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Does anyone work in healthcare or a hospital? Are you seeing a Covid resurgence?

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posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Advantage

I remember them saying that you only keep active antibodies in your system for a limited time, but your T cells remember. So if you do get reinfected, your body *should* be able to mount an effective immune response even if it is to a mutated strain.

None of that means the strain that infects you won't make you ill though.

It's like the seasonal flu ... or like the coronavirus strains that already circulate around that we lump in with the other things that cause the common cold.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: DBCowboy

And so is there a significant Covid resurgence discounting the regular Influenza patients this time of year?


If testing is increased by a factor of 100, and you see a rise in positive cases by a factor of 100, it just means more people are being tested.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

My neighbor works for the Spectrum healthcare system here in W MI as an RN, and I have zero reason to doubt what she's been saying steadily all year -- they're not having a ICU patient rush and never did.

What they're having is a nurse shortage, and not from covid risk concerns -- they're overworked, underpaid and fed up with the numbers lying. So they're quitting.

I'd be willing to bet that's not isolated, either.
edit on 11/15/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Quit talking like Trump. Don't try to use logic to explain anything, act like a Democrat for a change, after all, you are going to work in California, start practicing.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Advantage

I remember them saying that you only keep active antibodies in your system for a limited time, but your T cells remember. So if you do get reinfected, your body *should* be able to mount an effective immune response even if it is to a mutated strain.

None of that means the strain that infects you won't make you ill though.

It's like the seasonal flu ... or like the coronavirus strains that already circulate around that we lump in with the other things that cause the common cold.

I read at a medical science site that the antigen creation utilized the pinial gland and the parathyroid gland in conjunction with the liver to utilize things. The pineal gland was sort of like a library or librarian or something. The article would inject an explanation in laymans terms for people to compare it to along with the scientific terminology.

So, just keep drinking your fluoridated water and make sure to take vitamin d to increase calcium so the pineal gland can calcify and disrupt our immune system being able to recreate antigens from the library because it cemented in the books. Then you will need the vaccines to fight diseases.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:10 PM
My wife works in a hospital near Chicago. She said the hospital currently has the highest number of infected patients it has had at one time since this whole thing started. Our next door neighbor and her mother, two elderly women and also two of our best friends, are both inpatient at this time. Our friend is most likely going to ICU tonight, her condition is deteriorating quickly. Her mom isn't doing much better but is holding steady right now.

My wife tested negative a few weeks ago but is going to be tested again tomorrow considering what has happened with the neighbors since her last test. My wife has more contact with them than I do.

Both of our neighbors are elderly with underlying conditions. Still, seeing how fast they deteriorated, and continue to while inpatient, is a bit alarming. Our friend has spent a good part of her inpatient waking hours on the phone with a lawyer trying to get her personal matters in order. She thinks this is it for her. I would have said no way until I spoke to her on the phone today. She can barely breath. Her O2, which is usually set in the 2-5 range, is currently set at 17 and she is still gasping for air.

If you are of the nature to do so, please drop a few prayers for these two wonderful ladies.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: Advantage

Would you say it is a common occurrence for people to get reinfected with the same strain of Covid/SARS?

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel

Tired of this being political. Idiots make this political. This is serious. If it weren’t for redneck idiots that would wear a mask I’d still have him.

This thing doesn’t care who you are, what your politics are, what your race is. It doesn’t discriminate and is serious. Yes some people have little to no symptoms, but that doesn’t change people are dying.

If I can't make it about my At-Risk ass because others, you can't make it about your dad's because others, either. Fair is fair here, and I have no problem going toe to toe with you on it.

Stop telling others what to do. Mind yours, do your thing, don't think you're any more special than the next guy or gal. We mitigate for ourselves and that's as it should be. I am not your or your relative's keeper.
edit on 11/15/2020 by Nyiah because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:13 PM
I do. Covid is a sham. No increase in deaths. Only cases. More cases then more Federal money. Not any harder than that. Healthcare is a business. Want to make money then say the word COVID and you get paid. Very simple.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: nOraKat

My neighbor works for the Spectrum healthcare system here in W MI as an RN, and I have zero reason to doubt what she's been saying steadily all year -- they're not having a ICU patient rush and never did.

What they're having is a nurse shortage, and not from covid risk concerns -- they're overworked, underpaid and fed up with the numbers lying. So they're quitting.

I'd be willing to bet that's not isolated, either.

Yeah I can vouch for 3 direct friends who are nurses and work ridiculous hours. Seems to be the norm in most sectors other than surgery.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:17 PM

originally posted by: FlyinHeadlock
I do. Covid is a sham. No increase in deaths. Only cases. More cases then more Federal money. Not any harder than that. Healthcare is a business. Want to make money then say the word COVID and you get paid. Very simple.

Here's the thing. That's not necessarily true.

I've been keeping close watch on the numbers with this latest "surge" in cases especially in the area I live in. You are absolutely correct that there is no surge at all in deaths.

There is a surge in cases, or at least we had a big spike through the past couple of weeks although over the last four/five days that spike seems to have been leveling off fairly fast in my area of the state.

The one number you don't see on the state dashboard is hospitalizations. So just because deaths haven't gone up doesn't mean hospitalizations from the spike in cases hasn't caused a spike in hospitalizations. We don't know in this area at least because we aren't provided those numbers. And I can't trust media reports because I know that at least some of the hospitalizations they worry about are things people deferred out of fear of catching COVID coming to a head, not COVID itself.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: DBCowboy

And so is there a significant Covid resurgence discounting the regular Influenza patients this time of year?

That's exactly what I was saying back on page #2

If testing is increased by a factor of 100, and you see a rise in positive cases by a factor of 100, it just means more people are being tested.

edit on 15-11-2020 by 68Satellite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Are you preaching to me? There are over 200k people that died and you are acting like it’s the flu. This wasn’t just a cold or some sickness. It’s attitudes like that that make people in our area not wear masks.

I live in Boise ID, but my father lived in southern Idaho where little to no masks are worn due to masks impacting people’s ‘freedumb’. Colds and flu happen every year but they typically don’t force people into being intubation. As I said this isn’t a nothing burger and isn’t like every other sickness.

This is the place of denying ignorance. When did critical thinking leave here. Rather than fighting certain facts if you have proof now everyone fights all facts with no proof. Especially if it interferes with their political beliefs. In my opinion, our press, sites like this, faux news and others all hold responsibility in this mess.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: carewemust

So the whole world is on it to make it a nothing burger?

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Advantage

I remember them saying that you only keep active antibodies in your system for a limited time, but your T cells remember. So if you do get reinfected, your body *should* be able to mount an effective immune response even if it is to a mutated strain.

None of that means the strain that infects you won't make you ill though.

It's like the seasonal flu ... or like the coronavirus strains that already circulate around that we lump in with the other things that cause the common cold.

And thats when it becomes endemic and like the common cold or flu. Right now.. we have long term complications involving multiple organ/systems and those who are reinfected even with Tcell recognition are at a lesser chance of full recovery and depending on organs that are compromised.. not at all. We arent anywhere near that nothingburger endemic period yet.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Seriously idiots like you kill people with this stuff. I’ll tell you as long as I live.. your freedumb loving selfish ass should rot in hell. Your selfishness puts others at risk and I have zero respect for you. None.

You are selfish, ignorant and that attitude kills people. If we could all work together instead of being selfish aholes this wouldn’t be near this deal.

You want to go toe to toe.. fine let’s take the gloves off!

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Advantage

What are the numbers on people who get systemic complications? I have yet to see that one. Not everyone does.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: mzinga

Yes, it is just a cold or some sickness.

The Spanish Flu was just a flu virus too.

People can and do always die from illness, no matter how mild it may be or how severe. Things you wouldn't in a million years think would kill you can, and people will tend to survive the nastiest bugs on the face of the earth. It's just how it works, and it's awful when lightning strikes your family. But that is what sometimes happens. I'm sorry, but that's what it is.

Did you know that you can die from a dog licking your face? Yep. You can.

edit on 15-11-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

And so is there a significant Covid resurgence discounting the regular Influenza patients this time of year?

By some stroke of luck there are very few Influenza patients this year.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: mzinga
a reply to: Nyiah

Seriously idiots like you kill people with this stuff. I’ll tell you as long as I live.. your freedumb loving selfish ass should rot in hell. Your selfishness puts others at risk and I have zero respect for you. None.

You are selfish, ignorant and that attitude kills people. If we could all work together instead of being selfish aholes this wouldn’t be near this deal.

You want to go toe to toe.. fine let’s take the gloves off!

You know what's selfish and ignorant? Using someone else's health pitfalls to bolster your "I deserve obeyed" bull#. I don't like dragging my heath issues out to prove points, but it's the debate handicap people like you locked us into. Normies don't matter, only we do! Unless you disagree, then you're a traitor Crap Healther. You sit here and act as though you're morally and ethically superior, all while being controlling, dismissive and derogatory toward others sharing the damn boat. Superior my lily white butt, no you're not. I hope you like the water, you're overboard and swimming solo.

Facetime a shrink, you need it more than you need to bitch at me for someone else drawing a Life Short Straw.

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