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You should read this if u want to be enlighten

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posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by phoenix_cross
the trick, ladies and gentlemen, and whatever else have you, to changing government, is at first, to gather ourselves into one area, a bunch of people all over the nation, and out, can't and won't do much. first step, would be set up some type of funding, some business or what have you. then, campaign in a small area, and broadcast a light version of our ideals, but not reveal the whole of it. slowly, if we win, we can introduce the people into it, and we'll keep it clean, to the point, and we'll get stuff done. if we lose, we can revise what we did wrong, and they'll be none the wiser, and we can try again next year. the trick is, win the people. do that, and you can do anyhting.
I think gathering peers that have the same common idea as u do will be a force to be recon with, if the numbers intend to grow. By the way how is Europe, Phoenix, Ihope it's better than here

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 02:28 PM
Im pretty new on this forum and I have to say that I really enjoy it. However I think that sometimes you might get too passionate or wild about certain things and scare off potential recruits. Im not sure if I actually belive that aliens are taking over the goverment or whatever but Ive seen some preey wild stuff posted on here. I think you guys would do well to sort of ease new people into it if you want them to see your point of view instead of screaming tht the Greys or whatever are taking over and we need to fight them right away.Dont get me wrong I get you guys idea for rebelling but what makes you think we can seriously be a threat?If the organization is really as powerful as it is believed to be then we really wouldent have a chance against them. I mean if we really were a threat to thier power they would be reviewing our posts right now as we type them.I know I probably sound like a party pooper or whatever but its just my opinion on how you could get more people to join your cause.

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by neoslayer
Im pretty new on this forum and I have to say that I really enjoy it. However I think that sometimes you might get too passionate or wild about certain things and scare off potential recruits. Im not sure if I actually belive that aliens are taking over the goverment or whatever but Ive seen some preey wild stuff posted on here. I think you guys would do well to sort of ease new people into it if you want them to see your point of view instead of screaming tht the Greys or whatever are taking over and we need to fight them right away.Dont get me wrong I get you guys idea for rebelling but what makes you think we can seriously be a threat?If the organization is really as powerful as it is believed to be then we really wouldent have a chance against them. I mean if we really were a threat to thier power they would be reviewing our posts right now as we type them.I know I probably sound like a party pooper or whatever but its just my opinion on how you could get more people to join your cause.
Welcome to the board neoslayer
, any ways i was interested on what u said. Most people who deny on ever going up against the nwo r just scared, yes it is true that the omega angency is very powerful and we have yet to witness thier force, but in time we will punish them for thier deceptions. The reason we don't have a chance is because we are not organized and we are not yet motivated, because we dont believe, yet i understand those people to be a skeptic when the topic of the nwo breaches in some areas, that's because they were lied to all thier life that their life is a HUGE deception organized by the nwo.
This gets me mad because they are unaware on what goes around in thier government, or thinks what goes around in thier gov't. Though some can be skeptic about aliens in our government, even i doubt that but the nwo and the omega angency are real. When they come out of hiding, where would the people of america turn to?

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 04:43 AM
The First thing needed to get an uprising together is a strong leader. Someone who inspires confidence and positive energy wherever he goes.

Attitude is everything, just imagine if every person from every site like this on the internet got together and formed one big group. It might not be pretty but it would be a formidible amount of people. Something a government would have to appreciate and recognize.

I would be glad to lead the revolution. Everyone needs to decide what direction they want to go in.


posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by CLeasthood
The First thing needed to get an uprising together is a strong leader. Someone who inspires confidence and positive energy wherever he goes.

Attitude is everything, just imagine if every person from every site like this on the internet got together and formed one big group. It might not be pretty but it would be a formidible amount of people. Something a government would have to appreciate and recognize.

I would be glad to lead the revolution. Everyone needs to decide what direction they want to go in.

Yes, exactly, this kind of attitude and leadership will bring positive outcomes in the end. Truthfully that's what every humanbeing whats on this earth, but they have no one to lead, so they live in a illusion instaed of doing something, maybe it's that thier not aware or they don't have the inspiration or motive like some of us have. Call me crazy but if we EVER do form a group that is dedicated to bring truth justice, and some individuals are not afraid to take out some top political foes during the revolution then all is well, we just need people with hears that are willing to listen.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 12:35 PM
So then it seems to me that the first step would be to send recruiters out to other message boards and chat rooms and see if you coul get the same like minded indivuals, and set up a central message board for the cause or whatever you would call it. I think you would get more recruits if you brought them in by way of telling them of corruption in the goverment rather than telling them a sinister organization is taking over. For example showing them the holes in the administrations view of what happened on 9/11 instead of saying it was controled by the MIB or something. Id be with you if you guys ever did come up with something, although im not a fighter im more of an idea man.

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by neoslayer
So then it seems to me that the first step would be to send recruiters out to other message boards and chat rooms and see if you coul get the same like minded indivuals, and set up a central message board for the cause or whatever you would call it. I think you would get more recruits if you brought them in by way of telling them of corruption in the goverment rather than telling them a sinister organization is taking over. For example showing them the holes in the administrations view of what happened on 9/11 instead of saying it was controled by the MIB or something. Id be with you if you guys ever did come up with something, although im not a fighter im more of an idea man.
sry for being overly aggressive about my ideas but i am tired of being soft, it's time to take actions, we need both fighters to enforce our ideas and idealicts to spread or word
Then this nation will see the faults of the admin and the shadow government and they will take action
, after that we can live a new era which is run by new technologies. i'll will post more i have to go

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 06:29 AM
is boring. really really really boring. i need to meet some people who aren't full of themselves. people do # here that wouldn't fly where i come from. people don't have much respect for each other, err not europeans, the americans on the base. i just about killed this kat yesterday for talkin crap, people need a clue.

i hope i can get myself back to the states. if we want a way to get people interested, we need proof of the lies. i was pondering the idea of getting ourselves together first, then contacting golden sun of the veritas group. just an idea, they find truth, we use it. they're the searchers, we're the soldiers. i can't do enough right now cos of my position. err, accessing a library comp restricts my abilitiy to do much of anything at all, but i'll give it a try.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 07:45 AM
i'm bored. really really bored. so here's what i'm going to do over the next few days. i'm going to write, yes write, then type up a draft of our ideals in a manifesto like thing. pretty much a what's the fight, who's the enemy, how are we fighting, why when and all that good jazz. if anyone is interested in proofreading this once i finish u2u me. lol. i said jazz. anyway, i'm going to send this to a few select people anyway. so i'll be seein ya.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by phoenix_cross
is boring. really really really boring. i need to meet some people who aren't full of themselves. people do # here that wouldn't fly where i come from. people don't have much respect for each other, err not europeans, the americans on the base. i just about killed this kat yesterday for talkin crap, people need a clue.

i hope i can get myself back to the states. if we want a way to get people interested, we need proof of the lies. i was pondering the idea of getting ourselves together first, then contacting golden sun of the veritas group. just an idea, they find truth, we use it. they're the searchers, we're the soldiers. i can't do enough right now cos of my position. err, accessing a library comp restricts my abilitiy to do much of anything at all, but i'll give it a try.
U now bro i was thinking the same thing, join veritas or start a veritas group with military and computer knowledge. With both aspects we will be invicible acting in stealth, working underground, I'll be grrrrreat!
First we'll meet a undisclose location because when im done with this post the feds and/or cia will be laughing and mocking at us!
We'll give them something to laugh about! So then we'll gather talk about topics that r really in concern and our main goal will be the truth or showing it to the people w/o being killed. I think only then ingnorance will come to a historic stop and the nwo will vanish will a little military help. But 4 now we can only tlk and dream of the future that would be stored for us and our kids.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 09:35 AM
Why just talk, even if your not going to act (fight), you can till do more than tlk on the board. I'm woking on an article for the Houston Chronicle. I've been posting sign and passing aroun flyers. We can do more with our words...

Everyone here on ATS at least acknowledges the possible existence of an alien/government conpiracy.
Tell other ppl bout ATS. make it sond cool.


posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Tassadar
Why just talk, even if your not going to act (fight), you can till do more than tlk on the board. I'm woking on an article for the Houston Chronicle. I've been posting sign and passing aroun flyers. We can do more with our words...

Everyone here on ATS at least acknowledges the possible existence of an alien/government conpiracy.
Tell other ppl bout ATS. make it sond cool.

I don't argue on that fact at all. If i had the chance you would already heard me on the news ie: this just in we have a reports on a man holding a gun to mr bush head, wait omg Mr. Bush just pissed his pants, wait the man is retreating, owwwww he just got shot! Of course no one wants to end up like that man do we? what shall we do? i know 4 1 fact that i cna do nothing physicly because im incapable, in other words IM 2 F%^&*%^* YOUNG!!!!!!!! Im only 15 going on 16
i can only tlk and spread ideas
which is ok 4 now

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:11 AM
Pipe Dreams.
Revolution is not something you can achieve overnight.

To achieve true Revolution the people need to unite. They can only do this if they all agree.

Agreement can only be achieved if all people do the right thing by each other.

You want Revolution?
It begins at home. Literally.

Planning and plotting on a website is a total waste of time.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Leveller
Pipe Dreams.
Revolution is not something you can achieve overnight.

To achieve true Revolution the people need to unite. They can only do this if they all agree.

Agreement can only be achieved if all people do the right thing by each other.

You want Revolution?
It begins at home. Literally.

Planning and plotting on a website is a total waste of time.

but it is a start, by talking in ats eventually this method of idea will be enforce, so upon doing this let's start recruiting til we drop. only then our size in population wise will be so huge that it might be possible to stop what might be the future of tomorrow.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:17 AM
No it's not a start.
Without unity, every Revolution is doomed to eventual failiure.

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Leveller
No it's not a start.
Without unity, every Revolution is doomed to eventual failiure.
It's not what i ment, Isaid by communicating first only then people will have a idea about a revolution then, only then they will act in actions. If 1 revolution has failed then we must revise our actions and do it again and again til we succeed

posted on Jul, 23 2003 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by hellfireburns
For years are government has tried to lie to us about invaders from another planet. They try to twist the facts like "it was not a ufo but all we can tell u is no one was hurt in the collision". these lies have fuled our anger towards the government for years.
What do we do? I say the hell with this $hit we have to take charge on what happens in our nation instead of these old hipocrits that thinks whats good for us!
here are the options: practice civil disobidience, vote for another type of government that will show us every thing that is appropiate for our knowing, or start a rebellion?


I allready helped start one failed rebellion, it is your turn now. I''ll set on the deck and watch the loons on the lake. If you would like any advice I'd be more than happy to give it

A Proud White Panther

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:40 AM
hey if you guys are trying to over throw the government you can count me in im sick of them always screwing us over

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:58 AM
leveller, in this day and age you fail to realise that the people have been made to sent down. closed eyes and closed minds are what we have. conformity to what people are told is right, and acceptance cos they're too lazy to do anything. our only voice in government is some person we don't know that we mark on a ballot every now and then, but does it ever change. you lack hope because you don't see the impossible as possible, or your contented living in a society of lies and corruption and refuse to give your life to change it. unity comes when people who think alike get together. we're finding those who agree with this cause and we're going to unite. we will take back our freedom, or die trying.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:28 PM
That is the question! when will the time to fight against ignorant opression begin. I'll tell. When the president decides to throw away our rights as citizens and puts us in prisonment of ignorance! U may say "well don't we live in shadows already?' yes we do! The time is now. how many more foriegners will hate us just because what the president felt right was done.... done in greed, by killing the less armed, by taking away and taring apart family members just because they looked like a terrorist they were a 'threat'? My question is when did the Admin of the Amrican government became so corruptted? Y?

How many third world countries will be eradicated, how many of our soldiers will be fooled by false intel and die because what they believe so strongly was built by a lie!!!?When will the final day of our way of living adbruptly end and the dawn of the NWO breaches? I don't no plz, but if u keep on considering living in a illusion you'll soon lose the sight of reality

That is y im always preparing...

regards hellfire

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