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Fun Times With the Covid Crazies

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posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 06:16 PM
Stopped at the gas station after work today. That particular gas station's opted to allow nobody inside and use their night time service pay window.

So, i'm waiting in line standing on my little designated square, there was a dude in front of me at the window. He spent a bunch of time dicking around with lottery tickets, buying them, getting the attendant to check then, buying new ones, this went on for a bit. The attendant was a new guy in training. Lottery dude was being super rude to the guy, ordering him around, just being generally an asshole.

Finally, after about 10 minutes half standing in the pissing rain, lottery Guy's finally finishing up by buying a couple packs of smokes and having another little chit chat, telling the guy how he should have done this or that better.

Suddenly, lottery guy turns around and sees me having the audacity to dare stand in line in the designated spot without leaping out of his way the moment he turned around.

Guy starts losing his #, i'll point out too, just because it seems relevant, dude had no mask, not that I did either, but anyway, he's screaming at me starts telling me to get the # away from him it's covid, he starts coming at me hands up like he's going to come up and shove me, spittle flying everywhere.

I respond something along the lines of, I don't care, you've been dicking around for 10 minutes while I stand in the rain, # off.

Guy I guess has a change of heart about physically pushing me away, makes a wide birth around me while swearing at me some more gets in his truck and just sits glaring at me flipping me off until I finished and left.

The funny thing is, that's the third time i've personally seen something like that at that gas station. Last time this random lady came running up, again no mask, because she seen another lady in line start to move to close to the person in front of her. She just came up and started screaming in that lady's face about social distancing and crap.

The first time there was a guy who felt the need to go up to someone's car window in the parking lot and start screaming at the driver for not wearing a mask while having the window down.

I don't give a crap how scared you are of the 'rona or what the precious all holy government Covid specialists tell you people should be doing.

Nobody has the right to get in someone's face and start screaming at them because said person isn't following whatever stupid rona directives of the week.

This isn't the first time someone's gotten pissy towards me over covid, it's probably the first time i've actually been worried someone might try and fight me or something over it though.

It's really getting hard to stay calm at these assholes really is...

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: dug88

Dang I thought you Island folk were more laid back and peaceful.

My worst experience was at my property on Sunshine Coast lady at Petro was real serious about hand sanitizer. Losing her ish as people came through the door.

Most recent was a person who came unhinged at my CoNViD Hoax, Useless Placebo mask on Translink Where I in turn pulled out my press sec. inspired binder and blinded the Danny devito penguin looking fella with facts and info.

Seems Vancouverites taking this better than the island!!


posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 06:48 PM
People are literally losing their minds in real time. They don't know what to do with themselves in between coughs and facetiming.

Went to the grocery store to get some ice cream tonight. About 8 people in lockdown attire running around with a 12 pack of paper towels and toilet paper while trying to do regular shopping.

Not one bothered to get a cart. It's insane how official, official media is.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 06:56 PM
We need to start treating people that wear masks like they are carrying a deadly disease.

When they enter your circle, jump back and point them out - look! A possible covid case! Get back! Stay back everyone! Watch out. Give this person some room. Come on everybody, let’s show some compassion, we have a (mentally) sick person coming through!!

But naw. That’ll never happen. We’ll just keep bending over.

edit on 18-11-2020 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: dug88
Yeah! We got Trump ya-hoo rednecks south the Wayne County line.

Big pickups, no masks, baseballs caps , and little pe----...over compansation.

Went in 1 place...I had the only mask. They looked like I was gonna Rob them....dumb asses.

Plow boys. Drink and get laid on Fri, party and fight on Sat...and pay for it all Sundays.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: SaneThinking

My worst experience was at my property on Sunshine Coast lady at Petro was real serious about hand sanitizer

Ya don't say now...what a coincidence....that petro...something about it...though maybe you're talking about the gibtown one. That one's still open for customers I think.
edit on 18/11/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: dug88

Every Country in the world has a majority that is poor and in trouble.

The Class system has been implemented globally and its now being evidenced.

Imagine believing all of this bull# and imagine if every day you were afraid you would die of the plague covid.....tis is enough crap already....I am not mad at regular people I want elite has on platters the rtten freaks have kicked the hornets nest now.

People cant afford to live day to day never mind stock up extra food and supplies to save their own lives an their families lives.....people are FEELING the Class system seperating them it doesnt feel good.

People cant afford to survive.

Yes its easy to get mad at the old codger who has money to burn on lotto tickets and cigarettes when billions are suffering like never before....especially when he is taking full measure of his remaining days and is being a Royal pain in the his mad at the ignorant monsters who have been stealing kids and women and even dogs and now Seniors to feed their blood eating addictions.... go buy a few cases of Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother in it and hand it out to people you love....a tablespoon in water in the morning every 2-3 day....follow the silly rules about masks and stop worrying so much.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 07:33 PM
Mostly uneducated liberals that have no responsibility for their own actions. Its one of the reasons the old white racist rapist man got elected because like morons the pulled the lever because they were too damn stupid to think for themselves.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: dug88
Stopped at the gas station after work today. That particular gas station's opted to allow nobody inside and use their night time service pay window.

Sounds a lot like the one in Qualicum, lol. That is one crazy gas station.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: dug88
Stopped at the gas station after work today. That particular gas station's opted to allow nobody inside and use their night time service pay window.

So, i'm waiting in line standing on my little designated square, there was a dude in front of me at the window. He spent a bunch of time dicking around with lottery tickets, buying them, getting the attendant to check then, buying new ones, this went on for a bit. The attendant was a new guy in training. Lottery dude was being super rude to the guy, ordering him around, just being generally an asshole.

Finally, after about 10 minutes half standing in the pissing rain, lottery Guy's finally finishing up by buying a couple packs of smokes and having another little chit chat, telling the guy how he should have done this or that better.

Suddenly, lottery guy turns around and sees me having the audacity to dare stand in line in the designated spot without leaping out of his way the moment he turned around.

Guy starts losing his #, i'll point out too, just because it seems relevant, dude had no mask, not that I did either, but anyway, he's screaming at me starts telling me to get the # away from him it's covid, he starts coming at me hands up like he's going to come up and shove me, spittle flying everywhere.

I respond something along the lines of, I don't care, you've been dicking around for 10 minutes while I stand in the rain, # off.

Guy I guess has a change of heart about physically pushing me away, makes a wide birth around me while swearing at me some more gets in his truck and just sits glaring at me flipping me off until I finished and left.

The funny thing is, that's the third time i've personally seen something like that at that gas station. Last time this random lady came running up, again no mask, because she seen another lady in line start to move to close to the person in front of her. She just came up and started screaming in that lady's face about social distancing and crap.

The first time there was a guy who felt the need to go up to someone's car window in the parking lot and start screaming at the driver for not wearing a mask while having the window down.

I don't give a crap how scared you are of the 'rona or what the precious all holy government Covid specialists tell you people should be doing.

Nobody has the right to get in someone's face and start screaming at them because said person isn't following whatever stupid rona directives of the week.

This isn't the first time someone's gotten pissy towards me over covid, it's probably the first time i've actually been worried someone might try and fight me or something over it though.

It's really getting hard to stay calm at these assholes really is...

I live in BC
The People who f around buying lottery tickets at a gas station should just f off .. Go to the lottery center.. It's a gas station not a lottery center..
I would have helped your brother..f him

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: dug88

The fam damily has only had one incident like that (hubs has had a solo gas station exchange on his way into work, but I consider it separate here) Some smarmy Karen 2 pumps over starts ogling around the pumps at us in the car while hubs is out pumping. I had the windows cracked, cool breezes feel good, sue me, lol. Anyway, we suddenly hear in a loud sing-song voice dripping with condescension, "Wheeeres YoUr masks, HmMm?" To which my old kid rolled her window down, and replies in a equally condescending & sing-song voice, "Right up YoUr ass, NeXt to YoUr head. KAREN." And then non-chalantly just rolled the window back up.

The kid's fatal flaw is she inherited the lack of a filter from her dad. I think #, but generally don't say it IRL. Him and her? Nah, # it, let's see what happens.

The sputtering deer-in-headlights expression from the nosy-ass was awesome, threw a hell of a wrench in that pea-brain's gears XD
edit on 11/18/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

What a stupid statement.
What is your obsession with mens pen____ size?
Pretty sick guy
"Truck, baseball cap and no mask."
You pretty much just explained the entire blue collar workforce and called them rednecks.
The ones probably paying your cush state welfare job using tax dollars.
Congrats, smooth talker.

edit on 11 by Mandroid7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: 68Satellite

Yeah, That #s always frustrating enough...honestly it was hard not to hit the dude just for the way he was talking to the poor guy working there. Kept talking down to him, acting condescending, was sitting there trying to direct him how to use his till...gotta say, the attendant just laughed when I told the other guy to # off. I think he appreciated it. You could tell he was trying as hard as he could to be polite. Gotta commend him for putting up with what I watched before I even got to the window

ETA: All these BC people popping out of the woodwork. There's more of you than I thought.
edit on 18/11/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:24 PM
There are some crazies out there who are all worked up about this disease. On both sides of the issue. There are far more out there that are unreasonable about wearing masks when you are in the parking lot or in your own car than there are people who are anti-maskers. I know people who are mask crazy both ways. I don't understand why they are so overboard about this subject, just wear a mask if you are in the store, that right now is the law here. I am not choosing sides, but I also am not going to take crap from someone who says I have to wear a mask outside in a parking lot of a store or if I am in my car. I have met a few people who angrily pointed to their mask when I was going towards the store entrance, I was twenty feet away from the door or any other person. I have not met one person yet who wouldn't put a mask on when going into the store that made an issue of it though. Yes, a few have forgotten and walked in, then realized they forgot it and walked back out. That happens, but there might be a few complaints, but no arguments happen unless a masker goes berserk and starts to trash the person. A simple signal to put on the mask is not bad, but the people I met who angrily pointed to their mask were crushing their mask and had fiery in their eyes, a simple reminder is all that people need, just wave and point at the mask to remind the person.

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:30 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I sort of agree, i'll wear my dollar store bandana in the stores I need to go to that require it. The last grocery store in town finally broke down and requires masks now.

If there's a sign telling me it's required, I won't complain. For one reason, I learned this talking to a business owner here. Most of them would rather not do any of the covid things. The guy I was talking to had been threatened with a bunch of fines and having his business shut down if people didn't wear a mask inside.

After talking to him, if a business wants me to wear something on my face, fine, i'll do it to save them from the government pressure.

But any random person that comes up to me and starts trying to tell me to do this that or the other when there's no rules or restrictions requiring at that point...well, they can go...

Do some things that I shouldn't say on ATS, I have a problem with pushing my language here...i'll let you use your imagination.
edit on 18/11/2020 by dug88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2020 @ 08:34 PM

originally posted by: dug88
a reply to: 68Satellite

Yeah, That #s always frustrating enough...honestly it was hard not to hit the dude just for the way he was talking to the poor guy working there. Kept talking down to him, acting condescending, was sitting there trying to direct him how to use his till...gotta say, the attendant just laughed when I told the other guy to # off. I think he appreciated it. You could tell he was trying as hard as he could to be polite. Gotta commend him for putting up with what I watched before I even got to the window

ETA: All these BC people popping out of the woodwork. There's more of you than I thought.

*Nod* we are here brother.. & we are strong and proud.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: dug88

The one on the in road to Pender Harbour have a lil get away in Garden Bay.

I have a mask I wear when necessary. Like if store says “mandatory” then I put on my embroidered “CoNViD HOAX” , “USELESS PLACEBO” mask. I get some dirty looks but as stated above only one bout of anger so far. And the mans anger subsided quickly when I broke out the binder of F U facts updated weekly.

I feel if I’m gonna push the sheep’s buttons I better come prepared!!

As a side, I’ve as well noticed a lot of us west of the Rockies north of the 49 good too see 👍

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: dug88

I personally like this type of behavior and I'm looking forward to getting a super cool black uniform with an awesome skull logo on the cap. It's about time we got hardcore with all of this.

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Mandroid7

Thank you so much. Is yours dark black, or dark grey?

posted on Nov, 19 2020 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Damn, A.M.! You got it a-gain!

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