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You should read this if u want to be enlighten

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posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 04:42 PM
you can count me in. ive always wanted to do this but like hellfire nobody listens or cares about teens.LETS KICK SOME @$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 04:54 PM
What are you takling about,?
the American goverment?
Have they fed us all these lies?
Well good thing I live in canada.
All I have to worry about is it Jim Carrey running for prime minister.

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by ZeroDeep]


posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 06:27 PM
you know people as a wise observer i try to stay away from posting, yet these comments sound very foolish
for revolving within sand can never create the pyramid necessary to evolve. evolution is a process greater than revolutions, for it is a simple as man playing in the sands of time.

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 11:21 PM
i'm keen fer revolt, not only will it be fun to kil opressors but makin the wolrd better is also good, but killing

posted on Aug, 7 2003 @ 11:27 PM
well im in. This fall im going to college so who knows how many more I can get for the cause or whatever you call it. So what would be the next move. You would have to set up some sort of hierarchy. Id prefer this much more than one person making all the descions. It might take longer but it would avoid one person taking over the entire organization.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by BIGFOOT
you can count me in. ive always wanted to do this but like hellfire nobody listens or cares about teens.LETS KICK SOME @$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!
I'm glad u feel the way I feel, not that killing is right, it's just neccassary to get things done around in life sometimes. Also, take out ur anger towards the gov't not the people, it's not thier fault that thier ignorance blinds them from seeing the truth.

Also a system of classes would be agreeable since a one person oraganization never worked before, plus u got greedy plz always want to get ahead of you. I think we should all wait til the nwo show thier faces, because if we start now citizens will be confuse and scared and they will think of us as terrorist than a freeworld organization, also we would likly fail because they have eyes and ears of all differnet sources so I say we Plan well... before we act then analyze. So when the nwo finally breaches we would be fully prepared and ready for any thing.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 12:47 PM
This thread is helarious. I love that a 16 year old and an 18 year old, believe that they will start/lead an uprising against the government using their knowledge of the world, the way things work, etc... Talk of overthrowing governments...even kililng oppressors. Makes me laugh...out loud even.

You guys are rediculous! Get an education first. High school obviously hasn't given you a leg to stand on yet. Formal education isn't the only way to go, but you both obviously require a great deal more guidance before you can begin forming ideals and plotting resistance.

Do yourselves a favour. Stay in school, seek knowledge both formally and informally, then begin to make plans. As it is, neither Ultra Pheonix or hellfireburns know enough about the world to organize anything. Neither of you can even vote yet, you are not responsible for the current governments in place. It was decided long ago that individuals of your age are not reliable/knowledgable enough to be allowed to make the important decisions...including electing governments.

Unfortunately, because the American education system sucks, the majority of the population is either uninformed or disinformed. This is why you have such a problematic government.

Keep learning boys, you'll get there someday, but for now, don't worry about revolution...worry about growing up.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Lukefj
This thread is helarious. I love that a 16 year old and an 18 year old, believe that they will start/lead an uprising against the government using their knowledge of the world, the way things work, etc... Talk of overthrowing governments...even kililng oppressors. Makes me laugh...out loud even.

You guys are rediculous! Get an education first. High school obviously hasn't given you a leg to stand on yet. Formal education isn't the only way to go, but you both obviously require a great deal more guidance before you can begin forming ideals and plotting resistance.

Do yourselves a favour. Stay in school, seek knowledge both formally and informally, then begin to make plans. As it is, neither Ultra Pheonix or hellfireburns know enough about the world to organize anything. Neither of you can even vote yet, you are not responsible for the current governments in place. It was decided long ago that individuals of your age are not reliable/knowledgable enough to be allowed to make the important decisions...including electing governments.

Unfortunately, because the American education system sucks, the majority of the population is either uninformed or disinformed. This is why you have such a problematic government.

Keep learning boys, you'll get there someday, but for now, don't worry about revolution...worry about growing up.
So ur telling me u would rather be dictated by a opressor and have the nerve to tlk about education. Your the 1 to tlk, You say we need a better education and obviously u never gotten 1. Appenrtly you haven't notice the growing ignorance in this country, evrey 1 has been distracted by wars, scandals, legal affairs that don't even concern them, and a buch of other stuff. So before you tlk about education, maybe you should educate ur self becuase ur ignorance hasn't help much. I know and u know that before a act of violence(which will be a good cause for humanity) must be knowledge(such as education) I know our school sucks 'they made it that way so thier would be no rebellion when they come out of thier shells.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 01:25 PM
I am not dictated by an oppressor. I am free to do as I please, but then again, I am not American. It is clear from your post that you are still infantile. Do other readers a favour and brush up on your grammar and spelling. How can you ever hope to write a "manifesto" if you can hardly spell or put together coherent sentences.

I am very proud of my education. I am much further ahead of you in that department with two University degrees. However, I am not saying you are dumb in any way. You do seem to grasp some of the goings on in the world. However, you do need further guidance. You don't have the ability to filter out the propaganda that it is obvious you have been fed, along with Ultra Pheonix and are now trying to perpetuate on this forum.

I was not educated by the American system, thank god, but I do know that it is better than nothing. As for my "ignorance" not helping. Why would I help the Americans. I can't vote for their leaders, they are not my responsibility. You will notice however, that the country I am in is in a much better economic position, currently, and we have very little turmoil in governmental office, and we are not the target of any foreign hostility.

No act of violence is for a good cause. Whoever fed you that line is out of their tree.

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by Lukefj]

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by Lukefj]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Starwalker
They have been working on the NWO for over 40 years, and you have been working on resisting or stopping it for 40 minutes, who do you think is going to win.


posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Lukefj
I am not dictated by an oppressor. I am free to do as I please, but then again, I am not American. It is clear from your post that you are still infantile. Do other readers a favour and brush up on your grammar and spelling. How can you ever hope to write a "manifesto" if you can hardly spell or put together coherent sentences.

I am very proud of my education. I am much further ahead of you in that department with two University degrees. However, I am not saying you are dumb in any way. You do seem to grasp some of the goings on in the world. However, you do need further guidance. You don't have the ability to filter out the propaganda that it is obvious you have been fed, along with Ultra Pheonix and are now trying to perpetuate on this forum.

I was not educated by the American system, thank god, but I do know that it is better than nothing. As for my "ignorance" not helping. Why would I help the Americans. I can't vote for their leaders, they are not my responsibility. You will notice however, that the country I am in is in a much better economic position, currently, and we have very little turmoil in governmental office, and we are not the target of any foreign hostility.

No act of violence is for a good cause. Whoever fed you that line is out of their tree.

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by Lukefj]

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by Lukefj]
You'll soon be dictated if we don't do something, anyways the time is not now, like I said before people in America would scared and confused, all we need to do now is gather people from all different kinds of regions. Well you're lucky you don't live in a country that is not runned by a bunch of morons(BTW what country do u represent?)

Finally My grammer has nothing to do with what I'm fighting for, I shorted words, and abreviate them too, it's how u do it in the internet. Don't worry u don't have to help we don't need people like you
, you sound like a french...

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 02:16 PM
Can I just warn you though, recently there has been FBI agents monitoring this site and this sort of talk could place you under the Terrorism Act, and that is some sh*t you don't want to be in.

This is just a word of caution though, I don't want to meddle in how you are dealing with this.



posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by MrEisenhower
Can I just warn you though, recently there has been FBI agents monitoring this site and this sort of talk could place you under the Terrorism Act, and that is some sh*t you don't want to be in.

This is just a word of caution though, I don't want to meddle in how you are dealing with this.


I consider ur concern very light hearted, you don't realize it's thier way of eliminating any threats towards the agency. I mean the FBI exist so it can control us and take any 1 away who gets to close to the truth, speaks the truth or has a great plan ridding the world of constant ignorance, hey let them take me away, there be more like me, soon all of you will know how dangerous this organization is and how serious it is on ridding the world of violence, which first I thought: hey their not that bad, then I read a little more I thought they must be stopped! Some how and some day we will meet and organize then take out the nwo, and established our Liberty and our morals back like they were supposed to be.
But all this negativity on "how are u going to stop the nwo burns, eh?" and " You never succeed, they have tomorrow's technology and you have today's!!"
How in the world will we able to stop them unless we all come to the same common ground "any body that tries to change our or constitutional rights for thier benefit and not the peoples' is a outlaw!!"

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by hellfireburns]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 02:32 PM

You hearts in the right place, but your brain is not.
You cant really expect to start a revolution.
Like your other friend says, nobody listens to teens.
You'll be brushed aside as a nuciance.
Your very young and haev to understand how the world works.
At your age you should be worried about your education, not the NWO.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 02:39 PM
I know I have rampt on how i hated the nwo, but all I need is a little education, I get that now. revolution does not start with ignorance it's starts with a education and with a cause. I now know that.

I know it's going to sound weird but thanx for giving me that unconditional slap on the head or WAKE UP CALL!!
I now know what I must do... graduate ...then it's ON BABY!!!!

[Edited on 8-8-2003 by hellfireburns]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 02:55 PM
I find it funny that Lukefj is telling these guys to get an education in an education system that he also said sucked. Now that's laugh out loud worthy. Ha. Ha!

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 07:13 PM
Heu hellfire, im gonna U2U my e-mail, i have some idieas on what we can do.
And dont tell another god danm soul my e-mail,(even though my name and crap is all faked) if there is FBI agents on here i dont want them coming up saying "oh im in on it to gimme all the plans"
well be prepared to exept what im gonna say, oh ya send it to that pheonix person 2. i dont thiknk she is a FBI guy.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 08:14 PM
Time & Space the final frontier...

[Edited on 8/10/2003 by Katie]

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 08:23 PM
But wait I have gotton an education! I just graduated and im going to a very good college. So am I qualifed to start the resistance? Besides it could be fun. Do you really think the FBI is monitering the site though? I mean people make statements all the time but they never mean anything. To tell you the truth any planning these days unless its done in person would be extrememly risky. And even in person you never know who would be listening in.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 10:18 PM
Thats true, there really isnt CRAP we can do about it. im gonna U2U my e-mail and same thing goes 4 u dont tell any1 anything about crap that i tell u.Try to accept what i say and not make jokes or anything, we are for buisness, im sick of @$$ holes on this sight making jokes and crap in a valuble topic.Peace

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