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You'll own nothing and you'll be happy - says SPECTRE No. 1 of the World Economic Forum

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posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: fernalley

Hope is the last to die.

But tbh, i have not much hope that a cure against mass stupidity will be produced fast enough. Before that happens they have "a vaccine against Covid-X" and people in panic and fear can´t be fast enough to play the guinea pigs. In hope they get some remains of the rights back they once had. If they just comply with and obey to governmental regulations. And to be "better" than the next one, to have a bit more than the next one, people will be stupid like this.

Even mass media, in this case even a public service broadcaster (Staatsfunk xD) reported aboput this. For one simple reason. So people can´t say later they never reported about something like this. This for example is just a podcast normaly nobody finds.They know that. If they report something critical in TV, they broadcast it very late, in the night when people are sleeping. But then they can say: We reported such things, it´s your fault if you are not informed.

Digital Identity of Everyone - Progress or Global Surveillance?
[url=]SWR2[/url ]

It´s german, please use a translator.

What i don´t understand is that people are creating the most crude and (imo) funny conspiracy theories trying to explain what is happening right now. But without finding the big and fat truth that is sitting in front of their noses. Every comment section of every media that still has the guts to have an open comment section, full of millions of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watsons. But the blind and deaf versions of them.

edit on 15 11 2020 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

Somehow i can´t repair the link.
edit on 15 11 2020 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: nOraKat

originally posted by: Nyiah
Might work for the aimless identity-pureed minority of....whatever the hell the youngest Boomers and majority of Gen Xers spawned, but it won't fly for the rest of us. I don't completely know about you guys, but "existing" isn't a valid answer to "What's in it for me?" I need something more tangible for my time and effort than pseudo-poetic gibberish like that.

They way they put it out there in the open for everyone to see, makes it seem like they already feel its 'check mate'. As though there is nothing anyone can do.

I thought the same thing (if these were indeed large posters in London) - what do they expect would be the reaction?

Did they think this message was going to go over well? I think they don't give a sh..

What posters? Like the tasteless one with the ballerina being told she didn't know her new job was as a coder or some such? If not & it's some video clip you're referring to, I don't have time to watch every single video posted that comes across my screen (I also have a data cap to mind) Embedding pictures would serve you far better here.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

N: What posters?

I was referring to the first image I posted in the OP that says “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”

If you watch the first video (where I learned about this), they say these ads were posted all around London.

edit on 15-11-2020 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 06:25 PM
You should all realise that you are already slaves and always have been, even if you perceive the narrow spectrum of personal freedom and liberty you are allowed as being 'normal', but the 'new' normal has an even narrower and tighter restriction on your personal freedom and liberty. You might have noticed this lately.

I don't care for any of it. Like everyone else, I too, played a part in allowing all this to happen without resistance. Going on a website such as this and trying to show everyone how aware we all are is not resistance. None of it is rocket science. Any idiot with a smidgen amount of actual intelligence can see what is going down, what is coming down the pipe at us all. People, it is already over, you just haven't accepted it yet.

Authoritarian zeal is going to get even more intrusive into your lives, because they are changing society into something that works for them, just as you work for them, which is the only way you and yours are going to survive. If this realisation comes as a shock to you, like a punch to your sensibilities, then cry now, tear up and let the loss flow over you. Best get the emotion out of the way, because if you retain any of it, you are going to be thinking and acting wrongly. It is what it is, and it is too late now to do anything about it.

A new empire has come about that is truly global. It is fascist, tyrannical, hard with authority, and it has no vocal opposition. No group, or groups of groups can rock it back on its heels, it has gained total dominance. Right now is as good as it is going to be for any of us for a very long time.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

I say this: Never before in history have so many people been up on what is going on.

What was once some obscure conspiracy theory known to a few, is now known to masses of people thanks to the internet. That includes people like Senators, people in the military and defense sectors.. I imagine, some higher up people. They have kids and they don't want to see America lost to some Fascist country. Lets hope some of them got together to form some sort of resistance, perhaps even with some military or intelligence personnel. Lets hope there are even certain countries that do not follow their lead e.g. Sweden did not have any lockdowns.. and perhaps there are few countries capable of being independent and setting examples.

It will be an uphill battle (I hope) to sell Socialism to the world.

Always remember - their number are few.. and the masses MANY!

It just takes a small intelligent group to lead.

I would at the least, keep your ear to the ground, and eyes peeled. Perhaps a movement will take place.

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 07:13 PM
Kinda late in the game we have all been playing to stop it now. Our parents and grandparents and great grandparents didnt mind the small incremental shifts.. nor did the boomers... nor the Gen Xers.. the majority of the new generation embrace it. We are already very late in the game now.. final phases sort of late.

Im not saying to lay down and allow it, what Im saying is that, well, youre likely going to get bulldozed.

SOme of us here on ATS for however long it lasts now.. we have been hollering about these smaller changes and pointing out the incremental steps taken and were called insane or CTers or DoomTards... whatever someone could to make us seem unreasonable and our data or theories were stupid.
Well... toldja so...

posted on Nov, 15 2020 @ 11:21 PM
Personally, I don´t believe that half of the people involved in the Great Reset are politically motivated, they only want to fill their pockets and increase their power on the way; the Great Reset is first of all an economic one with mass unemployment where they can buy property etc on sale because people go homeless etc, and they´ll use this opportunity to fill their pockets.

What the globalist socialist endgame really is can be hard to understand, but I think it is what´s called a Resource Based Economy from the socialist utopia think-tank; The Venus Project.

A Global Holistic Solution: Resource Based Economy
Global problems faced by mankind today are impacting individuals and nations rapidly. Climate change, famine, war, epidemics of deadly diseases and environmental pollution contribute to the long list of global challenges we, as humans, need to promptly address before an eventual catastrophe swiftly becomes inevitable.

Regardless of political philosophy, religious beliefs, or social customs, all socio-economic systems ultimately depend upon natural resources, such as clean air and water, arable land, and the necessary technology and personnel to maintain a high standard of living.

Modern society has access to highly advanced technologies and can make available food, clothing, housing, medical care, a relevant educational system, and develop a limitless supply of renewable, non-contaminating energy such as geothermal, solar, wind and tidal.

It is now possible to have everyone on Earth enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities that a prosperous civilization can provide. This can be accomplished through the intelligent and humane application of science and technology.

Individuals and interest groups are governed by laws that demand maximum profit where possible. These laws are inherent in the monetary system prevalent in most countries today – capitalism. The basic principles of capitalism demand exponential growth at all cost causing financial cataclysms such as the 1929s Great Depression in the United States and the recent financial crisis of 2007-08.

We are separated by borders and beliefs which make it impossible for us to arrive at relevant solutions while being divided ideologically. Most of our problems today are technical but we are still looking for solutions through political means. We need to accept that eliminating these global threats requires the employment of methodologies rather than personal opinions.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
~ Albert Einstein

The Venus Project proposes a holistic approach with a global socio-economic system that utilizes the most current technological and scientific advances to provide the highest possible living standard for all people on Earth. The proposed system is called Resource Based Economy. The term and meaning was coined by Jacque Fresco, the founder of The Venus Project.

edit on 15-11-2020 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2020 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: violet

originally posted by: violet
a reply to: nOraKat

Back to my first two points, what is the social distancing all about? Irrespective of it being for the virus.

I think they want to break up the family unit. They don't want camaraderie, love, or happy unified families. Especially generations of them.

I don't think its coincidence that divorce rates and single parents are so prevalent now compared in the past. Its pretty sad. How often do you meet a happy unified family nowadays?

originally posted by: violet
What’s with all the equality stuff that's been going on? I think there’s some plan to make everyone androgynous.

I think there are 2 agendas regarding that: 1) is race mixing. They want a world full of mutts. Perhaps genetic data proves mutts have lesser qualities statistically(?) not sure.. 2) The want more gay people.

Perhaps gay or feminine men are easier to conquer/control (?) since they can't fight back as well from a physical and anger/rage standpoint(?) not sure.. but gay people are definitely good from a population control standpoint, And from an anti-family standpoint.

The gay rainbows are everywhere and what is with pushing the transgender? It’s forced education in schools now to teach 5 y olds it’s ok to not like your gender. The video in the OP mentioned GLBTI - with no revelation on what ‘I’ stood for. Possibly Inter- ? Or iRobot?

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: nOraKat
a reply to: violet

..because your home was deemed to be in a zone they labelled uninhabitable. Aren’t there zones coming? There’s a map on that someplace.

Yeah I saw something about that on another forum. Supposedly they will try to cordon off large sections of the US as something like nature preserves where even people cannot live and herd everyone into major cities.

It will be that you live along major routes. A home with a nice driveway isn’t in the picture.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 05:14 AM
Funny, I posted this a month ago or more when Glenn Beck came out with it, and everyone lambasted not only Glenn but myself as a loon for even suggesting this was true......

Looks like the paperwork doesnt lie once again!

Glad people are finally waking up

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: PublicOpinion

You cannot simply "keep" people and expect them to be happy like a bunch of cows.

What? That't the whole point here, don't you get the guillotines?

Remember necessities, cooperation and human compassion as well? You're still promoting your myth of the benevolent elite as if capitalism didn't need to conquer continents and enslave people for profits. History is a bitch, innit?

Could've done something about wealth inequality, but you didn't. Now your whole concept of private property would be up for debate, cuz ya know...

Noblesse obliges!

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

Doing something about wealth inequality?

Oh, you mean like these wonderful people propose to? This is always what wealth inequality was all about - global control of everything so the wealthy at the top never, ever had to worry about any of us great unwashed challenging them. So they made you jealous of them and made you advocate to tear down anyone with more.

The catch was always that they made sure to write the policies so that they never were hurt by it and only got stronger and richer. They duped you with their "wealth inequality" talk and you fell for it, and you're still falling for it.

Socialism, wealth inequality -- the politics of greed and envy.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

More myths! Alright, at least you've convinced yourself to be something better. You'd just have to ask why they wont eat cake if they don't have bread, and we'd have a glorious Marie Antoinette moment to gaze at.

C'mon! Is it really too much to ask for?

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

You're still promoting your myth of the benevolent elite as if capitalism didn't need to conquer continents and enslave people for profits. History is a bitch, innit?

You're mistakenly conflating capitalism with imperialism... the two are far from synonymous

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 09:42 AM
Its sad to see how many of my friends here in the UK enjoyed their Furlough time. Many people saw these times as difficult, and many I know have suffered from mental health issues as a result. That, however, is not the full story; I have many friends who did not want the furlough to end.

Many of my friends spent the summer, sat on their arses, in the back yard with BBQs and Beers. They hate their jobs, so its not surprising they didn't want to return or come off the Furlough scheme. I am luck in that I don't hate my job and I have worked from home for years anyway, so it made little difference to me.

The point I am making here and is on topic with the OP, is that the furlough scheme here in the UK maybe was a good litmus test of a Universal Basic Income strategy for the future. The reason I mentioned all those that liked the furlough so much, is that I could see many people demanding a UBI and not considering the negatives.

(Skulks back to the UFO forums)

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: pigsy2400

I don't see any negative impact of the UBI in Kenia, for example.

Researchers will once again partner with GiveDirectly, an international NGO that makes unconditional cash transfers to poor households in developing countries. In the past, IPA partnered with GiveDirectly to evaluate an unconditional cash transfer program in Rarieda, Kenya. Researchers found that the program had significant welfare-improving impacts, both economically and psychologically, for transfer recipients.

The positive results from that and other unconditional cash transfer evaluations have influenced global development priorities.
This UBI evaluation will contribute to the ongoing conversation.

And yes, many people hate their jobs. Makes you wonder why, doesn't it?

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: PublicOpinion

I have what I need in life.

I don't need what they have.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: MarlbBlack

You just get the slavery without the benefits.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: Grenade

I'd be totally happy to fire myself off to colonize a new world and leave the sad idiots behind who think they want to be kept people.

posted on Nov, 16 2020 @ 12:58 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Please take me with you.

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