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Why *SHOULD* You believe In Jesus Christ as God/Son of God, etc?

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posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 12:51 AM
Open your eyes Tyriffic. Yeesh. Sarcasm...I am sorry there is not an icon to point that out for you.


posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 12:57 AM
Alien I swear by all I believe in its a true story

We actually had the guy in 4 points because he was real aggressive. When I went in to do my thing, its the first thing he said to me. Talk about calling upon the intelligence's of nature to stop from laughing out loud.

I know of one legend that goes back 30,000 years and know of another which is supposed to have occurred a million years ago. They are stories which are interesting and gives one the impression that questioning what is apparent is well within reason.

Personally its not a matter of feeling I need to compete about it, or even to fight over at the same time I see absolutely no reason to close that door. Especially when looking at all the legends I have been exposed to, the two I have mentioned are just the beginning

Any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by AnarchistSuperstar
Can anyone come up with any rational reasons? Excluding faith, that is.

The qustion is really, would you believe if anyone came up with a rational reason (s)? Are you wanting to believe? Or is this an empty question just to stir people up?

If you can answer these questions..I'll get back to you with my reason.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 01:24 AM
Since everyone is slamming me for posting links, here some links as to what the followers of Lord Krishna really think:

By the way you can download the complete biography of Krishna from the second site. I have not been able to read the entire book yet, but the beliefs about Krishna does not seem anything nearly like what the skeptics lead us to believe. I also really did the art, they have unique art style that I find appealing (just like Japanese art is unique and appealing.)

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 01:53 AM
Why believe in Jesus Christ = because their is more documentation on Jesus than on God.

Although I believe in God and Jesus, I don't believe in the God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit stuff.

The Catholic Church was basicly created becuase of whe the Roman Empire split up. The Western Roman Empire became Catholic and the Easter became the Orthadox Christian church, so most everything about the Catholic Church is humanly made up.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 01:54 AM
By the way, for an Anarchist you should be talking more about the Gov't than religion.

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 03:58 AM
No one else in History has made such claims to be the Son of God .......making such a claim in those days was seen as being truly He was.....He came to fullfill the old testament.......and He died as was foretold in the old testament....
Old Testament prophecied that a Saviour will come....The Lamb......Jesus Christ said He was that Lamb....that was prophesied ....
The lamb that would be led to the slaughter.

To truly understand Scripture one must not look at their OWN judgement on what one thinks the interpretation means...
eg........there are many early history notes on the scriptures ......and those are still valid today and nothing has been changed.....
Only thing that has changed today is that people wish to change the world into whatever benefits them and their status in the public arena.

The truth has never changed......God has never changed.
He was and is the same yesterday as is today!

posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 08:01 PM
Helen, did you ever hear of all the kids of Zues? Of Hermes? They were gods, and they had many sons of god. Sure, the religon is no longer around, but still, you say no other religon has a son of god when in fact the greek and roman had dozens of them. Of course, their moms were punished by Hera if they were caught with Zues.

Anyways, Helen, he asked for rational, not faith. I have faith in the pebble people, but I have no proof but of my own knowledge of them and my faith in them.

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 02:15 PM
you have to put forth some effort to see if God exists, he just won't enlighen you randomly and turn you into a have to truly call for him.. God won't force those who don't want to believe or just don't to do so. but they will suffer the concequences in the end for not seeking him.

its just like some of the weird s*** we talk about, like OBEs. You won't know they are truly a reality until you find out for yourself by trying it.........

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 03:42 PM
We are all the children of God

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 03:55 PM
i disagree.........

we are not all children of god. we are creations of god, but the children of god are those who praise him and are ready for him to take his church.

some guy was talking to me about that the other day.

Like you go to a club, you stop the music or something and ask "how many ppl in here believe in God?" most would raise their hands up. "who believe they are children of god?" most would raise their hand up, "who truly praises and worships his word?" not many would raise them up and if they did, they majority would probably just be hipocritical.

posted on Jul, 15 2003 @ 04:05 PM
Then are you not a creation of your parents?

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:12 PM
the explnation is simple. god created the universe. thats it. the existence of people came to be because of science. every atom in the human body can be found in stars and nebulas. the creation of humans was only a matter of time after the big bang.

[Edited on 18-7-2003 by KrazyIvan]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:19 PM
The difference is in how the word is used.
Case in point:
'sons' of God means or could mean all of us....

'Son' of God means actual son of or literal part of....

Kind of like 'angels' of God verses 'Angels' of God.
One meaning actual angels of God and the others meaning God or God's presence.

This may not be exactly what is meant but there is a difference.


posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:31 PM
In Buddhism we are ultimately considered aspects of God, in Christianity we are created in Gods image.

Buddha's are known as Hands of God while in Christianity, Jesus was called Son of God.

In the case of Judaism, Death was as well called a Hand of God.

Sounds to me like a title, one which suggests that emphasis is placed upon the aspect or image. For the
sake of suggesting one is addressing a prophet as opposed to a sage or a master (or for that matter the common person).

Any thoughts?

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:41 PM
Is not a master not the same as a prophet?


posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 10:28 PM
One can be labeled a master or for that matter a sage because of the ability to perform a task, to be labeled a prophet is a whole nother story.

Like a work of art it is a title applied by progeny and a matter of history. To call a person a prophet in his own day is quite a compliment but with respect to history it is irrelevant. If after a thousand years, his or her name is still discussed (in a positive way for the most part) then yes that person was a prophet.

Any thoughts?

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 11:02 AM

because our ancestors said he was...

hmmm, there are texts that predate the bible, yet no one reads or accepts them.....even though they contain many tales that are now condensed versions in the bible... why do people believe the bible versions over the originals...

plus our ancestors have said many things .....the earth being flat for example.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 04:21 PM
The sons and daughters of God. Each one of us carries the Holy spirit.

Jesus was a stronger spirit for he opened up his heart completely to God and never doubted anything the father/mother told him. He carried out what he was told faithfully.

posted on Aug, 1 2003 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by helen670
No one else in History has made such claims to be the Son of God .......

You're kidding, right? Lots of people have made such claims, you just don't hear about it unless the religion takes off. Heck, I used to work with a disturbed young individual that though he was Christ. He had followers too.

Originally posted by helen670making such a claim in those days was seen as being truly He was.....He came to fullfill the old testament.......and He died as was foretold in the old testament....
Old Testament prophecied that a Saviour will come....The Lamb......Jesus Christ said He was that Lamb....that was prophesied ....
The lamb that would be led to the slaughter.

The thing to understand is this:

The people that wrote the New Testament already had the Old Testament. They knew what the prophesies were, and if they wanted their boy to fulfill them, all it took was a little editing and creative interpretation.

Originally posted by helen670To truly understand Scripture one must not look at their OWN judgement on what one thinks the interpretation means...
eg........there are many early history notes on the scriptures ......and those are still valid today and nothing has been changed.....

All you need is someone to interpret it for you?

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