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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - §3O§ -

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posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow
Since you're our resident Joe Biden expert, do you believe he was on some type of happy drug last night? Look at this clip.

Relaxed, Semi-Euphoric, and speaking strangely:

And Joe is dressed like an Amazon Express business delivery guy. Totally weird lighting too.

Um, ok, I don't consider myself a resident Joe Biden expert but, I've wondered if poor Joe suffers from "Lewy body disease" (LBD) which is believed by Robin Williams widow and medical experts to have attributed to his suicide.

The terrorist inside my husband’s brain [PDF] by Susan Schneider Williams.

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a type of dementia accompanied by changes in sleep, behavior, cognition, movement, and autonomic bodily functions. Memory loss is not always an early symptom. The disease worsens over time and is usually diagnosed when cognitive decline interferes with normal daily functioning. Together with Parkinson's disease dementia, DLB is one of the two Lewy body dementias. It is a common form of dementia, but the prevalence is not known accurately and many diagnoses are missed. The disease was first described by Kenji Kosaka in 1976.

Concerning Joe, how much is political theatrics vs real dementia is unknown but his speaking ability certainly leans toward a cognitive condition. Robin Williams in his last days had a tendency to mumble and often lose his train of thought.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

ME, PM sent.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 01:41 PM
Thank you to everyone that replied to my post. Propbably shouldn’t have posted it and I certainly wasn’t trying to derail the thread so, I’ll respond to each in this post to avoid that happening.

I’m probably still a little shocked I had to experience the wrath of TDS in my own home so unexpectedly and just so out of the blue... it truly was bizarre and out of character for him.

I don’t feel unsafe at all, just hurt feelings and really confused. I know he was watching a segment on CNN🙄 and it was a little bit before 6pm when I heard him screaming but, I’m not sure what he actually saw that set him off.

The whole thing just seems surreal!!

Texasgirl, sorry to hear about the issues with your sister. It really sucks! But, you took Crankys advice it seems and that’s what I’m going to TRY and do as well.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

Thank you for replying. This is potentially serious.

If true, Joe Biden will no longer be able to hold a top secret security clearance.

How can America have a president who is not able to receive intelligence briefings?

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 02:00 PM
Christopher Wray is still playing games with the US Senate and their document requests.

edit on 11/2/2020 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 02:09 PM
ME's post is important. This is an issue we've all experienced and will be experiencing more of soon. Best we all know it is not isolated, but part of the process.

It is tough to reconcile the fact that we plebes on the chess board are simply the proxies for those who both are, and support, the Satanic Death Cult or Controller System or whatever you like to call it.

The main system used to keep us pawns in order is the Divide and Conquer system. From National Boundaries to Family Feuds, it is ALL part of the same pattern. This endless election is the ultimate effort in this.

Is this election the end of the world as WE know it, or as THEY know it? Those lost and spinning over loosing the right to kill an unborn baby are lost entirely with in the matrix itself. They are so lost that at some point they meltdown, but the system of Divide and Conquer has taught them to display their frustration toward another, never look within - more divide created. They have been led to believe they'll literally die if DJT is chosen again.

So we've reached a choice point. I've seen them before, most famously 2016 where I said to some "there are two doors, one left one right, I'll go through the right door, but if folks choose the left I'm on my way home - no one will enjoy it." That was the start, but commitment being what it is, the real "left door right door" choice point was some "time" later: 11.3

And so we are here. Folks who have spent the last 4 years waking themselves up at any cost and those who didn't bother. Guess who the Satanic Death Cult focused their energy on? As such, the "election" or "choice point" will lead to folks losing it as the matrix itself begins to look like a madhouse.

Imagine waking up on 11.4 and thinking: DJT is rounding up blacks and alphabetgender folks to execute them in FEMA camps and he's going to stop abortions tomorrow and end my entitlement program money on friday and how will my kids go to school if he injects us all with The Rona.... Imagine.

We are never going back to how it was, ever. That should be obvious, but for those counting on it, the choice point will bring no comfort at all. Couple this with the issue of hate built up, confusion, loss, grief and so on we're in for a rough patch as all of that is released. Folks will say things they don't mean, words, emotions without reason. In my experience never fan the flames, simply wait. Discuss on a walk, over tea, but not while the teeeveee is blaring and the phone is in hand - that's foolishness.

Consider the backside as well. We Anons who "knew" or have been digging, revealing, sharing and so on will experience a release too. Maybe not the outrage type, but this has been a helluva war and we're do for a realignment as well.

The next few months will be rough for those who doubled down on their investment in the matrix system. Be patient, waking up over 20 years is a challenge, over 4 is really hard, over 1 is damn hard and waking up after 11.3 is going to be the hardest path of all.

Be supportive. There is no animal in the animal kingdom that punishes their offspring for getting lost, confused, stuck or otherwise learning on the fly. They support.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 02:49 PM
So, I don't understand. Are we not allowed to quote Q posts now? I quoted a drop a few pages back, did not post an image of the drop, and it was removed for posting work done by another.


You MUST provide links to your quoted material or they will be removed.

IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS
Posting work written by others
edit on Mon Nov 2 2020 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

I’ll be fine. The unnecessary hysterics only confirm I made the right decision to vote for Trump.

Only one more day. The Red Wave is going to be EPIC!

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 02:53 PM

Another day, another massacre in Afghanistan.

Complex attack ongoing in Kabul targeting Kabul University. Multiple gunmen entered the building. Attack took place when there were also Iranian officials present in the university.


IS attack on Kabul University kills 22

At least 22 people were killed when attackers stormed one of Afghanistan's main universities on Monday, detonating a suicide bomb and spraying classrooms with bullets in a brazen hours-long assault claimed by Islamic State group.

Reports of an attack in Vienna, Austria...

Austrian newspaper: "There are currently reports of seven dead, including one police officer and four seriously injured."

"Vienna police just now: "Shots in the city center. There are people injured! Please stay away from public places and public transport. Do not give any pictures or videos!"

English thread of updates:

Crazy times.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

Guessing that you didn't post a link to the quoted source.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

I used the usual link widget and titled it with the post number.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

Take care over the coming week ME!

Perhaps arrange for the TV aerial to get disconnected?

The advice about "visiting family" sounds good to me... if nothing else, it stops either of you saying things that leave scars on your future relationship.

I have to admit something similar happened to me this evening... I visited my mother who then wanted to be taken to see my bro's new house.

She called me a "naive idiot" for putting so much unpaid effort into this... I told her I'd make her eat her own words and apologise in public... and she'd better drink up her wine or she'd be walking home.

Tensions definitely rising but to be expected - I think everyone senses how much is at stake!
edit on 2-11-2020 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: SilentWindofDoom

Sometimes Q posts contain material written for another board. Those board posts are disallowed, but I am guessing the mods were unaware it was part of a Q post.

I'm guessing Q posts would normally be allowed in this instance, and framing it as a Q post would help it to clear the mods eye.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 03:40 PM

Der Standard - w/live updates.

"Stay Home" - Ensuring Covid lockdown.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

imo we are expanding consciousness into higher energies.... we're moving through the outer rings in the ripple. We are bringing in more light but the brighter the light, the darker the shadow. The contrast will be more pronounced. Many people are still stuck in the 'darker' energies of fear. They may be legitimately panicked thinking and believing that their world is about to end. I've floated all over the emotional scale and I've bounced between the two, polar extremes. I can feel the exhilaration and expectation of what's going to come next and it's breathtaking. Conversely, I've also dropped to my knees in utter agony and despair, commanding God take me out of here because I can't get through one more second of this torture. The challenge is finding the peace that resides at the center of those two extremes. It's easier to do in quiet solitude when you focus on taking care of yourself and are able to block out the chaos swirling around you for a little while. Don't allow others to pull you into their storm. Protect your energy. Be the lighthouse

Today is election eve. I can feel the vibrant energy. There is a spirit of hope and excitement that's electric. It feels like the innocent, childlike thrill and magic of the night before Christmas.I also concurrently feel like we are wounded warriors,struggling to pull our bloodied and battered bodies across that line to safety after fighting seemingly endless wars and battles against darkness. Both external and internal. We are moving closer to that finish line. We're almost home

edit on 2-11-2020 by cherokeetroy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

I'll tell you something.
Me and the missus are very much on the same page, the only sheet of paper you could slide between us is about the long term future direction of humanity (the total unknown). But, even though we agree on almost everything, even we are rubbing due to the stress.
Admittedly, we're in the UK, but we both know that what happens in the US has a direct consequence over here and everywhere worldwide. There is barely a person alive who has had to face the situation that everyone is in right now.

Trump is the bump in the road. Prior to all this, the program was running smoothly, everyone was happy sailing along (in a programmed state), keeping their head down, getting away with what they can, but essentially, everyone has been living in veiled slavery for all of our lives.

The rise of Brexit, and then Trump has caused a serious rupture in peoples reality. More so, because the opposition have been forced to show their colours. Sadly, this isn't recognised because the MSM diverts all blame on Trump (or Covid... which is then weaponised into blame for the one who is failing (according to the MSM)). Such is the power of mind control/programming (a lifetime of training/indoctrination/sleeping state) that when the TV tells everyone all this pain everyone is going through is because of Trump, then he becomes the focus of all that rage.

I don't know if anything can be done about it. The only real hope, is that solid evidence emerges that Trump is fighting a true evil, that makes even the most extreme never Trumper questions themselves. If that actually happens, then whatever you do, don't do the "I told you so" routine. There is literally no way for anyone to know.
I don't blame anyone for the states of mind they have ended up in (even if it is frustrating and upsetting). I've literally spent my entire adult life trying to be aware of social programming and mind control, and I'd be an idiot and a liar if I said that I haven't fallen into the trap and had my thoughts warped more than once... it really is that pervasive. It is disgusting.

I don't talk about it much, but my studies, which led me to the deeper understanding of what was really going on in the world have affected me a great deal. Studying film, music, TV, which is jam packed with subtle (and non subtle) mind control has literally changed me over the years. I feel very lucky to have held on to my true self after all this... and for that, I thank the above and the care they have given me... and by above, I mean the heavenly host.

So even when you are aware of the mind control and programming, and are even fighting against it and trying to open the eyes of others to it, it can still affect you... so what of everyone else? The average Joe? The friction and noise from this bump in the road has seen the MK become so heavy, that a state of intolerance and extreme stress has been installed in everyone on program. Unbearable stress.

The manipulation of people is, to me, almost the greatest crime of all. The division sewn between family, loved ones, friends, all for an evil power hungry agenda. All that most people want is to be just left alone.

So, coming back to the original point, and the reply to MagesticEsoteric, without knowing the dynamic of you and your husband, it is hard to know if any advice or thoughts might help. But, I would just say that if you love him, and the world affairs are the cause of the trouble, then I'd suggest trying to make peace as best you can... Men tend to bottle things up, and it bursts out. If it doesn't come out, then it is disastrous. It is a pressure valve. In a couple of weeks, the cause of the outburst might even be looked back on as out of character, and a thing to be a little ashamed of or to reflect upon.

You might notice I've not been around much of late. The stress that all this brings to me is hard to gauge. My state of mind was literally causing me to break. I'd then upset my missus, who I love very much. Taking a break away from it all has brought me back to my centre. I look back on my state of mind at various points, and I almost don't recognise myself. Whether that has spilled into here or wherever, I don't know... but it does at home (and I hate that the most). My frustration and venting upsets the missus... and it really isn't her fault... but she is the only one about... thanks to lockdown. (p.s. I do make sure to apologise and make up for my emo moments...)
I'm lucky that we have been through enough of this weirdness for nearly 8-9 years now since we both really started to wake up that we recognise the effects of outside interference. Not everyone is that lucky. I think Crankys excellent post makes the fine point that the ever decreasing scale of time required for waking up makes it harder and harder).

But the enemy isn't next to you, it is out there... it is this black mirror that is trying its hardest to define your reality for you. (Nearly) everyone is a victim.

When I bring up the notion of understanding and forgiveness as I have on many occasions... this is why.

It is also why you shouldn't write anyone off because of how they are right now. If you genuinely love someone, and you can recognise that it is external forces disrupting that... just withdraw a little... wait until you find a way to get on the same page. Don't just abandon life long friendships or family because of what others are forcing upon your relationship.
Things will change, and I feel a lot is going to happen over the next 2 -3 years, and it is going to get hard. The cause of trouble now might seem like a distant memory.

So consider the following approach... the words "I love you very much, more than our differences... what can I do to bring us together again?"

If the one you love is the one who is stressed and making outbursts, then they are suffering. They need you to hold out the olive branch. Do anything you can to inject some normality into their lives. Be the rock and the foundation to their reality, rather than the television which is feeding them lies. The strength in a relationship comes from being strong for the other when they are feeling vulnerable. To be truly effective, then it is done without requiring anything back...
Listen without judgement... suppress your own opinions, hold hands... find something light to focus on. Even pets can be an amazing healer. Find ways to let others release, or to find a little light in what is a very dark world right now.

If nothing works, and you don't know what to do, then I also wouldn't be afraid to throw your feelings to the sky and ask for help. You might be surprised sometimes to find personal miracles can happen too. From that point of view, I can promise you that you are not alone.

This is a rough time for literally everyone, and inside we are always alone with our thoughts. We will get through this time, as hard as it is, we will get through. Don't let the outside ruin what is inside.
I don't know if any of this helps, but it can't hurt to share thought.

Much love to all.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 04:06 PM
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Got a Big Social Media Boost from Indian Troll Farms

Joe Biden's Twitter account got a sizable boost beginning in August from tens of thousands of fake followers purchased on the open market from troll farms in rural India, an investigation has found.

Within two weeks of Biden selecting Kamala Harris as his running mate on August 12, his Twitter following jumped by 738,595 new followers—a 9.1 percent leap. The number hit 11 million by the third week of October.

Kamala Harris's ethic heritage is in part rooted in India, but her share of Indian and apparently Indian followers is far lower, about 0.12 percent.

Sock Puppet Sweatshop

Some of the operators who worked on the campaign spoke at length about how propaganda agencies in New Delhi and Mumbai activated a widely distributed troll network to amplify Biden's campaign impact on Twitter.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Robbo2006

They = Arabs, Israelis, Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

This is about the people of the Middle Eastern Countries. Why does that worry you?

Most are in the old Roman Empire. Those that Decapitate heads. The beast that once was.

posted on Nov, 2 2020 @ 04:10 PM
This sounds like a threat from the Biden campaign.

Under no circumstances will President Trump be allowed to declare Victory tomorrow evening!

I hope Q and Q+ are prepared for anything and everything from Evil Democrats.

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