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Missing 411 - The Hunted

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posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 06:55 AM
Watched this documentary on Amazon last night. It started out as a normal mystery and ended on some rather strange hints towards aliens/cryptozoology. Has anyone else watched this? Just curious about your thoughts....

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Haven't seen it...but will check it out if you recommend it.
Is this about missing people in Alaska?

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 07:33 AM
I have seen it, I’m a fan of David Paulides. I enjoyed yesterday’s YouTube episode of The Canam Missing project. It was about three missing women and a man in Southern Arizona. Give it a look.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

No, it's actually about hunters in many different states who walked into the woods and disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Some were later confirmed dead but also under mysterious circumstances...

If you like mysteries, you will like the documentary. I just didn't expect it to go towards alien/cryptozoology angle, but I'm open minded enough to roll with it.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 07:56 AM
The "bigfoot" part in the Sierra's was possibly one of the most compelling things I have ever watched in regard to a crypto. Listening to that chatter they recorded was amazing. I have never heard anything like that in my life.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: Nickn3

Yes, I will definitely check it out.

Throughout the 411 documentary, there were a lot of things combing through my mind.... Here were a few (yes, some are rather crazy thoughts, but you never know where they might go with some of these theories):

1. Some off-the-grid wacko is killing these people, hiding the bodies, and taking their gear. For this to be true, said wacko would need to kill the individual or incapacitate them in a way that doesn't leave blood or dna behind and also without making noise. Not likely.... Said wacko would also have to have carried these individuals quite some distance and disposed of their bodies in ways that most were never found. Also unlikely....

2. A CULT of off-the-grid wackos is sending out people in various rural areas across the country, killing people, and taking their gear. Same as Scenario #1, but with multiple people instead of a lone wolf. However, same "unlikeliness" applies as in Scenario #1.

3. Time Slips - If we are going full paranormal here, I half expected Tom Messick's son to say they saw a picture of his dad in an old photo from 100 years ago. Of course, that didn't happen...but if this were to occur, it might explain no body, no equipment, no sound, etc... You never know what dimension these people might have been sucked into.... Welcome to the Event Horizon.

4. Animal Attack - This goes without saying for any hunter in the woods. However, animal attacks are messy and most experienced hunters and survivalists (several of which were noted in the documentary) would be prepared for this type of event. Doesn't explain the lack of body, evidence of attack, or missing equipment.

5. People chose to disappear - I thought perhaps Aaron Hedges chose to disappear, but that explanation goes out the window when you consider his boots being found under the tree. No sane person is going to leave their boots behind in an area of unstable ground and sharp rocks.

6. DUMBs - most of these places are very rural and happened around the mountains. I wondered if perhaps these individuals came across people entering or leaving a DUMB entrance.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: Fools
The "bigfoot" part in the Sierra's was possibly one of the most compelling things I have ever watched in regard to a crypto. Listening to that chatter they recorded was amazing. I have never heard anything like that in my life. was better than anything they have ever shown on (Fake) History Channel. It definitely seemed to be indicative of a language...

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

It's also children and non-hunters that often go missing in the woods.

Here is another explanation:

1. Aliens can use the secluded forest to abduct people and go less noticed. This goes back to people just vanishing. Many stories of kids who jist vanish without a trace and then suddenly reappear (or dont) despite days of searching.

2. DUMBs and human trafficking: This is a more fringe theory and goes back to phil Schneider and his account of humans being experimented on by ETs and human scientists in DUMBS that ignore any laws.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

There are some analogues with Fae lore and modern day Missing 411 profile points including association with boulder fields, berry bushes, weather change and shoe stealing.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 09:11 AM

originally posted by: karl 12
a reply to: CIAGypsy

There are some analogues with Fae lore and modern day Missing 411 profile points including association with boulder fields, berry bushes, weather change and shoe stealing.

My teenage daughter is very much a fan of fae lore and this theory....
She felt compelled to mention it last night and felt it was just as legitimate as aliens or cryptozoology. The girl has a point...ha ha.
edit on 2-11-2020 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

John Allen, aka Mr Ballen recaps some of the most mysterious Missing 411 cases in this YouTube playlist:
Missing 411/MrBallen

I got started watching his channel after seeing NarcolepticBuddah's thread about him
ATS thread

Great stuff, highly recommended!
edit on 11 2 2020 by underpass61 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 09:44 AM
I've seen the documentary and it was it pretty good and I've also read some of the 411 books.
A lot of the cases do seem very strange, some appear a little more mundane to me but it's still a very interesting watch.
The "Samurai" chatter was posted on ATS a few years ago now, it's fascinating but I'm still on the fence with it, some days I think it's got to be real and others I think it must be fake.
We also had a member a few years back post on here about her Grandson disappearing and being found, that story made it into one of David's books.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Huge fan of this movie, David Paulides took a big risk bringing the paranormal into this documentary but I think he did it very well. The “Sierra sounds” as they are know in the Bigfoot community are famous, those sounds will send a chill down your spine if you’ve got a pulse.

The whole 411 phenomenon is so strange, just when you think you’ve found an explanation you realize it can’t possibly explain them all, to many weird different things happen in the woods.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Quantumgamer1776

I always wanted to know if the strange language heared by people at the skinwalker ranch is simular like the one heared by these hunters at the remote sierra camp site.. I have reason to believe that what is happening with these 411 disappearances is connected somehow with what is happening on the skinwalker ranch.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 02:51 PM
I am a huge fan of Paulides and I think he believes a theory which he doesn't want to voice as it will lose him his credibility. But I'll say anyway. UFOs, ghosts, other paranormal activity, strange animals abductions etc. etc. could come down to one theory, outlandish? Yes. Maybe? Yes. A theory that scientists are just coming to accept. Other dimensions in the same space as ours.
I would say that hunted is a better term than missing as those that are "taken" seem to be picked.
You don't have to be Einstein to realise when they are taken they leave no scent trail, no physical trail, so they have been taken from the exact spot and not taken up as people have been very close to the phenomena and not seen anything. The "snatch" and the "return" (when they are returned) has never been witnessed. That in itself screams intelligence.
The being, or whatever it is, can see us and the area around, but we can't see it. Hence they know the exact time to snatch without being seen.
There are many more pointers that Paulides reports that supports this theory yet he wont elaborate.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Own the movies and all the books.

I can tell you from personal experience that certain people are chosen, and can be lured.

This really happens. I went missing for 6 hours as a young child with a friend to mysteriously reappear back
Home in our bikes in a rainstorm and missing our shoes.

I have no recollection of what happened, but I’ve had some strange dreams/flashbacks that I’m not sure tie into it.

I have dreamt of DUMBS before I even knew they existed. I definitely saw a grey 2 inches from my face, and 2 other things. I believe they are either inter dimensional or demons.

The only way I could describe it/them is dark and sinister. I have tried to convince myself that they are good, but just can’t get there.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 08:44 PM
Does this talk about the highway to Alaska?

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

One of the reasons people, and David brought up the cryptid/alien angle is people are claiming that they are seeing what looks like the Predator guy from the movies where the predator looks almost invisible. I have actually read other instances from non David books where a guy sees 2 of the predator type creatures in a little town somewhere in America and that he sees them quite often. (cant recall off the top here) Misskat1 is the ATS member who wrote about her grandson that disappeared and saw a "robot" grandma and what-not. Here's that link. Scary stuff really.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: CIAGypsy
a reply to: Nickn3

Yes, I will definitely check it out.

Throughout the 411 documentary, there were a lot of things combing through my mind.... Here were a few (yes, some are rather crazy thoughts, but you never know where they might go with some of these theories):

1. Some off-the-grid wacko is killing these people, hiding the bodies, and taking their gear. For this to be true, said wacko would need to kill the individual or incapacitate them in a way that doesn't leave blood or dna behind and also without making noise. Not likely.... Said wacko would also have to have carried these individuals quite some distance and disposed of their bodies in ways that most were never found. Also unlikely....

2. A CULT of off-the-grid wackos is sending out people in various rural areas across the country, killing people, and taking their gear. Same as Scenario #1, but with multiple people instead of a lone wolf. However, same "unlikeliness" applies as in Scenario #1.

3. Time Slips - If we are going full paranormal here, I half expected Tom Messick's son to say they saw a picture of his dad in an old photo from 100 years ago. Of course, that didn't happen...but if this were to occur, it might explain no body, no equipment, no sound, etc... You never know what dimension these people might have been sucked into.... Welcome to the Event Horizon.

4. Animal Attack - This goes without saying for any hunter in the woods. However, animal attacks are messy and most experienced hunters and survivalists (several of which were noted in the documentary) would be prepared for this type of event. Doesn't explain the lack of body, evidence of attack, or missing equipment.

5. People chose to disappear - I thought perhaps Aaron Hedges chose to disappear, but that explanation goes out the window when you consider his boots being found under the tree. No sane person is going to leave their boots behind in an area of unstable ground and sharp rocks.

6. DUMBs - most of these places are very rural and happened around the mountains. I wondered if perhaps these individuals came across people entering or leaving a DUMB entrance.

All of the above.

posted on Nov, 3 2020 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: baddmove

Misskat1 is the ATS member who wrote about her grandson that disappeared and saw a "robot" grandma and what-not. Here's that link. Scary stuff really.

Well remembered and congratulations on navigating ATS search to find the thread!!
I remember the thread way back when, but I couldn't find it after a quick check/search.
The Conspiracy Gods must of blessed you.

To anyone reading this thread it's worth a read
edit on 3-11-2020 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

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