posted on Dec, 16 2020 @ 01:21 PM
originally posted by: vlawde
I'd advise any new owner to dump politics, and stick to the weird stuff. Politics are so divisive and we're flooded with that crap pretty much
everywhere else.
Having tried it myself in the distant past, I don't think it is possible to discuss most of what we discuss in a venue of this kind without politics
being involved to some extent -- and usually a large extent.
However, I very much believe that it is possible to discuss any subject productively, including politics, as long as reasonable standards of courtesy
and topical relevance are observed, because doing so cuts down on noise and improves the quality of content.
For whatever it may be worth, my passion for courtesy is pragmatic and has absolutely nothing to do with being "nice", wanting everyone to link arms
and sing "Kumbaya" or suggesting anyone "go along to get along". Rather, it's based on the fact that insults, flame wars and off-topic digressions
tend to be repetitive, tedious and ultimately unsatisfying for everyone.
The best ATS has to offer can be found in threads whose titles match their contents and discussions in which people with different opinions can share
and debate them in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
That is, of course, an ideal which is rarely achieved, but will always be worth working toward, and I am hopeful it is a goal that any prospective
owner of ATS will share.
tl;dr: The problem isn't politics, but how politics are discussed, and maintaining courtesy and topical relevance in discussions is the solution.