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Does anyone work in healthcare or a hospital? Are you seeing a Covid resurgence?

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posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: Iscool

If you get the virus and survive, which over 99% of the people do, you are then home free...If you continue to wear a mask and social distance there will be no end in sight...You will be doing that for years to come...

Ever hear of a vaccine??

I will wear a mask if I can't distance form other people effectively, like in confined spaces or if asked to do so.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

Interesting questions there. I have not personally met any patient who has contracted COVID-19 a second time, personally, BUT I know a patient who had a 'long haul' type of course, but then finally got better after about 9 months, though she also has multiple sclerosis as a confounding condition.

At my specific hospital right at this moment, here are the raw in-house patient numbers:

Hospital is full, with 138 total patients in house. Of these, 40 are COVID-19 patients, in the COVID wards. Of these ... 6 are in the ICU.

Our positive test rate right now is 24.9% positive results of 3,291 patients over the last 7 days, which is an upward trend. (This also means there are A LOT of other patients with COVID at home - not in the hospital at the moment)

They are telling us to get ready for a vaccine ASAP, which will be given in 2 doses to all direct patient care personnel, as soon as one is certified.

I might also add that we have 4 MD's out with COVID currently, quarantining at home. (2 ER docs, and 2 surgeons ... and those are just the 4 I know about from gossip *blush*)

edit on 16-11-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: added the stats at the end

edit on 16-11-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: ..

edit on 16-11-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: added more ...

edit on 16-11-2020 by Fowlerstoad because: .

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: tanstaafl
If people stopped acting like idiots and morons and used social distancing and wore a mask when not able to keep a distance, then i'd agree with you.

Masks only provide an extremely minor and virtually irrelevant level of protection. Period.

It's the most basic of things

It is fake science. If it wasn't, why do you think no one has ever screamed about wearing masks and social distancing for the flu? Seeing as this isn't much worse than a bad flu season (and that is per the CDC).

but if you serve people in any way, wash your damn hands, it's not difficult.

I agree on washing hands.

Then we probably wouldn't be having lock-downs, but people would rather get pissed in the pub and cough and splutter all over each other!!!

Oh, the horrors!

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Masks only provide an extremely minor and virtually irrelevant level of protection. Period.

It depends on the reason/circumstance for wearing and using a mask. A blanket comment of fake science doesn't help anyone.

It's the most basic of things

It is fake science. If it wasn't, why do you think no one has ever screamed about wearing masks and social distancing for the flu? Seeing as this isn't much worse than a bad flu season (and that is per the CDC).

Washing your hands is the probably the best and most basic thing you can do and is not fake in the slightest!! And mask aren't fake either if used correctly and for the right reasons.

Oh, the horrors!

It's the 'karens' going round partying, getting drunk, becoming infected, without a care in the world and then going home and coughing on grandma that's causing all the damn problems. Just a little common sense and we wouldn't be in this mess with infection rates in the first place.

edit on 16-11-2020 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage
Washing your hands is the probably the best and most basic thing you can do and is not fake in the slightest!!

I agree, and if you read what I wrote that would be clear.

And mask aren't fake either if used correctly and for the right reasons.

The silly basic cloth coverings? No, any potential benefit 'to others' (spare me altruistic BS) is far outweighed by the detrimental effects on the wearer.

Are you in favor of mandating N95 masks for everyone, along with intensive instructions on how to use them properly, along with enforcing penalties for when most people do not use them properly?

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: neo96

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: Nyiah

Seriously idiots like you kill people with this stuff. I’ll tell you as long as I live.. your freedumb loving selfish ass should rot in hell. Your selfishness puts others at risk and I have zero respect for you. None.

You are selfish, ignorant and that attitude kills people. If we could all work together instead of being selfish aholes this wouldn’t be near this deal.

You want to go toe to toe.. fine let’s take the gloves off!

How bout directing that anger at CHINA.

Ya know.

The people that infected your loved one.

Ya came from China, then ..I guess I'll call them "people" disregarded it. It was a worldwide plot against Trump!!..f'ing idiots.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: Advantage
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Strange.. CDC and WHO and reinfection rates show there is no "herd immunity" to be achieved.

Then how do we make a vaccine.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 03:38 PM
no ones bothering to talk about that part this virus already ahs 2 strains that are bad in two years it wont be one vax it will be 3 or 4 .
the more there are the higher the odds go for one that will be deadly even a 10 % death rate would be the fall of everything .

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 05:43 PM

originally posted by: Advantage
a reply to: Fowlerstoad

Strange.. CDC and WHO and reinfection rates show there is no "herd immunity" to be achieved.

that's not true at all. It shows SOME people are reinfected, but usually with another strain - it's mutating into hundreds of types.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: thebtheb

Huh, so it's becoming like the other coronavirus variants that are part of the common cold herd ... wow, who would have thought it would behave like its other cousins?

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Did you know that you can die from a dog licking your face? Yep. You can.

Seriously - what is wrong with you?

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel

. If it weren’t for redneck idiots that would wear a mask I’d still have him.

So here in MA mask are mandatory even in public spaces. Kerfews in effect, only outdoor dining etc. Yet our numbers have skyrocketed. Masks aren't helping .

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: loueber

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel

. If it weren’t for redneck idiots that would wear a mask I’d still have him.

So here in MA mask are mandatory even in public spaces. Kerfews in effect, only outdoor dining etc. Yet our numbers have skyrocketed. Masks aren't helping .

Our #s are spiking bigtime, because certain people are disregarding the masks,and moreso.. social distancing has gone out the window. Things were going pretty good then people sh$t the bed.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Nothing, but it did go wrong with "JD".

This is a case of Capnocytophaga Canimorsus in a previously healthy man with no indications of immunocompromise, reported in literature. C canimorsus was first described in 1961 in a football athlete who had previously had a splenectomy and then sustained a dog bite afterwards. Symptoms appeared within days and severe sepsis was found.

edit on 16-11-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: loueber

A lot of subjectivity in that statement, but even if it's true does it mean we should all just piss on science and forget what it says. Or are we going to look for science papers that back our personal beliefs?

What if you had someone you loved contract Covid when it could have been prevented because some redneck 'Merica idiot wasn't wearing a mask. Is wearing a mask just so cumbersome that it makes some people more special than others?

Jesus this shouldn't be political. Its like CO2 emissions. Even if people are pushing whatever paper out trying to prove their point, shouldn't we look to use more renewable energy sources anyway.

The right rail on the left all the time in here, but honestly the right are so contradictory that most of the time it doesn't even make any sense to try to have a conversation. None listen, and now all of them are K.A. Conway clones that will pivot every piece of information into a different argument.

Quite sad actually.. Common sense has gone out the window. In the meantime I'll still rail against non-maskers and call them selfish and that their take on the world pretty much sums up the world quickly. Screw you, all I care about is myself.
edit on 16-11-2020 by mzinga because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: mzinga
Rail all you want, just don't expect people to care. You are just another nobody on an anon board like the rest of us.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: loueber

A lot of subjectivity in that statement, but even if it's true does it mean we should all just piss on science and forget what it says. Or are we going to look for science papers that back our personal beliefs?

What if you had someone you loved contract Covid when it could have been prevented because some redneck 'Merica idiot wasn't wearing a mask. Is wearing a mask just so cumbersome that it makes some people more special than others?

Jesus this shouldn't be political. Its like CO2 emissions. Even if people are pushing whatever paper out trying to prove their point, shouldn't we look to use more renewable energy sources anyway.

The right rail on the left all the time in here, but honestly the right are so contradictory that most of the time it doesn't even make any sense to try to have a conversation. None listen, and now all of them are K.A. Conway clones that will pivot every piece of information into a different argument.

Quite sad actually.. Common sense has gone out the window. In the meantime I'll still rail against non-maskers and call them selfish and that their take on the world pretty much sums up the world quickly. Screw you, all I care about is myself.

The sooner you realize you CANNOT control other peoples lives, the sooner you will have a better life. I don't mean that in a disrespectful way at all. All you can do is control your own life and actions. If others actions concern you, stay away from them. If you or someone you know is in a position of being negatively compromised from this bug, then protect yourselves. Stay inside, do not have visitors, etc...

And, denigrating others using pejoratives only makes them listen even less.

Get it now?

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 08:12 PM
Every time the Covid pandemic is brought into question on an open discussion, it ends with conflict.

Should we be in a global pandemic, there would be very little doubt about the situation. Those few of us who remain, would have lost so many loved ones, we would be in no doubt about the severity of the situation.

This is what we would expect from a global pandemic that involves a lethal virus, and that has lasted the best part of a year already.

Is this the reality?
Is this the truth?

Many of you have lost loved ones. This is true.
Many of us are still here. This is true.
Many have been born. Also true.

Life goes on. Death goes on.

You have worn your mask and you have followed all of the rules. You are scared and you have looked to the Government for guidance. This is completely understandable and should be respected!

You have observed that the general impact of the global pandemic is not what it ought to be, and it has raised suspicion. This is your right to critical thinking and should be respected!

Whatever your attitude towards this event, causing conflict and disrespecting each other, will not help anybody.

Respect yourself and respect others. This pandemic is a catalyst for a great change. Whether negative or positive, is up to you.

edit on 16-11-2020 by Beyond Creation because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 08:27 PM
a reply to: Krakatoa

Firmly aware I can't control another person's life. That being said if one person changes their mind about wearing a mask due to my experiences then that is potentially one less person that might die. So preach to me all you want, I'll continue to 'rail' on anti-maskers the same way Trumpers will continue to argue he won this election for the next decade. At least my railing may have a positive outcome, and I could care less if I piss any anti-maskers off. They obviously don't care anyway.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: Krakatoa

Firmly aware I can't control another person's life. That being said if one person changes their mind about wearing a mask due to my experiences then that is potentially one less person that might die. So preach to me all you want, I'll continue to 'rail' on anti-maskers the same way Trumpers will continue to argue he won this election for the next decade. At least my railing may have a positive outcome, and I could care less if I piss any anti-maskers off. They obviously don't care anyway.

For the record, nothing I said was politically based. Yet, here you are tossing out political rhetoric and using your fathers death as a tool.

How sick is that, seriously?

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