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Capitol Building Shooting

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posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
These "people" send our sons and daughters to die in foreign lands, but cower like little children when unarmed protestors come too close.

Disgusting photos:

They also make sure their kids never end up on the front line in those wars
that they create for financial gain and power.

These Liberals ride on the back of decent and honest men and women, who fight, and work for their country. Stealing their votes and taxes.

Decent honest people need to wise up and play dirty and dishonest if they are going to survive.

Disgusting snakes have been in high positions in the American Government, and alphabet agencies for a long, long time. People ignored it all for Far Too long. Decades and decades.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:41 PM
Why only one shot? Why her as opposed to others there? Yes she was crawling through a window. Was she acting threatening, physically more than any other person there?

There are several videos available plus witness interviews from the incident. I believe that it all could have been resolved with stun guns or less than lethal ammo.

I just don’t think the situation warranted lethal force. Arrests for sure, even a reality check for forcible entry and destruction of property. To shoot someone wearing a flag that is trying to be heard and make a change for the better, and their major crime is breaking and entering as far as i can see is wrong.

She didn’t do things the correct way and made a mistake; but neither did the other bunch of people that was with her. Do they all deserve a death sentence for breaking and entering? Trespassing?

I practice equal escalation in any given situation or at least i do my best to. I suppose i am human and err. It would be a lie if i said i didn’t.

The use of force seems quite lopsided to me.

May god accept this soul into his kingdom.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 08:50 PM
I feel bad for the lady.
My guess is someone is going to use this opportunity to make a martyr out of her.

I believe alot of these people got caught up in the mob mentality.

Case in point, the chants to "Hang Mike Pence."

I see some claims that these people should be allowed into their own Capitol building.

Why would do you let in individuals with that mentality and all those backpacks?

Here's another video of an eye witness that explains that they broke into the building, the bright individual even releases his full name, he is covered in the poor womans blood.

I have this eerie feeling that key players on all sides are in on this and followed the script to a T, in an attempt to further divide this nation and take away rights.

Those doubling down on their beliefs and arguing, not engaging in dialogue but arguing are the biggest suckers right now, regardless of political affiliation.

I'm sure more footage and reports will come forward in the upcoming days showing that Trump supporters got played the same way BLM got played.

Everyone is wrong today.

These protesters as well as protesters from last year are wrong for acting this way.

I am wrong and you are wrong for letting the political climate get so bad.

We need more patience and communication here or this powder keg will blow up in all our faces.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: Drucifer
Once you’re smashing windows to break into an area law enforcement does not want you in, you’re past the point of peaceful. You’re a threat.

These people wanted their votes to matter.

A couple of months ago it was people wanting a free flat screen or free Nikes. They didn't get shot, even though the law allows for it. After a while, they killed some people too.

I’ve spoken against the riots and looting enough here that I’m not going repeat myself. I think the difference in this case is that these people were now a threat to a lot of government officials. Sure, I get the point. But no one knows how many of those people could have been/were armed and what they were willing to do.

And if these pics came after the woman got shot, I’d be f*ckin’ ducking too. I’d think most people would take cover in that situation.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: Snarl

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Simple question...WAS SHE ARMED????

Answer the gawd damned question!!!

Doesn't look like it.

Do not follow the link if you don't want to see her shot!!!!!
You may have to click 'refresh' to get past the block.

Unbelievable, there were tons of cops just talking with the protestors when she was shot. There was no riot, there were tons of cops there. I can't believe it if I didn't just watch it.

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:19 PM
reminds me of; a similar death by officer initials GF?
Also had supposed officers standing around... hmmmmmm

a reply to: panoz77

edit on 6-1-2021 by ReadLeader because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2021 @ 09:59 PM
United we stand, Divided we fall. This days events just show me how divided and extremist minded some of us are. I feel like you are on the money, this country is building up to a breaking point.

So many have opposing views and are dead set in their convictions. So much so that people are loosing their lives over a presidential election. Die hard supporters, fanatics so opposed that they are now killing each other. Can you say that a person is so important that you would die for that persons cause?

This poor woman did, and i fear that this may be just the start of things. The USA has been getting more divided in the recent past. Race and gender division is the first of many things coming to a head. Now political divisions so strong that people are storming the place where our freedoms are formed, worked over and kept in practice.

When we allow ourselves to be divided we will become weaker as a nation. Its time we start the election over again. This time only paper ballots in person with proper id. This is serious enough that people are clearly willing to die for their belief. We should at the very least do all we can to unify our Divided States of America.

I hope that the near future smooths out a bit. 2021 just came in with a bang and i am still tired from 2020.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: djz3ro
Not surprised to see the Trump fans being disgusting about the dead.

Very hypocritical.

Two wrongs do not make a right and if you think this death is acceptable you are a MAGA who shares the same moral space as BLM and ANTIFA extremists
You must not recall BLM being happy about “dead Nazis”

No, they think dead Nazis is ok because they are less than human.

Likewise they believe all conservatives are Nazis..

I called this a while ago, if one side want's to commit genocide against their political rivals, they de-humanize them to make it easier on the consciences of the useful idiots doing the dirty work..

The left has dehumanized the right to this point now...
edit on 7-1-2021 by Ironclad1964 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: ReadLeader

If you are referring to Floyd, maybe educate yourself. Broken record at this point.

He necked a whole pile of Fentanyl and stuff. This made it extremely difficult for officers to safely arrest him.

They probably suspected he would be high as a kite or in withdrawal, going by his track record. Anyone with any intelligence realises how erratic and violent the drug addict can become.

It is really classy of you people to use his addiction and self inflicted lethal overdose
to score your petty and disingenuous points. Disgusting.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: shaneslaughta

They made our great and noble lawmakers cower and scurry like cockroaches. Shame on them.
Our enemies are going to have fun passing Usurper Joe around like a jailhouse bitch.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: Lucidparadox

Trump riles up a crowd in DC

Heads off to the White House

Then rowdy MAGA-NATION storms the U.S. Capitol building... breaks in.. WHILE THEY ARE IN SESSION.. and start whaling on Capitol police...

Someone gets shot...

and there's people here that are surprised?

If this summer, a rowdy crowd had actually breached the White House doors... they would have killed more than just 1 protestor. They are lucky.

At least the protestors this summer were doing it for a National... Multi-national human rights related cause.

This, as per President Elect Biden.. was Seditious.

Storming the president is 1 thing.. he is a member of a specific party, and is an individual...

The Capitol houses both parties and everyone's representatives.

Cry me a river princess. Your tears taste just as delicate as your condescension.
Num num num

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:24 AM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Was she armed?

Did she threaten someone with grave bodily harm or death???

She wouldn’t be the first unharmed person to be fatally shot.

Sad news.

Are you sure about that statement?

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Ironclad1964

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: djz3ro
Not surprised to see the Trump fans being disgusting about the dead.

Very hypocritical.

Two wrongs do not make a right and if you think this death is acceptable you are a MAGA who shares the same moral space as BLM and ANTIFA extremists
You must not recall BLM being happy about “dead Nazis”

No, they think dead Nazis is ok because they are less than human.

Likewise they believe all conservatives are Nazis..

I called this a while ago, if one side want's to commit genocide against their political rivals, they de-humanize them to make it easier on the consciences of the useful idiots doing the dirty work..

The left has dehumanized the right to this point now...

I don't think the "left" ( anyone who is not on the extreme right, apparently) have a monopoly of dehumanising folk.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: slatesteam

originally posted by: djz3ro
Not surprised to see the Trump fans being disgusting about the dead.

Very hypocritical.

Two wrongs do not make a right and if you think this death is acceptable you are a MAGA who shares the same moral space as BLM and ANTIFA extremists
You must not recall BLM being happy about “dead Nazis”

Nice whataboutism.

You think this justifies another death? That makes you as bad as them.

Honestly i don't condone murder no matter what side of the political divide , colour of the skin, or religious beliefs of neither killer nor victim. I don't feel we have the right to take the life of another.

Ken oath. I condone murder. Wilful taking of life is a soldiers vocation. Like all things, the intention behind the action is where morality sits, much like a president Biden.
He’s like a big morality dumpster. Full of rotting refuse and putrescence.
always wanted to use that word to describe that frail little bugger.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: Breakthestreak

I don't know the details of that killing. But I sincerely feel for her and her family.

She may have been a protestor and should not have been in there but she didn't deserve to be shot.

It was a young woman, it's a sad thng. I blame Trump for her death. This is all on his karma.

Was ‘it’ a young woman? I heard the lady in question was a veteran and a human-being. May she ride with the Valkyries in the last days!

There is no blame fool. She died a glorious death, with her face to the enemy.
Remember. Remember.
edit on 7-1-2021 by Dalamax because: Exactitude.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: peck420

originally posted by: elysiumfire
They represent only themselves and their globalist masters. You sir, are nominated to be the village idiot for this thread. Please supply us all with more of your perspective on things, we all need cheering up and could do with a good laugh.

If all you need is a good laugh, do what I American politics.

I am genuinely disappointed in the "shock and awe" levels right now though. You guys can do so much better....get those 2nd amendment guys to front asap....I need something to entertain me tonight.

Then buy a puppy to drown you psycho.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
I was under the mistaken understanding that this woman was a member of congress or somehow directly affiliated with a member. Though i haven’t heard otherwise i am leaning on the thought that it was a protester being shot and killed at this point.

I cant make a judgement on who was at fault. But that it has gone too far tonight. That people are so riled up and people are getting too reactionary. I think everyone in DC needs to take a step back and take in the whole scene and react appropriately like a civilized nation.

Me included, for making assumptions.

What was the libtard war chant? Burn the m’fer down? Or was it the slightly more whiney, at this point what difference does it make?
Wait! We came, we saw, (s)he died?

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax

originally posted by: Willtell
a reply to: Breakthestreak

I don't know the details of that killing. But I sincerely feel for her and her family.

She may have been a protestor and should not have been in there but she didn't deserve to be shot.

It was a young woman, it's a sad thng. I blame Trump for her death. This is all on his karma.

Was ‘it’ a young woman? I heard the lady in question was a veteran and a human-being. May she ride with the Valkyries in the last days!

There is no blame fool. She died a glorious death, with her face to the enemy.
Remember. Remember.

You're not a Klingon, by any chance?

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: shaneslaughta
I never thought i would see a global pandemic in my life time, now I’ve seen one of the most IMO secure building in the country overrun by a few (Hundred?) protesters.

I mean this is capitol hill in the days leading up to inauguration day. On the very night that they certify the election counts.

How does this happen in the first place? I am ashamed for what some of out brothers and sisters have done. Shameful behaviour to say the least.

By design Bub. If your freaking over this wait till Chinese snipers in blue helmets are shooting people from your capital hill.
You’ll be reeeeeeelly impressed.

posted on Jan, 7 2021 @ 11:46 AM
Did Trump order the police to stand down? They were rather complacent with the protestors.

Witnesses said the secret service agent, who shot the woman, was protecting someone in a safe room, probably Pence since he didn't leave the capitol building. She was shot while attempting to jump through a broken part of the doors to the chamber, apparently she got a little too close.

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