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New Mexico governor shuts down grocery stores for two weeks

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posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: pointr97

This is utter bullcrap. Slap a notice on the doors and let the public decide if they want to go in or not, don't # everyone over like this.

All you nitwits that laughed and said bread lines would never happen, I hope you suction that sphincter to your seats -- it's VERY possible now that the government is deciding which food retailers can be open and which can't. It won't take much of an effort for them to shutter them all, then you're screwed. Better hope no one knows what's in your cupboards.

Actually, I do. You deserve some sweating.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 05:59 AM
A small step forward to those national guard deliveries of your food....
Weren't some of you guys complaining about allowing people to shop at grocery stores when your churches and bars were closed?
Congratulations, they listened to yas!

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to:
Have a read of this article about how my state, Victoria Australia beat the 2nd wave of coronavirus.
We are now at 26 days 0 new cases, 0 active cases and 0 community transmission.
It took 4 months of the toughest restrictions to get there.
But for the past few weeks we’ve been enjoying a slow easing of restrictions.
It can be done, suppressing the virus, but it isn’t easy and it’s super tough.

edit on 25/11/2020 by DaMouse because: Typos

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: Bobaganoosh
a reply to: 38181

Naw, you don't quite understand. The only people that vote there are leftist trash. The decent folks that are there really don't care enough to vote, or they are felons. Pretty much a defacto one party state full of haves and have nots.

Not going to change any time soon.

It’s a beautiful state, too bad the Rich hippies from Denver moved south into Santa Fe, then down to Albuquerque. Have you seen the house prices there? Like California part two.

You are right, the rest of the state is beyond behind times. The broadband infrastructure for decent internet is sub part even compared to where I live in podunck South Carolina, I have fiber optics here in the corridor of shame!!

My friends in NM just on the skirts of a semi large City (military air force base town) have to buy a WiFi hot spot with data caps because there’s no companies that have high speed internet, the phone lines are from the 50’s!

edit on 25-11-2020 by 38181 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: Bobaganoosh
Roswell, Alamogordo, Ruidoso, Belen, Socorro, etc etc. NM is bigger than you realize. But yes I’ve been to eastern NM and it is a shathole Like Artesia, Hobbs, and Clovis and Carlsbad. All have Walmart’s and large supermarkets.

Edit to add, most of the counties are red, it’s the blue countys up north in Santa Fe and Albuquerque who control the rest, thanks to the Yuppies from Colorado.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 08:39 AM

originally posted by: IAMALLYETALLIAM

originally posted by: slatesteam
Um. What? And here I thought in Cali we were getting the ball rolling on food scarcity going into winter by fomenting a shutdown across all outdoor dining and all dining period in/around LA.

Damn you good NM.....

How does closing down dining increase food scarcity?

There seems to be a rumble growing louder around food scarcity however, it is starting to have the hallmarks of a psyop in my humble, partially educated opinion.

By limiting the places where people can buy food, by not being able to sell the food they already have and it spoils, by employees not having a job and not being able to afford food. Should I go on?
edit on 25-11-2020 by AlbatrossMaker because: Typos

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 09:35 AM

originally posted by: DeadlyStaringFrog
The bread lines will be shut down due to covid.

Government's gotta make sure we SAVE people to DEATH.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: schuyler
Not exactly:

A dozen grocery stores around the state have been forced to close for two weeks because of a public health order issued by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham at a time when the state’s residents are suffering from record high unemployment and food insecurity, critics say.

The order requires businesses with four or more rapid responses of COVID-19 cases reported within in a 14-day period to close for two weeks

Not "grocery stores" but "a dozen grocery stores around the state." How many grocery stores does the state have? I can count a dozen grocery stores within a ten mile radius of my house. I would bet there are several thousand others. Reading comprehension matters.

It's a test run to see if they can get away with it. Mark these words: this is heading to the State controlling food distribution. Look up "normalization" of behavior.

Try picking up a history book every now and then.
edit on 25-11-2020 by LanceCorvette because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: pointr97

-- it's VERY possible now that the government is deciding which food retailers can be open and which can't.

it's not "possible" it's actually being done by this EO in NM.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: dawnstar
A small step forward to those national guard deliveries of your food....
Weren't some of you guys complaining about allowing people to shop at grocery stores when your churches and bars were closed?
Congratulations, they listened to yas!

We weren't complaining about the grocery stores being open. We were pointing out the glaring inconsistency. If grocery stores are safe, then so would be those other venues.

This was a warning to you who argued against opening bars and churches as much as anything. If you allowed them close those places, then what prevented them from doing this?

Congrats! Here we are. You refused to see it then, but we did.

When they came for the bars and churches, you didn't complain because you hate Christians and aren't religious and don't drink anyhow.

But then they came for the grocery stores, and you wonder why no one is super surprised and left to complain at your side now that you suddenly care because they got round to something you DO need to use.
edit on 25-11-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 09:52 AM
How many of you would be willing to fight for your country?

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: 38181
Yea, New Mexico is quite large. I love studying the Lincoln County War and it's participants. I've explored New Mexico almost in it's entirety just to stand in the spot where Tunstil was gunned down. Visiting the various arroyos and land. Immersing myself in the rich history that is offered up by that state and it's accommodating inhabitants.

I've been from Timberon to Aztek and all of the little settlements between. The land has much to offer, and strangely time has nearly stood still in these places.

It was the closest place to truly enjoy my Ural without stepping on landowners toes.

Still, that's over now.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
How many of you would be willing to fight for your country?

It may need to happen considering in some of these more rural areas, closing down one grocery store means shutting off access to food for all the people within a wide distance.

City folk don't realize that in some places in this country hitting the closest store to shop is lengthy drive.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 10:53 AM
One outcome: "Food is a Human right"

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: Nivhk
There is an alarmingly high amount of people who can't cook outside of heating up a hot pocket.

Theres people who would starve without door dash or take outs.

That is absolutely no ones problem but their own.

Christ, I was cooking for my sister and I both by the time I was 8. Sure, it was eggs, Mac and cheese and grilled cheese, but I was still able to make sure we were fed while my parents were out drinking.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: Butterfinger
One outcome: "Food is a Human right"

Governor shuts down grocery stores ... Capitalism has failed!

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: LanceCorvette

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: pointr97

-- it's VERY possible now that the government is deciding which food retailers can be open and which can't.

it's not "possible" it's actually being done by this EO in NM.

Well DUH, what do you think I meant by "it's VERY possible now that the government is deciding which food retailers can be open and which can't"? That they were pulling a thought exercise around the offices?

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 12:32 PM

There will never be a “bread line” in New Mexico!!

Never been, huh?

Tortillas. At every meal (and green chilies). That is the staple. Even fried bread dough is what I remember of being there, not bread.

Locally, there are farms. And not even a farmers market but a 55 gallon drum, over butane torches, makes pounds of roasted green chilies for cheap! Grab ten pounds and race home to eat some while they are hot. Bag and freeze the rest.

Besides that, beans.

Those are my memories from 45 years ago. And “Christmas tree”!! (Oh, the eggs!!)

I don’t remember ever having bread with any meal except maybe a sandwich here and there. Otherwise it was lard flour tortillas.

I think NM can survive a couple weeks with out a few grocery stores. But that call seems... targeted (??). And does not seem like a well thought out idea (setting a precedence for others to follow. Remember EOs??!)

Dang, now I want some eggs, tortillas and chilies!!

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF

There will never be a “bread line” in New Mexico!!

Never been, huh?

Tortillas. At every meal (and green chilies). That is the staple. Even fried bread dough is what I remember of being there, not bread.

Locally, there are farms. And not even a farmers market but a 55 gallon drum, over butane torches, makes pounds of roasted green chilies for cheap! Grab ten pounds and race home to eat some while they are hot. Bag and freeze the rest.

Besides that, beans.

Those are my memories from 45 years ago. And “Christmas tree”!! (Oh, the eggs!!)

I don’t remember ever having bread with any meal except maybe a sandwich here and there. Otherwise it was lard flour tortillas.

I think NM can survive a couple weeks with out a few grocery stores. But that call seems... targeted (??). And does not seem like a well thought out idea (setting a precedence for others to follow. Remember EOs??!)

Dang, now I want some eggs, tortillas and chilies!!

You understand that in this context, "bread lines" is not literally referring to getting handed a bread loaf like you're implying, don't you? It's synonymous with "government dispersed foodstuffs".

Jesus, stop being so deliberately obtuse. It's not a classy look.

posted on Nov, 25 2020 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Lighten up!

You should stop being so literal and realize that some people have a sense of humor that is different from your own!

Either way, bread or tortilla lines do not sound like a good option which is why I said NM will survive a few stores being closed.

Read my posts as a whole! They have information, sometimes my attempt at humor, sarcasm, sardonic wit, a rueful fatality, and the occasional “... your post has been removed because of a terms and conditions violation...”

I almost always have a humor side to all my posts. Except for people passing because... well, I have compassion and empathy, which something you should see others (truth be told) because always being right is a really bad place to be!

So, besides your critique on my post, what do know about New Mexico and the type of people there? And what is your opinion on the OP’s post?

FFS, anybody can tear down anyone else’s ideas.

What are yours??

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