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2020 Election Results

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posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:54 PM
President Trump now pulling ahead in BOTH Electoral count AND Popular vote!

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Trump ahead in OHIO now.

My good friend in Cincinnati very happy about that. I just gave her the link to this site.😁

This is Cincinatti WKRP,with a news report. President looks like he will win the state.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:54 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Trump has a narrow lead in Ohio, but there are enough absentee ballots to be counted that could swing it either way.

Might just be the point.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:55 PM
Chinese Yuan currently tanking.
The see a Trump win.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:55 PM
Swing states closing or leading Trump.

If dems don’t abandon BLM and Antifa after this then lord help them.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:55 PM
Dear Lord ... Texas is sending Wendy Davis to Congress, and Ilhan Omar returns. How quickly does dear Abortion Barbie join The Squad?

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: ketsuko

Red took alot of blue counties by storm.

Indeed. I expected John James to clinch it no problemo, but the Red Soak we got going on? Didn't expect to see so little blue in the usual blue zones.

To play up some pop culture, CAN YOU HEAR US NOW, GRETCHEN?
edit on 11/3/2020 by Nyiah because: minor typo

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:56 PM
States just want to open up back for business. Who would want to be trapped in the basement? Should be interesting.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:56 PM
Lindsey Graham wins reelection.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Chinese Yuan currently tanking.
The see a Trump win.

Are they going to hold off on invading Taiwan now?

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: putnam6
Come on Virginia go red....

looks like they are taking liberties and not using algorithms to display the leader. or they are using sh1tty algorithms.

They did with other states as well like RI

edit on 581130America/ChicagoTue, 03 Nov 2020 20:58:56 -0600000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: IAMTAT

After market in the stock exchanges spiked a few hours ago then tanked as well. Not sure what it means.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Nyiah

Was amazing to see it right out of the gate.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: JinMI

So has Texas and Kansas. I think a lot are going to flip back to Trump as they should. There is no way on earth Biden gets half this many votes. I know there are a lot of ignorant people out there, but this many? Nope, its Fraud as the Democrats are masters at it. Under Obama it was buses full of Migrants under Acorn.

ABC just lied on air and said that Biden had taken the lead in Ohio. Its Trumps 50.6 to Bidens 48 percent

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:57 PM
Fox News FINALLY awards South Carolina to Trump.

A full hour after everyone else!

(Portrait of a Fox News Infiltrator: )

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:58 PM
Joe closed in on Don to 150K in VA, now Don is starting to creep away again with 180K...

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: Nyiah

Was amazing to see it right out of the gate.

Yup, I was catching my share of flies for a bit, too. Just one of those things you don't expect to see happen!

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: IAMTAT
Chinese Yuan currently tanking.
The see a Trump win.

Are they going to hold off on invading Taiwan now?

Just a little.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: interupt42

originally posted by: putnam6
Come on Virginia go red....

looks like they are taking liberties and not using algorithms to display the leader. or they are using sh1tty algorithms.

Yeah this one boggles the mind calling it with Trump leading like that. is it because of what they expect the remaining counties to do?

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:59 PM
AP shows PA as turning pink, it's a tie right now.

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