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New Mexico governor shuts down grocery stores for two weeks

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posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 07:27 AM
Two week stay at home order by the New Mexico Governor full in effect, Crazy.

No Turkey for you!

My friends tell me it’s back to the “flatten the curve” scenario once again, gyms and restaurants closed down. Stores limiting numbers of people in. Gov offices closed. Paper products in short supply.

What will Christmas bring, a truck load of coal?

edit on 26-11-2020 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: pointr97

Breadlines might not be far off...
It is already a breadline. That was originally the centralized control of the economy in the Old Soviet Union(communism). I’m wondering why anyone voted for Biden and the radical socialists. I guess “free stuff”.
Here is a quote from the op article

state Access to purchase food is now limited because of another order issued by the governor requiring capacity limitations at all stores. New Mexicans are now waiting outside, standing in line for up to two hours, local news reports indicate, which the governor’s office has disputed
So yah breadlines. The question is how far will they go and will it eventually extend into the rest of the country if Biden is certified.
edit on 26-11-2020 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2020 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: schuyler
Not exactly:

A dozen grocery stores around the state have been forced to close for two weeks because of a public health order issued by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham at a time when the state’s residents are suffering from record high unemployment and food insecurity, critics say.

The order requires businesses with four or more rapid responses of COVID-19 cases reported within in a 14-day period to close for two weeks

Not "grocery stores" but "a dozen grocery stores around the state." How many grocery stores does the state have? I can count a dozen grocery stores within a ten mile radius of my house. I would bet there are several thousand others. Reading comprehension matters.

That is still a significant amount of people potentially losing their jobs and dozens without a business to run for the duration though.
Not to mention how many people might have to take a bus to the nearest grocery.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: [post=25584000]generik[/post

No one is missing the point here. I live in this state. Fist of all did your know the federal government (FDA) has designated most of these area in New Mexico as areas of people with malnutrition. One of them is south Santa Fe where one of these stores closed. The people now have to travel further out to get food, some don't have cars, some rely on public transportation; and the mayor of Santa fe is thinking of limiting that. This is very bad to say the least. so what are the people you going to do starve even more.

There are no crybabies here. I have not seen one person without a mask in Albuquerque or Santa Fe , not to mention the rest of the state. Workers, store workers , everyone had a mask on. You can support this governor all you want, but she is wrong for what she is doing. The entire state of New Mexico is upset about this or have you missed the local news reports. There is a Wal-Mart now closed on Coors road in Albuquerque. Do know where the people went that shopped there? They went Down the road to Krogers Smith's . That place has a line around the building and then some into the parking lot twice. There are ways to keep food stores open and send sick employees home, but our governor is not a critical thinker and don't even remotely know how to achieve something like that nor does her staff.

edit on 27-11-2020 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 03:17 AM
Not only are these food stores closed for two weeks ,but all stores have to close by 10pm. No more than 75 people can be in a store or 25 percent which ever is less. How is anyone going to get shopping done . The former New Mexico Health Secretary resigned two weeks ago and the governor is very hush about it to the public of New Mexcio. The New Health Secretary is lock step behind this governor. But one thing is for sure the governor is having descension within the ranks. This women wants to be Biden's National Health Secretary, beware

I suggest posters from New Mexico to help some of these people out if you can. I myself delivered some turkey dinners today. The people I delivered to to could not get to the store's. Because they were closed by the governor and had to travel further or did not have trasportation, stores closing at 10pm, some worked two jobs and had very little time in the week to get any real shopping in.

The food banks are out of food ,but donations are coming in. The local school in my neighborhood managed to get family's turkey dinners this year again , but they ran out as fast as the food banks.

This Governor is wrong for implementing this on New Mexico. Thousands are feeling the effects of her decision This is the United States of America this should not be happening at all . There is no excuses period.

edit on 27-11-2020 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-11-2020 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

It's more than 2 hours , more like 2.5- 3 hours . All store in the state must close by 10pm , so that's another hurdle to jump. This is why people can't shop they have no time to stand in long lines. So people get out of the line and head over to Walgreens buying what they can at or convenience stores. people can't live off canned food and cheetos, or they head over to the nearest fast food place

Driving home last night about 9 pm my wife tapped me on the shoulder. "notice the long lines at all the drive-thru restaurants " the lines were longer than normal. And every fast food drive-thru we past was packed with cars at 9pm. 10 -15 plus cars at everyone of them and I mean everyone .I'm very sure these are the people who were standing in these very long food store lines that we have been passing. I assume most have figured out that there is no way there going to be in these stores and complete grocery shopping by 10pm closing time.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 04:24 AM
a reply to: 38181

Yeah, the real estate has gone up here .. Lots of licenses plates from Texas, that where former Californians have moved in the last few years, I guess there hearing back west again. As for the phone lines ,yes that's mostly true you forgot to mention the fact that ( if you can even get a phone line) in a rural area. I have electric transformer on a pole that has been there since 1968, found that out from electric company. Tried to get get it replaced that was a no go .Offered to buy my own install it and share with the other homes at my expense. Electric company told me "NO"state restrictions won't allow them though they did like my offer.
Time to move out of here. It is backwards and so far behind in just about everything , now it's third world with the food lines and food store closures. Nice mountains and recreational stuff , But that's it. Oh best internet in the state is comcast most you will ever get is 70 megabits ,if a line is available. Out of the way places in NM use satellite 25 megabits. If you can get Verizon some people stream from phone too TV. Infrastructure though out the state is badly needed. The govern broke the state before the corvid-19 people are wanting to know on what.

edit on 27-11-2020 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: SJE98

Also she sold off a lot of water right to Texas, the Pecos is down, the Elaphant Butte reservoir is sad looking. What is the reasoning she is destroying your state?! I read the reply’s on her news feeds and I’m shocked of the amount of support she gets.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: DaMouse
a reply to:
Have a read of this article about how my state, Victoria Australia beat the 2nd wave of coronavirus.
We are now at 26 days 0 new cases, 0 active cases and 0 community transmission.
It took 4 months of the toughest restrictions to get there.
But for the past few weeks we’ve been enjoying a slow easing of restrictions.
It can be done, suppressing the virus, but it isn’t easy and it’s super tough.

You'll be locked down again. This crap doesn't go away.

posted on Nov, 27 2020 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: 38181

The Rio Grande is low, no rain and a very hot summer lead to the the elephant bute being low and the pecos. I've seen that happen before. Also Albuquerque has used more than 10 million more acre-feet or gallons not sure how they measured it during the lock-down' basically because of all the people staying home. They have been pulling more water from the Rio Grande river than ever before. The ranchers in New Mexico are up in arms about The low water and the water fights with Texas. Some have deeds for water rights going back to The king of Spain and can prove it. They will and have been upheld in state courts. Rancher are fighting The governor sometimes to keep the rights, I've never seen anything like this .

Biden wants to ban anything oil and zero emissions .New Mexico is The third largest producer of oil in the U.S. Big oil is very concerned with there drilling leases in New Mexcio. Exxon has discovered a big cache of oil here in the state known to very large, but has not been very public about it I think because of all the interference they maybe getting from The small drillers who get no support from the NM governor. It's strange they she governed this state ,make no sense most of the time.

The local news forms showing support for the governor to include the mayor of Albuquerque are posters with other fake poster accounts. It's very obvious some are same exact posts crossing to other forums. It was shown by some local reporters that discovered it on Reddit and other net venues . I looked a few of them ,very obvious there fake . It's was also a little over the top on most of them . As Joe says " come - on-man"

Is she wins another term we all know it's been rigged. No one I know including Dems will not vote for her that I know of
edit on 27-11-2020 by SJE98 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2020 @ 06:09 AM
I was standing in food lines at my grocery store, uncovered in the rain for 40 minutes plus (uphill both ways too!) during the first wave of covid lock down. No bread or chicken in the stores or pasta, beef and fish suddenly were very very expensive. It was a real hassle to just get the goods I needed. I expect very soon those things will fall into place.
I do have a but more of a prepper mentality trying to always have a bill of a few things around I didn’t before.

a reply to: pointr97

posted on Nov, 30 2020 @ 04:58 PM
A Buddy of mine in NM just called me all angry that the governor is still imposing restrictions and are doing some sort of color code thing, right now the state is all red. But here’s the kicker, when it goes to green it’s still restricted, the restrictions will lift when everyone gets a vaccine! Kinda a bit unconstitutional ?

Schools everywhere and here in the Deep South are wide open.

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