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Went to the Store 100% Mask being worn

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posted on Oct, 4 2020 @ 08:46 PM
I usually go down with the flu every year or so.... Nobody I know has had the flu or Covid this year because we've all been washing our hands and masking up when necessary. In fact, next time I do get the flu, I'm gonna mask up and double up on the hand washing so I dont spread it around. ...

posted on Oct, 4 2020 @ 08:52 PM

originally posted by: Brotherman

originally posted by: homerJ
Great news. Here in Victoria Australia, we have 100% mask wearing and hand washing as well. It seems to be working here, and I'm glad people aren't spreading around something that could potentially kill my older loved ones.

I'm glad you like your governing authorities and the s hit they make you peons do, your enthusiasm makes me smile.

I have many relatives who work in health care, one of them topped Australasia in medicine and ran the busiest emergency wards in the country for years. He's currently running the second busiest. He's one of the smartest blokes I know. He's taking this very seriously. I suppose he's a "peon" too??

I hate our government, they are despicable conservatives who have done a terrible job of governing our country... but they sometimes get things right.

Glad you got so many stars for that post. This is what ATS has become. A circle jerk of keyboard geniuses. Peon indeed. lol.

posted on Oct, 4 2020 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
Wow what a change!

When our state (Wisconsin) first locked down, people took it very seriously. There were very few people in the store.
Very shortly after that, people started to form their own opinions and mask use was around 60% and places were much more crowded.
Some places like bars/restaurants there were hardly any masks being worn.

Today I go to my normal grocery store and what a sight. 100% mask use, seriously, not a single person without. This is very very rare for my area.
I know there are other places were everyone always wore masks, but not here.

Northern Wisconsin. Rice Lake Wal-Mart at about 80% mask wearers. Down from a week ago when it was nearly 100%. But it's only that high in large stores. Restaurants, bars, gas stations and smaller stores have barely anyone wearing masks. People are getting tired of Covid.

posted on Oct, 4 2020 @ 09:47 PM
Everyone here wears one, but then again, the mayor made it an ordinance that everyone has to until January 20.

I go to aerobics with a bunch of older gals, as in they all talk about their grandkids while I'm talking about my kid. They're getting seriously sick of masks.

Everyone wears them into the studio and most everyone takes them off once inside.
edit on 4-10-2020 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2020 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
A cloth mask does not protect you from the Chinese Virus. If everyone was wearing N95 masks it might help some, but a piece of cloth is 100% useless.

Not 100% useless, but damn near:

posted on Oct, 4 2020 @ 10:57 PM
Conservatives wear masks. Remember, some liberal people are Republicans, and their liberal aspect is what is making them resist masks. The far right is actually liberal, they are not conservatives, they are trying to change conservatives to follow them...that is liberal policy. All the churches here are stipulating the people in church must wear masks and most have online services...because they respect the rights of others to be safe from harm. The devil would have you believe that this virus is not a threat. It may not be bad for some people, but is bad for some, so we should all take necessary precautions to not spread this virus so everyone can feel more secure.

The people who go to bars are social people and being conservative and evaluating risk is not their strong point. They want to enjoy their lives, most real Christians would refrain from going to a tavern so they would not contact this virus and infect their elders that are susceptible.

I don't belong to a church and I am not a Religious person even though I do believe in the supreme consciousness that they call god. I also believe in things in the bible, like Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Not many people these days follow that, they all want what they want, they follow another phrase in the old testiment....You are either with us or against us. Christianity used to be like that but I do not see that much anymore .

Wear a mask, it is the civil thing to do. You do not need to wear it when there is nobody around to infect or infect you though, but if you are out walking in a park, have it along and put it on if others come around. Hopefully everyone will have caught this and built immunity in a year and we find better methods of helping the sick. They were supposed to put their thumb on us till they found more about this and got supplies, but some idiots in government can't comprehend that we reached that point, we need to keep our economy stable so our hospitals do not go bankrupt and close. They hurt a lot of Doctors and hospitals by fear mongering in the press. Yes it is a disease that we should be taking precautions with, but the over response to this disease from following crazy overzealous paranoid promoting individuals was not proper or correct.

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 02:00 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Ok, which number clone are you, and where is Ricky? You're pulling a bit too far to the left in postings lately, you're not doing a convincing job of being Ricky any more.

I'm only half joking. You're not being the conservative Rick I know and have read on here for 8 years, not by a long shot. It's a bit...suspect at best.

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: DrumsRfun
What was your opinion prior to 2020 when you saw normal human behavior at a bar amd noticed occasionally someone there demonstrated symptoms of illness?? Prior to an iinternational psychological terrorism operation trying to convince the world that the cold renamed with the normal and typical over 99% survival rate was suddenly a pandemic??

You never really noticed or cared actually did you?? Foamites not nasal discharge from a sneeze is the primary vector for the spread of respiratory illness. And it mostly comes again, not from sneezing onto a high touch surface. Its typically from folks scratching their face or wiping their nose with their wrist which I am certain you have witnessed hundreds of times in your life. And subsequently touching things like the back of a chair, a doorknob, a wall to lean on, faucet handles, countertops, products on shelves, the shelves themselves, sporting equipment, billiard sticks, arcade games/pinball machines, bowling balls, food trays the list goes on and on.

No amount of mask wearing protects you from these primary vectors. Only your good hygenic practices, which still counts for naught when you forget for even one moment.

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree with absolutely everything you said.

I guess whatever powers that be that wanted to divide and conquer us is seeing their plan come to fruition!

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I don't know about conservative/liberal so much as people who follow the rules. You find those on both sides of the divide.

I'm pretty darn conservative, but I'm also pretty independent. I don't like being told what to do when I can darn well make up my own mind on something, and when it comes to masks, I can read the research as well as the next person. I think this whole cloth mask thing is stupid and far less useful than good hand/face hygiene.

But then again, I don't breathe well with a mask.

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
a reply to: rickymouse

Ok, which number clone are you, and where is Ricky? You're pulling a bit too far to the left in postings lately, you're not doing a convincing job of being Ricky any more.

I'm only half joking. You're not being the conservative Rick I know and have read on here for 8 years, not by a long shot. It's a bit...suspect at best.

I was basically a liberal till about ten years ago, that was probably forty years of the left. But I was never far or hard left and always considered the rights of I definitely was not hard left.

Around eight years ago I saw the left switching too far towards the hard left, so I reconsidered my position and figured I had to lean more conservative. I have always been conservative in that I put my family first, I would never toss any of the kids under the bus but realize that they must get punished for minor crimes so they do not wander into bigger crimes. Knock off the problem when it is they turn out as honest citizens of the country. I told my daughter when she was young that you don't steal anything or deceive anyone unless it is worth over a million was not worth it. She came back to me last year and said that inflation set in, I have to revise my advice from what I used to say back in the nineties, now I should say ten million bucks. The idea is to keep them from ripping off people, not many people get opportunity to steal a million, so why let stealing tempt you.

I used to like Bernie, I even voted for him once or twice, but now, he has gone too far left. But I would rather have had him on the ballot than Biden, at least we know Bernie is pretty honest and sincere and would try to control his people, Biden will follow the people he has in his personal group, and they will take him out saying he has dementia if he even thinks of going against everything they are promoting, leaving Harris in charge.

I never have anything against Democrats or Republicans, just the hard left and right and hate promoting groups.

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: rickymouse

I don't know about conservative/liberal so much as people who follow the rules. You find those on both sides of the divide.

I'm pretty darn conservative, but I'm also pretty independent. I don't like being told what to do when I can darn well make up my own mind on something, and when it comes to masks, I can read the research as well as the next person. I think this whole cloth mask thing is stupid and far less useful than good hand/face hygiene.

But then again, I don't breathe well with a mask.

I worked with dust most of my working career. I worked construction and insulating homes and there was lots of dust. When I was young, I worked in the fields in the summer, there was lots of dust blowing around and all sorts of pollen. So I have a time with any dust or restriction and I have an overactive immune system because my lungs were always dusty. I was told by a doctor who xrayed my lungs one time that my lymph nodes were double the size they should be, he showed me on the x-rays what size they should be. He said it is not cancer, it is from constant exposure to dust of all kinds, the lungs compensated and the lymph system got big. I do not know if it has shrunk down now that I haven.t been around dust for fifteen years or so as regularly, but I have the habit of sanding and grinding without a mask yet, the mask does cause me problems if I wear it too long. But I will respect the law and wear one where I am required and will bitch back at a masker if they came up to me and said I should be wearing my mask where it is not actually required and there is no threat to anyone. I have had one person approach me in a parking lot of a store and say I need to mask up....I don't put the mask on till I get close to the door of the store and will take it off ten feet after I leave the store.

There are people on both sides getting nuts, I will not go to the beach if they require masks there, the mask on some women is larger than their bathing suits. WTF......I like to see what a person's face looks like not their scantly clad body.

I often cannot recognize people in the store when they wear masks, especially if I have not seen them in five or more years. Shopping used to be part of my social life. Also all the things the wife and I used to go to are gone, talk about boring retirement.

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: homerJ
Perhaps I was a little harsh with the peon comment I apologize for that.

posted on Oct, 12 2020 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Brotherman

Apology accepted. Cheers mate.

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