corruption. There is hope that humanity will unite, and I believe we will succeed.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 04:44 AM
There are many of us who can see through all the social engineering, the lies, deceit and treachery, i hate it when i debate to someone about moronic political correctness, and they reply " but we just have to accept it, it's here to stay now ", reall how dumb are some people, these people will be the idiotic sheep of the NWO, just don't accept things cause everybody else does it, standing up for your own rights and thoughts is important, this day and age, especially when the social engineers want to make us into so many brainwashed sheep, who think going shopping is the most satisfying thing in their lives, these are the people the NWO will snatch up straight away, and as for the greys, they must be peeing their pants laughing at human stupidity,

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 02:01 PM
You have been playing too many video games. The goverment uses UFO sighting as cover ups not for cover ups. 90% to 95% can be explains and 5%-10% are not aliens but more commonily test for new aircrafts. If people the lights are UFOs and they denie reporters and other nations won't take it serious and won't start investigating. If you still think aliens live then imagine this. One light year is 5,865,696,000,000 miles and the fastest one clocked went about 7,200 mph it would take the aliens 93,000 years to get here if they are only one light year away at 7,200 mph. They wouldn't be able to have enough supplies unless they go into supspanded animtion or something like that. It kinda funny when you then about it
. I say there are aliens, but not anywhere near here.

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 09:27 PM
Newbie....why do so many idiots always think any possible ET life has to have the same technology as we do? think!

posted on Aug, 11 2003 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by Coraz�n
You have been playing too many video games. The goverment uses UFO sighting as cover ups not for cover ups. 90% to 95% can be explains and 5%-10% are not aliens but more commonily test for new aircrafts. If people the lights are UFOs and they denie reporters and other nations won't take it serious and won't start investigating. If you still think aliens live then imagine this. One light year is 5,865,696,000,000 miles and the fastest one clocked went about 7,200 mph it would take the aliens 93,000 years to get here if they are only one light year away at 7,200 mph. They wouldn't be able to have enough supplies unless they go into supspanded animtion or something like that. It kinda funny when you then about it
. I say there are aliens, but not anywhere near here.

-First off, who do you think is helping us reaching, and possibly furthering our limits to technology that hasn't even reach our imagination?! The only reason our government is deniy it's exist because it does not want the public to know that they are hear... and in fatc they need our help, so they won't become extinct, but that is a totla different subject That I'm not going into, only beacause you think Video Games have had influence you on think the ignorant way, but I don't blame you for your actions, maybe yourself plays too much games and don't want to show it

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 05:45 AM
That is ridiculuous, do you really think the aliens would be using our ancient technology?, especially when the us government would stop at nothing to get hold of alien technology, if alien tech was so crap, why all the secrecy surrounding ufo's, if they used our tech, then there would be nothing to hide, and no one would be any the wiser, where do you think fibre optics, microwaves, tiny microscopic circuits, heck even transistors were supposed to originate from alien tech!, all came from originally ?...and what about the secrecy surrounding any black ops aircraft, why because of the alien tech on board.........

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by octopus
That is ridiculuous, do you really think the aliens would be using our ancient technology?, especially when the us government would stop at nothing to get hold of alien technology, if alien tech was so crap, why all the secrecy surrounding ufo's, if they used our tech, then there would be nothing to hide, and no one would be any the wiser, where do you think fibre optics, microwaves, tiny microscopic circuits, heck even transistors were supposed to originate from alien tech!, all came from originally ?...and what about the secrecy surrounding any black ops aircraft, why because of the alien tech on board.........
I never said that aliens were using our tech, but we were using there' time do me a more CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 12:37 PM

you need to simmer down. I don't know what's crawled up your skirt, but you're on full attack. Octopus was refering to the post above yours which stated the length of time it would take alien craft to reach earch travelling at speeds we can accomplish. I'm sure Octopus read just fine...perhaps it is you who should adjust you glasses.

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Lukefj

you need to simmer down. I don't know what's crawled up your skirt, but you're on full attack. Octopus was refering to the post above yours which stated the length of time it would take alien craft to reach earch travelling at speeds we can accomplish. I'm sure Octopus read just fine...perhaps it is you who should adjust you glasses.

You know Lukej you been on my case like a leech sucking on some blood, I was not attacking him or any one for that matter, I was just trying to state that the aliens are all ready here and there is no need for'em traveling to space cuz there already here, workingw/ the government. BTW im' not Irish, that skirt joke was so tacky

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by hellfireburns
next time do me a more CAREFULLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

That seems like an attack to me. I don't think I've been on your case at all. In the above case I was simply showing you that you flew off the handle when Octopus wasn't even commenting on your post. As for earlier comments, I have merely pointed out the many flaws in your logic, previously in this post. As for the skirt comment, I will detract it; however, I was in no way implying that you were Scottish. It was a joke...I'm sorry if I offended you..ffff.

PS. nice red

[Edited on 12-8-2003 by Lukefj]

posted on Aug, 12 2003 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Coraz�n
You have been playing too many video games. The goverment uses UFO sighting as cover ups not for cover ups. 90% to 95% can be explains and 5%-10% are not aliens but more commonily test for new aircrafts. If people the lights are UFOs and they denie reporters and other nations won't take it serious and won't start investigating. If you still think aliens live then imagine this. One light year is 5,865,696,000,000 miles and the fastest one clocked went about 7,200 mph it would take the aliens 93,000 years to get here if they are only one light year away at 7,200 mph. They wouldn't be able to have enough supplies unless they go into supspanded animtion or something like that. It kinda funny when you then about it
. I say there are aliens, but not anywhere near here.

i say that do u think they'd use their lightspeed technology to move around when observing a foriegn species? also if they do have lightspeed technology in theory they would not have to worry about time because if they can go that fast it takes no time, atleast for them, in theory that is, doens't mean much really, but your right about them giving lotsa "cover-ups" to distract people from the world, all the stupid # u see is like that, wars, the global economy, jobs, all kindsa junk is all distracting ya from the problem which is right in front of us, also makes everyone think we can't do nutitn about it cuz the problems are in other countries, lotsa stuff lol they have us in their hands hahaha tis far too late to revolt i think, we'd have to get all their mind-f*cked sheep to help us yea right

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 04:54 AM
this has gotten juicy over the last little while. my manifesto is coming along nicely, and someone stated a very real, and a very good point.

"there are peoplein our own military who would take our side and fight for the people to rid the government of corruption."

i don't know anything at all about Operation Vampire 2ooo, but it sounds like something that never happened. if our cause is justified, then educated people will see it as fact and wonder why the government would fight against us. let us pray to whatever god we have, that there won't have to be any killing, i've changed my once war mongering ways a bit, while i recognise the efficiency of war, and the neccesity, it would be best if it was a tool we would never have to use. exposing the corruption and putting down those who allow it to happen are what we need to do.

this is our duty, and our right, as americans. on the fourth day of July in 1776, it became our right, to fix our government if and when it failed to meet the needs of the people. and now, 227 years later, that time has come. soon Veritas will begin its work on digging our conspiracies and cover ups and other things that have been buried under neath the feet of the people, for all of the nation to see and realise the truth.

an end to bureacracy, and a return to democracy, in a better way than has been going on. if any person wishes to fight with us, and to discover that truth for themselves, contact me, and i will help you on your path to freedom alongside we who will die for this cause.

posted on Sep, 13 2003 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by hellfireburns
For years are government has tried to lie to us about invaders from another planet. They try to twist the facts like "it was not a ufo but all we can tell u is no one was hurt in the collision". these lies have fuled our anger towards the government for years

I can understand your anger, and I have my self felt it, but I think it's no point in directing that anger towards the US Government, because I belive they are just puppets for a secret government (NWO), and they know very little or not a $hit on what's realy going on!!

Originally posted by hellfireburns
I say the hell with this $hit we have to take charge on what happens in our nation instead of these old hipocrits that thinks whats good for us!

Those old hipocrits you are talking about, is just brainwashed slaves of a secret power, playing their game of matrix!

Originally posted by hellfireburns
vote for another type of government that will show us every thing that is appropiate for our knowing.

What's the point in new puppets when the Master of the puppets are still the same???

Originally posted by hellfireburns
or start a rebellion?

What would you have done if you'd been that secret power, and you sensed that the people would try to rebel against the authority for the cause of getting the truth out in daylight??? Wait a sec, I'll try to summon my darkside

Yeah, I got it, I would have brainwashed some poor souls to hijack some airplanes, and after that made them steer into some major buildings of importance, and in that way unite with the people towards an common enemy, the terrorists. That would have made them forget their main cause of anger! Did I say Matrix?

Love and Peace
The EarthDefender

[Edited on 13-9-2003 by EarthDefender]

posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 04:47 AM
~How would any of these ideas "enlighten" us?


posted on Sep, 14 2003 @ 08:55 AM
A few points if I may.

First, of course, there are guv agencies monitoring this site. It would be extremely foolish of them not to, you know being "intelligence agents" and all. The stuff that goes on here would not go unnoticed. That being said, it doesn't necessarily scare me because I value my mental freedom over my physical freedom (the latter doesn't even exist). So I'm not going to give up my mental freedom and become a scared little sheep because the alphabet soup guys have guns. Funk them. Funk them with a dead EBE.

Wanted to comment on the "people in the military that want to change stuff". There is a lil known story of a few high ranking military guys that were going to arrest Clinton. Guess what, they are all dead. But if they had all the millions of protesters (the ones for Gulf War II) backing them they would probably still be alive and we would have some U.S. military backing. Believe me, our people do not want to be in Iraq fighting a war for oil for some pipsqueak non-elected AWOL jack*ss. And if the reports leaked out of there are any indication there are probably many more military personnel wanting to arrest the people that put them there. That, I think, is a very safe assumption. Also, there is a plethora of retired military folk that would love to disiminate some knowledge for the cause. The trick to a try revolution would be to get the awakened part of the populace on the same page as the awakened part of the military. Then there would be no need for bloodshed because our leaders are chickens. They hide behind the police/military. Just look at any WTO meeting. Look at all the protesters. Those are the awakened. Those are the fighters for true freedom. Those are the ones that know the real terrorists are the ones that created this fack @ss war. But all in all the only place that a real revolution would have any chance of working would be the U.S. and that is being taken care of by the NWO as we speak. Not much time left in other words.

So how would one go about such a thing? Organize an offshore website (that the U.S. can't touch) and put in ALL civil organizations that are on the path to truth. This includes ALL sites such as UFO, paranormal, protest organizers, militia, news sites that give the real news, yahoo discussion boards of the same kind, all discussion boards of the same kind in fact (like ATS), crop circle sites, alternate sciences, alternate technology, etc. etc. I'm sure you could come up with 100s in a short period of time. They control by division. The only way to win is by unification. How in the h3ll would you get all these semi-like-minded individuals to agree? Easy, we are all in pursuit of true freedom and prosperity to all humans period. Also, be careful because a lot of organizations are just CIA counter intelligence. Like Green Peace and some of that ilk. Once organized start email contacts inviting the organizations together kinda like there freakin U.N. meetings but through the internet. Make the general topics agreeable to all those in favor of human life and freedom. That may weed out the counter intelligence organizations. Do this on a world wide scale. Also, start getting names and contact of military people (and their families), ex-military people, scientists that have gone on their own, radio people that seek the truth, and basically cover all the bases. Speaking of bases, start of database. Be sure it's distibuted so that it can't be taken out easily.

As for the aliens, ships and the whole light speed thing that's just kinda dumb. All they have to do is build big @ss ships and travel a few thousand years to get here. Really no big deal. If we needed a planet would we not do the same? Plus, who's to tell how long there life span is. Or they just go through many generations. Either way, if you are intelligent and you want to survive you will find a way.

For all you alphabet soup guys reading this disertation, I pose no threat to you. You have already lost the minds and hearts of most of humanity. Your time is short. The revolution has already begun in the minds of humans. Just take off those dark sunglasses and look around. We see how desparate you are getting and that only fuels the resolve of the majority of humanity. Why don't you quit being a robot slave to the machine and try to be human? Ah, but that would take REAL intelligence.

And for any aliens that would like planet Earth you can kiss my human @ss. This planet is for humans. Not human hybrids, not greys, not reptoids, HUMANS. You can have Mars but don't start any shyte. The Human Spirit will crush you. The war has already been won. Cease and desist immediately or face the concequences of your actions.

For my fellow humans, can you feel me? We came here for a purpose. Many are waking up to it. Can you feel it?

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