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End of days timeline

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posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
Who compared him to a lamb? Did I miss something?

Many actually do, because it says that it will have two horns like a lamb, many people says that he will apear to be a lamb, but will speek like a dragon. There is no foundation for such. Take a look in the Bush/AC thread. You'll see what I mean.


posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 12:48 PM
But none fo this has even started yet...

The temple has not even been rebuilt yet. Until that happens, the Tribulation, and Apocalypse/Armageddon and the end of the world can notl be started.
Watch out, though, once teh Temple is rebuilt, you can be assured the AntiChrist is here. He'll die after 3 and a half years and be resurrected in three days at which time he'll be possessed and the two witnessess will die. By this time, open persecution of any new Christians will begin.
This is where the mark of the beast comes in, along with the mark of God. When you become a Christian and accept God, you recieve the mark, and only others with the mark will see it. To accpet the Mark of the Beast, you must acknowledge the False Prophet (Anti-Christ) and renounce God, (which is a very bad idea).


posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Tassadar
But none fo this has even started yet...

He'll die after 3 and a half years and be resurrected in three days at which time he'll be possessed and the two witnessess will die. By this time, open persecution of any new Christians will begin.

anti-christ dieing then being possesed??, i thought that the two witnesses died, people celebrate, then 3 days later they(witnesses)come back to life

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 04:39 PM
Yes the witnessess do die and come back to life..

But the AntiChrist/False Prophet also dies and is resurrected after 3 days by Satan who posesses him. This helps to solidify his superiority over the rset of mankind, adn to justify his persecution of Christians and destruciton of all enemies.

The AntiChrist is the false Prophet who represents the Beast. He carries out his work on Earth.

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:11 PM
There will be an Antichrist and a false prophet ...two seperate persons.
The Antichrist and his false prophet will work together...

As was when Jesus Christ started his ministery of 30 years of age so will the Antichrist........Saint John the babtist was a prophet who spoke of a Saviour to come and he babtised Jesus Christ and said he was not worthy to do so........

The Antichrist will also have a prophet whom will proclaim him to the world .......

The two prophets Elijah and Enoch will tell the whole world about the false prophet and the Antichrist and no one will be able to hurt them .......after their 3and half years of telling the whole world the two prophets will be killed (it is said in the same place as Jesus Christ was) and there will be earthquakes and alot of stuff happening ,after 3 and half days(or 3 days )they will ressurrect for all to see ........ then there will be much prosecution toward those that did not receive the mark of the beast or did not worship him.........but all will end very quickly for the ''elects sake''.............1,000 yrs reign of Jesus Christ on earth is not going to happen because it is happening NOW......This was actually put into the Nicene Creed ............'''And His Kingdom shall have no end''''.etc........
All who do not receive the mark of the beast or worship him will be prosecuted and suffer according to ones strength......but others will be able to flee the prosecutions and hide from what will be happening....this depends on God .

Jesus Christ said he was coming to judge the living and the dead.........which means those that are alive when all this is going on will be Changed .........but all shall be judged and no one will escape judgement.......that is why it is said ''judge the living and the dead'''........all shall receive according to their works''....
It seems strange for all this to happen but it will and when the time comes each person will know what to do......To say now what one shall do at that time is useless because many that beleive they are better then the other person today may see things different tomorrow....That is why Jesus Christ said those that think they will be first will be last........So It depends how one is spiritually ready for what is going to happen......There is a parrable in the New Testament about this........
I may know about what is to happen but that wont save me .......I need to be spiritually ready and not think of myself as being better then anyone fact if i think of myself as being worthy i tend to disreguard the other person as being a nobody........this is where Humility comes those that need help and less fortunate then yourself......and judge not so you wont be judged .......if you accuse someone then that accusation can be your own fate......

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:19 PM
helen good description but when does armageddon fit in, b/c doesn't jesus come back for armageddon, so if the 1000 yr's had already started, that means armageddon has already happened!, so i don;t think the 1000 yr's has started yet

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by mikromarius
That people somehow compare the Antichrist to a lamb is rediculous. He has two horns. A lamb has also got two horns. That's the only thing that connects the Antichrist with a lamb. Besides when did ever lambs have horns? What kind of lamb are we talking about here? Like Jesus and the two witnesses. What would be the opposite from witnessing and rightiousness? The anti of that? Lying and plotting against God and humanity of course. The AC will introduce a law or an annual tradition the people will have to follow in order to being able to buy and sell which is impoossible to follow if you are a follower of Jesus of Nazareth. He lies and accuses falsely. And he's on every TV screen in the world and and has the power to use nuclear weapons if "necessary". Sounds familiar? Anyone?


Mikro........the lamb that was slaughtered in the old testament was a prefiguration of Jesus Christ being Crucified for our sins........
So when it sais that the lamb with two horns it represents the Antichrist will appear as being a good person who comes from the 'sea'(the sea meaning the man.this term was used in that time..)but the two horns represents the devil......having authourity from the devil......he wont literally have horns sticking out of his head,if he did then we would know who he was.........
There is alot of interpretations of Revelation and other prophecy concerning the end of days........and they date back to the early century of great Saint of the church is Saint Hyppolitus ....
..Saint Eiphreim the Syrian....
there are lots more that have precise interpretations of what will happen.......all have been translated now in the English language....

Antichrist means the opposite of Christ .......but also he will imitate Christ so that people will be fooled......he will do much more in miracles(illusions)then what was done......that is why Jesus Christ did not want to do miracles for someone to believe in comes from having faith and love..... not from external satisfaction.......being the result of miracles .....just to satisfy ones nature.
They say(prophecy)that the Antichrist will perform miracles to satisfy the peoples curiosity and to make fantasy become reality for those that want to see with their eyes........the mind can and does play tricksand this will be a trick or an illusion of some sort!

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:31 PM
I wouldn't assume that the Antichrist has to be a "person" as such, it could be an organisation or a religion. I read some convincing theories on how the AC could be the Roman Catholic Church as a whole. The article described the "four beasts" as civilisations, with Rome as the last. The fourth beast had ten horns, which symbolised ten offspring of Rome. There was ten "civilisations" that came from the demise of rome. Three of these were to be destroyed, and indeed they were. Anyway, I can't rememebr it all, but take a look for yourselves........

Anti Christ

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by chebob
I wouldn't assume that the Antichrist has to be a "person" as such, it could be an organisation or a religion. I read some convincing theories on how the AC could be the Roman Catholic Church as a whole. The article described the "four beasts" as civilisations, with Rome as the last. The fourth beast had ten horns, which symbolised ten offspring of Rome. There was ten "civilisations" that came from the demise of rome. Three of these were to be destroyed, and indeed they were. Anyway, I can't rememebr it all, but take a look for yourselves........

Anti Christ

i thought the general consensus on the antichrist is that he'd be someone in their 30's hence a person

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by f16falcon

i thought the general consensus on the antichrist is that he'd be someone in their 30's hence a person

AAh, but the general consensus is not always the truth, no? I'm keeping an open mind.........after all, we all know how edited most religous texts are, so the only thing I can assume to be true is that there WILL be an Antichrist.....

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by f16falcon
helen good description but when does armageddon fit in, b/c doesn't jesus come back for armageddon, so if the 1000 yr's had already started, that means armageddon has already happened!, so i don;t think the 1000 yr's has started yet

Ok from what i have read from prophecy and what the early church speak of is that reading greek here so my interpretations will be somewhat not very good....
it sais.....
Armageddon toward the land of Palasteine.....
Constantinople(modern day Istanbul)will be a third world will involve Russia and Turkey....
There's quite alot of it in greek that i cannot interpret ....ill see if i can get an english translation....
It does involve the west will strike Russia with weapons of mass destruction( this where where the W.M.D have been all along!)
Ok ....Something about 7 months of burying the dead in Israel .....the end of Russia and Europe,and America.......the cities will look like tents.....many will flee out in the mountains to hide.....
Sorry about this......there's alot of that I cannot interpret so ill get back another time........

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 09:09 PM
i've thought that knowing anceint greek would be kinda cool, but please tell me when u translate it

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 10:05 PM
I have in previous threads spoken of some of the prophecies i have mentioned here's one....

just try and do a search on early christian church fathers on the Antichrist....tranlation from Russian and Greek..

Ill try and read on the greek and translate what i can .....

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 10:33 PM
Hey guys im new here.I just realized that you guys are leaving out an important event. You guys are forgetting the rapture of the church.According to the way it was taught to me Jesus would return to take his faithful with him to heaven before the Great Tribulation would occur.The Great Tribulation is the seven year period where the seal, trumpet and vial judgements happen. This is one of the reasons why I think that we arnt yet in tribulation times because the rapture has not yet happened.I do however belive that we are rapidly approching those times. Supposedly before Jesus returns we are to hear about wars and rumors of wars, which sounds like a pretty accurate description of our times now.Sorry i didnt provide the actual passages in the bible where this stuff is said but im too lazy to get up and go and get it.Also i dont know if you guys have heard but there is a great series called Left Behind by Tim Lahaye that talks about all these events. Its fiction and follows the lives of several people during the tribulation.It seems pretty accurate when it comes to depicting the judgements and the rise of the anti christ.Even if you dont belive in it it still is a good read.

posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 10:55 PM
Hey, welcome to the board slayer,

Check out this thread on the Rapture's place in the Tribulation.


posted on Jul, 20 2003 @ 11:09 PM
The concept of Christ rapturing believers was completely unknown during the first thousand years of Christian history,during which there was but one Christian faith throughout the world.
The seven Ecumenical Councils of A.D. 325 through 787,in which all the essential doctrines of Christian Truth were declared,never mentioned a rapture.
see Matthew. 24:21-22)

posted on Jul, 21 2003 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
"Great Tribulation" (Jacob's Trial) has not yet begun.

Tribulation MY ARSE

It's not God tribulating people, it's illuminati sacraficing you to satan.

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Freeman

Originally posted by Valhall
"Great Tribulation" (Jacob's Trial) has not yet begun.

Tribulation MY ARSE

It's not God tribulating people, it's illuminati sacraficing you to satan.

freeman you sound so sure! whats your proof?

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 07:11 PM
I would have to agree.

FM, if you insist on whizzing on every thread I reply to, and considering that we have now confirmed your tendency to speak as an expert on areas that you have no experience in, at least try to attempt some sort of foundation to your whizzing statements.

[Edited on 23-7-2003 by Valhall]

posted on Jul, 22 2003 @ 09:51 PM
No one knows for sure when the end of days will come.....there is no date given........but there are signs to watch ou for.....

There will be a World war involving Russia and Turkey for certain before the appearance of the Antichrist on the world scene.

This is a prophecy that many Saints have prophecied for many centuries.......
All the prophecies of the great and coming dreadful day of the Antichrist involves the end of the world........
All the prophecies that have been written all say the same exact thing......Constantinople (which is Istanbul)belonged to the Byzantium Empire and Christianity flourished before it was taken over will also end there....
But the war that is mentioned in Prophecy also sais that a third will be babtized , a third will die , and a third will go toward Mecca........This will involve 18 countries which will be fighting!
This war will lead to the last battle... Armageddon which is in prophecy ...

''Behold, the day of the Lord comes,cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate;and H e will destroy its sinners from it''(Isaiah 13:6,7,9 )

Zechariah is more specific.There will be a great conflict between Jerusalem and other nations, which will be fought in the valley of Megiddo.This area near Jerusalem is known fearfully as Armageddon.'''It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all nations that come against Jerusalem... In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo''(Zechariah 12:9,11 )

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