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Fun Times With the Covid Crazies

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posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: SaneThinking

Pender's nice. I forgot about the petro out that way. Haven't been out that far up coast for a while.

The coast is weird with the covid stuff. There are a lot of older people here who really believe it. But there's also a bunch of people like us.

Actually found this posted up on a billboard in town the other day made me smile

then I put on my embroidered “CoNViD HOAX” , “USELESS PLACEBO”

Ahaha I like this. That's awesome.

edit on 19/11/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: dug88
Covid crazies are the people who deny it exists-even on their death beds. They're the ones who go out and make the situation worse by spreading disinformation that Trump and Fox News Entertainment spews. Sadly, most of the people here are covid crazies.
The people being discussed in this video are the covid crazies.

edit on 19-11-2020 by Skid Mark because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 11:14 AM
Now you've had first hand experience, so now you definitely know how low, nasty and evil humans can become. It was exactly the same at the height of terror in Nazi Germany and Stalins Russia ( to inform on neighbours, friends and family). To what lengths people would go to to comply.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: dug88
Covid crazies are the people who deny it exists-even on their death beds. They're the ones who go out and make the situation worse by spreading disinformation that Trump and Fox News Entertainment spews. Sadly, most of the people here are covid crazies.
The people being discussed in this video are the covid crazies.

Yes yes it's all trumps uh hu
No one here is saying it doesn't exist.. what we are saying is people don't have or need to be asshats about it.. Common sense is required in every situation.. Even here.
edit on 19-11-2020 by 68Satellite because: Just because

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: 68Satellite
Yes it is. He LIED. He lied about it and downplayed it every damn chance he had and now all the idiots are still clamoring about how it's a damn hoax. He could have been a real leader told the truth and actually done something. BUT NO. He did not. He lied. He played golf. He rage tweeted. He dicked around and people that didn't have to die did and still are. Before you bring up how he supposedly stopped travel from China, he did not. He stopped travel from Mainland China and not Hong Kong or Macau and thousands traveled from there.
Trump's travel restrictions

edit on 19-11-2020 by Skid Mark because: (no reason given)

ETA: He even got it because he didn't follow health guidelines and is still up to his bull#.
edit on 19-11-2020 by Skid Mark because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: 68Satellite
Yes it is. He LIED. He lied about it and downplayed it every damn chance he had and now all the idiots are still clamoring about how it's a damn hoax. He could have been a real leader told the truth and actually done something. BUT NO. He did not. He lied. He played golf. He rage tweeted. He dicked around and people that didn't have to die did and still are. Before you bring up how he supposedly stopped travel from China, he did not. He stopped travel from Mainland China and not Hong Kong or Macau and thousands traveled from there.
Trump's travel restrictions

ETA: He even got it because he didn't follow health guidelines and is still up to his bull#.

People make up their own minds, they make their own choices and decisions for themselves.. They do not rely on one person's opinion unless they are robots. I don't think there was much anyone could have done other than what was done..
The President doesn't mandate mask wearing.

If you honesty believe Biden could have done any better.. You are incorrect..

It's not a hoax I don't think anyone believes it is.

Again.. Try to stay on topic.. Your rage is showing and that's what the op made the thread about to begin with.

posted on Sep, 28 2021 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

We need to start treating people that wear masks like they are carrying a deadly disease.

What happened to just 'minding your own business'? Do you have the energy or inclination with 'toying around with people'? Just use that energy for something more constructive, don't be a donkey.

I just focus on what I want in life and do it.

No one has ever tried to mess with me or talk to me about anything covid-related when I have been in public, just doing my thing. Not even one note.

The only thing I can remember was months ago, when I was returning books in the library, and a meek guy with a mask comes on and said something in a very faint voice, like 'sorry, but the kind of order from higher-ups came that.. ', and he handed me a mask. I thanked him, told him I am only gonna quickly return these books, proceeded to put the mask on the table, returned the books and left.

That thing never even touched my face, and yet no one did anything about it.

Maybe it's a confrontational attitude, anger or karma that makes people experience these weird outbursts, maybe it's bad timing or something, but for some reason, nothing like that has so far happened to me. All kinds of other weird stuff, like kid throwng a damn rock at me all of the sudden while I am just walking, sure. But nothing mask-, or covid-related.

So far..

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