posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 04:57 AM
Is Forgetting a pre-requisite to Forgiveness??
Good question...
I do believe it is possible to forgive others for wrongs they may have committed against you...otherwise, how can we expect others to forgive us of
the wrongs we have committed against them...more importantly, how do we forgive ourselves if we hold the belief that forgiveness is not possible?? Are
we then burdened with that 'unsatisfied debt' for the remainder of our mortal lives??
As Marko pointed out, so very well indeed, we should try to understand what caused that person to do whatever they did...and to ascertain what that
person means to us, weighing up the energy it needs to forgive - and truly commit to the spirit of forgiveness - compared with the loss of that person
within our lives/heart.
How important are they? How important also is our need NOT to forgive...for that is a question few ask themselves...sometimes we NEED that reluctance
to forgive fulfills some need within us to harbour that wrong, to cling to it and not let it go. At least for a while anyway...
...its almost like grieving in a way...emotions don't have a time-frame, we can't truly forgive until we have worked through them...which takes a
whole lot more than saying "I forgive you"...sometimes we need that time to rage, to be angry, to feel cheated etc etc...its just part of the
process towards forgiveness.
As for forgiveness...yes...totally believe it possible, for there are things, very painful things, that I have forgive people in my life for. Truly
forgiven them. For in my heart there is love for them...and that burns away the seeds of hatred, of debt and of guilt...
[Edited on 14-7-2003 by alien]