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Florida Moves to Phase III, Ends Lock Downs

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posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

About bloody time - hopefully THIS can now finally open to the public, myself and a few mates are planning on a trip there in the next 12 months once this covid BS is shelved....

The Freedom Factory

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: carewemust
Even if covid were killing at a high rate, many of us still wouldn't get the vaccine. Not necessarily because of the conspiratorial nature of it, but that it hasn't had the appropriate time to be tested.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
DeSantis announced today that Florida businesses are free of state imposed restrictions due to COVID.

It's important to note this means that they are free to operate as they are comfortable operating. Local jurisdictions may still impose harsher restrictions, but they have to provide proof and statement of economic impact, but even so, they cannot undercut a business below 50% capacity again.

DeSantis said that the state would enter Phase Three effective immediately, meaning that all businesses are free to operate at the level they are comfortable with. Any local government in Florida that wants to remain at a greater restriction would need to provide proof and a statement of financial impact. Even with those provisions, no local government is allowed to mandate businesses to operate at less than 50 percent.

DeSantis has taken lots of fire from the press because Florida had a case surge but both caseload and mortality rate in Florida have been declining since July - two months now.

Someone had to go there first.

Case surges are just numbers.
we actually need to have people go to the hospital and take a survey on how many people are actually in the hospital with coronavirus.
If you all been following my threads on the coronavirus pandemic, you'll see since the beginning of the year only a little more than 1500 people in this country has died of the coronavirus.
The police here in this country investigate all deaths at the hospitals so there is no reason for this country to lie and then inflate the Corona de viruses.
It is truly impossible to believe 200,000 people in America have died of the virus.
in reality that would mean China would have at least have 1 million people that have died of the coronavirus.
These artificial numbers are just not adding up to any person with common sense.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: chelsdh

I agree. Let it be tested in the real world...

It will probably end up like the flu vaccine with only 51% of Americans getting it each year or however frequently they need it.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 04:21 PM
Aside from wearing masks everywhere it hasn't felt like anything's been shut down here. Well, aside from the bars on the beach, which are still closed. Bars were supposed to stop serving alcohol a couple months back but turns out that was just for bars that didn't serve food, which down here is like 5% of them.

Whatever, I'm over this sh*t and everything that's come along with it.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: Mark08
Saw him speak at the Trump rally in Jacksonville last night. He's the type we need for 2024. He doesn't take any BS either.

He certainly handled the Plandemic pretty well. I will sure give him credit for that.

Herd immunity has fairly well been reached IMO
edit on 25-9-2020 by Salander because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon
Florida won't remain open. They keep doing this. States open back up and then well wouldn't you know it, another spike! Back to lockdown we go. Doesn't matter if people die or not, nor does it matter how accurate the tests are. This is going to be a nerve ending cycle like someone on here predicted back in MARCH. Didn't want to believe them but everything they said has come true.

Got any links or figures to back that up?

Sure it's going to fluctuate a bit but we aren't seeing massively high Rt values anywhere, Georgia one of the earliest to open back up and ease restrictions now has the second lowest Rt in the country at.88. You know Georgia where there was an outcry about people not wearing masks and social gathering etc.

It is certainly manageable and has been manageable for most states for a long time. Soon it will just be moved into the lexicon of other ailments a society has to deal with.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 06:10 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Xtrozero

It looks like the entire state of New York is losing about 5 to 6 people a day who have covid-19.

Covid-19 is one of the smallest causes of daily deaths in New York.

Its ridiculous ... Remember when they said we only need 15 day lock down to flatten the curve?

Thats about all we had In GA. We have been open longer and have had less restrictions than any of the other states.

Our numbers are dropping even though testing is increasing. We are not even seeing a Labor Day bump.

I think the pandemic is over. Operation covid-19 is still ongoing to some degree in all of the US.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 06:22 PM
The state of INDIANA (Republican governor) is now entering phase 5. Full Re-opening.

Average of 12 deaths @ day of (maybe) Covid-19 infected citizens of Indiana since July 1st.


What does fear-mongering Indiana news media say? "But...but...Cases Cases Cases!"

Media hates citizens:

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: DarkestConspiracyMoon
Florida won't remain open. They keep doing this. States open back up and then well wouldn't you know it, another spike! Back to lockdown we go. Doesn't matter if people die or not, nor does it matter how accurate the tests are. This is going to be a nerve ending cycle like someone on here predicted back in MARCH. Didn't want to believe them but everything they said has come true.

I have the solution. Stop all testing. Provide warning to those in the population that are at risk (as with every other virus or flu) and go on about your business. I will bet dollars to donuts that this entire sham would disappear without a whimper.

But nooooooooo, too much money to be made. It should be mandatory btw in a "pandemic" like this to have all shareholders/stakeholders in vaccine companies, test kit companies PPE manufacturing companies that are of importance be publicly known. People like Gates, Fauci and whoever else. People need to know what vetted interest policy makers have in these companies and any conflict of interest should be disallowed. Meaning if you stand to make a fortune off any of this at're OUT.

posted on Sep, 25 2020 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

Figures, Floriduh. They’re idiots. They keep spiking, and they are completely oblivious. So glad I don’t live anywhere near there. You couldn’t pay me to live there.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah
It's a screwy-ass state, but it's a TOURISM state -- there ain't much there, other than tending to the old farts who venture southward to die in the heat & humidity, and the Produce Three -- Oranges, Tomatoes, and Strawberries (edit: in terms of commodity value here, that trio rakes in the biggest bucks) They can't afford to keep a lockdown going, and they know it. They need the tourism money, badly.

Choices must be made, and frankly, the Let's Wreck The Economy Because Mild Illness choice isn't a good one. Money doesn't transact itself, wages do not earn themselves, and jobs don't operate themselves. Even Georgia figured this one out a whiiiile back.

Feels great to be a part of a state that isn’t so brain washed.. yes the stats didn’t look good for a while but no one realizes that Florida is also the retirement capital of the world. We have the highest old age population of the country so yes our statistics are going to be up there. But I’m going to be honest it felt good yesterday to walk around with out a mask!!

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

One Of The Reasons for doing that is the Fact the US has Only 4% of the World's Population, but 20% of " Covid-19 Deaths " . This is an Outright Lie and Governor DeSantis Knows it .

edit on 26-9-2020 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: ATF1886

originally posted by: Nyiah
It's a screwy-ass state, but it's a TOURISM state -- there ain't much there, other than tending to the old farts who venture southward to die in the heat & humidity, and the Produce Three -- Oranges, Tomatoes, and Strawberries (edit: in terms of commodity value here, that trio rakes in the biggest bucks) They can't afford to keep a lockdown going, and they know it. They need the tourism money, badly.

Choices must be made, and frankly, the Let's Wreck The Economy Because Mild Illness choice isn't a good one. Money doesn't transact itself, wages do not earn themselves, and jobs don't operate themselves. Even Georgia figured this one out a whiiiile back.

Feels great to be a part of a state that isn’t so brain washed.. yes the stats didn’t look good for a while but no one realizes that Florida is also the retirement capital of the world. We have the highest old age population of the country so yes our statistics are going to be up there. But I’m going to be honest it felt good yesterday to walk around with out a mask!!

OMG, hey man, long time no see around these parts!! PM should have landed in your inbox

I think Florida is going to be just fine, joining the ranks of Georgia and such for not bursting into flames after dumping the restrictions. Are more people going to catch it and get sick? Is the sky blue and the Pope a Catholic? The vast majority will walk away from it fine, a few highly unlucky, very old or very ill (or both) will draw the short straw.

That's a trade-off people are being conditioned to accept as bad/dangerous when it's how EVERY illness out there of every degree works. Even a simple, basic textbook Common Cold kills the right demographic living on borrowed time quite easily. And in FL, with the geriatric population being very high compared to other states, it shouldn't even BE a shocker to acknowledge.

Our asshat governor had the stones to say the other day, to paraphrase her, "We can lift everything in a few more months". To say I actually envy FL a bit right now is an understatement. The bulk of folks up here are so sick of this #...

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 12:05 PM
What do the terms phase III etc means in lockdowns ?

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Habs2133

Great post!

That's why they call it Plandemic, or perhaps scamdemic.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Salander

It's not a Pandemic, it's a Dem-Panic. I live in Florida we are open. Never really was shut down. Best state in the country.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Mark08

It's amazing how brazenly they conducted their various scenarios, right in front of God and everybody. Thankfully a few were paying attention.

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 02:52 PM
You forgot the huge porn industry there.

a reply to: Nyiah

posted on Sep, 26 2020 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

They must be idiots all of them?

Augustus was looking for a place to go! lol
edit on 26-9-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

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