posted on Dec, 18 2020 @ 08:18 AM
I'd been lurking as a non member for years, mostly for alternative news. I used to be a die hard skeptic about a lot of the more "out there" subforums
but still enjoyed reading them. I've done a lot of experimentation with Tesla patents and am a pretty big UFO conspiracy buff, you know the type. It's
hard making friends around here since most people have a rigid and defined notion of how certain things work, which is about 20% fairy tale and 20%
"but muh kwontum fissiks". I've found it's not the morons you need to worry about, it's the people who think they have it figured out because of what
they read on the internet or that half an electronics book from 1995 that they never finished. So the people who could understand what I've
been literally proving of Tesla's, what I've been literally proving about programmable materials, they don't want to hear it. Imagine that the most
valuable things you know are a bunch of stuff nobody wants to hear, things you could prove but shouldn't to those sorts of people. So I shut up and am
happy to do my private research, occasionally checking the site to laugh at the political left's crybaby threads and read the science forum asteroid
mission posts.
I do enjoy the site and a lot of the folks here, even the ones that take politics too seriously, but there are a few folks who just want to stroke the
wrinkles on their brain and don't care about adapting to anything you could put in front of them which becomes a hurdle to that or their political
tribalist subscriptions. I've been studying electronics and optics for over 15 years, I've sold three patents in those fields, but I wouldn't help a
few folks here troubleshoot a string of Christmas lights for all the tea in China. I think it's funny I've shown my experiments to master machinists
and they can understand it, I've shown it to other electronics engineers and they can understand it, others have done some of the exact same before me
and shown everyone, but some dudes on the internet know it's impossible. Gotta laugh when that happens, and let em enjoy it being impossible for them
I guess. Thank God we have all these D grade physicists that know so much about electrical engineering, what would the energy industrial complex do
without them. Anyways, that's why I joined...and why I don't post much.