posted on Sep, 24 2020 @ 02:08 PM
I guess that I could say I miss having possibilities.
The already slim chances of experiencing some "common" life events have been reduced to zero, and thats a shame.
I see puzzle pieces clicking and linking into place and I dont like the picture that is emerging. Both on a personal level and a level of general
In melodramatic terms.. The shift was a bit like being trapped in a prison, but being able to watch the outside world with the hope that personal and
general circumstances might change for the better. Maybe a bit of that world would leak into my own. Now I just see the eradication of such
possibilities and an unappealing landscape on top of it. A lot of people seem to love it though, at least judging by their actions rather than their
Its become more about keeping things out.
I miss good-natured disagreement. I miss productive competition. I miss exploration of the unknown and clever innovation rather than absolute,
unyielding obsession with corporate-political marketing disguised as ideals and "truth."
I see the ever-dwindling potential of realizing a world where ideals are tempered with pragmatism, dedication, and self-awareness instead of being
exploited & weaponized by a corporate-political apparatus' insatiable appetite for control and perpetual resources.
I suppose I dont see a whole lot of new changes, but more of a progression of a course of events that was already there pre-Rona. The more the
threads coalesce along the path, the less room there is for other potentials & possibilities and the more energy it requires to shift the threads. I
miss the field of possibilities as it existed, or I as I perceived it at least. "Paths for success" for the next 2-3 generations are becoming more
limited, with many thinking no further than what they will disinfect next (in more ways than one).
Those beneficial paths are still there though. Probably good to start with the issue of us enabling the most vocal, extreme elements on the internet
to drive society because of ad revenue.. and address the dearth of legitimate mainstream press that derived from it.