posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to:
Think on this theory. For the sake of the idea say there is 1 other dimension in the same space as ours. Now look on the majority of disappearances in
Davids books. They are in unspoilt areas, forests, mountains, near water, near marshes, rocks.
Now imagine this. This other world is exactly the same as ours, same mountains, rocks water courses, lakes, marshes, untouched land (by that I mean
land that has not had anything added or taken away from it, like farmland that's been in a family for generations). BBUUUTTT, with different flora and
fauna. Different higher species not human.
Now if your in this other dimension and have a "apparatus" that can allow you to interact with ours. Just where would you want to appear? Think on
this, all the above mentioned take hundreds of years to alter, so it could be a safe bet you'd land on the same ground level. Whereas if you appeared,
from say your dimensions flat ground, and materialised say in a city or industrial area that has been massively had the ground added to or quarried,
you get the idea?