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Chinese Military Created and Released Covid Virus Intentionally. To Do Such Damage.

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posted on Sep, 20 2020 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: Melen
Scientists can tell if a virus is man made. Scientists from all over the world have said it does not have any of the signs of being a man made virus.

But ya, Tucker Carlson
is probably a better source for this type of information...

What do you think will happen if some "famous" government backed virus docter comes on TV and says that it is official that China made this virus and released it on the world"?

I am not saying that China made this weapon but if it is true this official announcement will not happen.. Ergo..I think they will try to defuse any rumours that China made the what has happened.

edit on 20/9/2020 by zatara because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2020 @ 09:12 AM
Im open to this being possible, but this girl and her stunt with Tucker didn’t give me any information other than English probably wasn’t her first language and she doesn’t like China.

a reply to: Doctor Smith

posted on Sep, 20 2020 @ 09:38 AM
If I may, from a first time poster but extremely long term lurker, I think the case can be made, and evidenced, that this virus has little to nothing to do with the Chinese or the CCP from the spin that seems to be all I've read on here lately.

What's going on? Is it censorship? Has this site been infiltrated by agents or does no one watch anything or read anything anymore?

If you haven't seen it, and I won't get censored for posting it, watch the Plandemic documentary ( wherein they show you all of the US testing, purchasing, packing and patenting of the Coronavirus all the way up to 2014, when pressure from certain groups and organisations forced them to push their experiments to Wuhan. It covers everything in far more detail that I could hope to from memory.

I'm certain that this virus was created and spread, by the same oligarchy that's called all the shots for the past God knows how many centuries. It's about destroying the economy worldwide, likely bringing in a new digital currency, implementing a global technocracy - power for powers sake.

This doctor is just another puppet, another stooge to spread the notion that this virus is a world ender (it isn't). Nobody with genuine information would even make it on any mainstream television show with genuine knowledge if it was real information and not propaganda.

Come on brothers and sisters! Where's the ATS of old?

edit on 20-9-2020 by BradleyMSmith because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2020 by BradleyMSmith because: Grammar

posted on Sep, 20 2020 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Doctor Smith

has genes from a cow, has deer head, rabbit ear, monkey's hand.

Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog ... hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble.

The evidence I've read contradicts her story but who knows theses days.

I hear ya, I'm fairly nothing anymore! when it comes to information

posted on Sep, 20 2020 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: BradleyMSmith

I'm certain that this virus was created and spread, by the same oligarchy that's called all the shots for the past God knows how many centuries. It's about destroying the economy worldwide, likely bringing in a new digital currency, implementing a global technocracy - power for powers sake.

Yes that right there is reason enough and motivation for the release of coronavirus.

Is it the genesis or start point - NO!

That the whistle blower in video picks up on a deeper conspiracy at mid-point in no way disproves that the CCP were willing partners with others to foist this upon the general public worldwide knowing the economic fallout worldwide would have a multiplied effect needed to take down the U.S. economy thus adversely effecting DJT's chances of re-election.

DJT is an existential threat to NWO (or whatever one wants to label it) that stands in way of a very evil plan.

This is but one of many long planned events to bring about the destruction of freedom - everywhere I look events are not standalone occurrences and a bit of digging provides astounding connections between seemingly disconnected events.

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 05:08 AM
Can someone please point to the clear evidence where she proves this? Im quite eager to see it.

a reply to: Doctor Smith

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: RazorV66
Exactly , it already has inflicted enough damage, but we still can go on with our lives how tragic it already has been for those who did not survive. But in the end the dead don't need more deaths by the cause of war because and losing only money and jobs.

Eventually the world will find a way to overcome this . But making a unnatural deadly virus or experimenting on deadly viruses should become a number one priority to stop and to be dismantled everywhere in the world.

Only mother nature is a legitimate source to produce a virus because it gives us natural indications that we do something wrong in our society.

If there should be a punishment for China then for me it should be that they help us in every way to stop this pandemic and soften the damage caused as of dismantling their biochemical labs that created this damage.

But remember there are always people who take benefits from all this even if it could cause a war. So world leaders and politicians keep your senses and be wise dont lead harmless inocent people and soldiers into another useless war..

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 06:34 AM
What a complete and utter load of Rubbish. You do realise that China's economy basically relies on trade with the West. If their economy goes down, so eill China's. It's as some as that really, so it makes no sense for China to release this virus on purpose.

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: Jay-morris
What a complete and utter load of Rubbish. You do realise that China's economy basically relies on trade with the West. If their economy goes down, so eill China's. It's as some as that really, so it makes no sense for China to release this virus on purpose.

It makes perfect sense. If the economy is doing well Trump will remain in office. If we have some disaster the Democrats will try and use it against Trump.
Trump is the only one that has been able to stop the Chinese from their ambitious world dominance Through tariffs and renegotiation of trade deals designed to nuder the United States and others. Trump was succeeding so they had to change the situation.

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

It makes perfect sense. If the economy is doing well Trump will remain in office. If we have some disaster the Democrats will try and use it against Trump.

Lol what a ridiculous explanation! The Chinese economy is tied to the wests economy! They go down, China's goes down, as some as that!

Seriously! Some people

Trump is the only one that has been able to stop the Chinese from their ambitious world dominance 

Why don't you go and check the American Army bases that surround China, and a lot of places around the world, then come back and talk about world dominance!

Through tariffs and renegotiation of trade deals designed to nuder the United States and others. Trump was succeeding so they had to change the situation.

LOL was succeeding! Do you know how many American businesses were suffering because of This trade war? It was affecting both nations, not just China.


posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 01:34 PM
We have been so conditioned to not question foreigners its scary.
We are so passive.

They could admit it and Americans wont know how to react.
Very interesting social experiment

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: gortex

What evidence?

If your referring to other publications then what you are saying is no more real then what is being said here. However I would tend to believe the words of a scientist rather then random blog posts, topics and news articles that full well get their money through clicks.

There are many papers showing that these tests took place and have been completed.

posted on Sep, 21 2020 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: BradleyMSmith

This doctor is just another puppet, another stooge to spread the notion that this virus is a world ender (it isn't). Nobody with genuine information would even make it on any mainstream television show with genuine knowledge if it was real information and not propaganda. Come on brothers and sisters! Where's the ATS of old?

Their is a censored website out there. The man in Texas that started the website. Predicted that we would have this pandemic that we are now having. He also stated that this is just the beginning. Wave after wave of infectious disease would come just as hurricanes. Now you can't even go to his website unless you put in the exact address. Looks like he was dead on again. He has done no less than read their own documents to find this out. Can you guess his name. Warning. If you go to his website you will probably get a virus on your computer.

posted on Sep, 22 2020 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Why would all nations in the the world conspire to cover up for the wrong doing of China. That does not seem to make a lot of sense now does it..?

You want to know what likely caused the virus. interaction with meat like most virus outbreaks it can be linked back to the likes of animal husbandry..

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Doctor Smith
a reply to: BradleyMSmith

This doctor is just another puppet, another stooge to spread the notion that this virus is a world ender (it isn't). Nobody with genuine information would even make it on any mainstream television show with genuine knowledge if it was real information and not propaganda. Come on brothers and sisters! Where's the ATS of old?

Their is a censored website out there. The man in Texas that started the website. Predicted that we would have this pandemic that we are now having. He also stated that this is just the beginning. Wave after wave of infectious disease would come just as hurricanes. Now you can't even go to his website unless you put in the exact address. Looks like he was dead on again. He has done no less than read their own documents to find this out. Can you guess his name. Warning. If you go to his website you will probably get a virus on your computer.

I'd like to check out that website. Could you PM the web address to me? I would save me a lot of digging and I would be certain about what website you are referring to. Thanks in advance.

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: Doctor Smith

If true, the question is.......What are we gonna do about it?
If it’s going to be a war, it should be every country on earth against China and they would have no choice to defend themselves with nuclear weapons.
Do we really want the world as we know it to end?

And that my friend is why they are doing any and everything to shut this down as being a bioweapon that was released on purpose or by accident or even a weapon. They know that if the public of the planet was told that all these months we have been fighting a bioweapon that was released their would be calls from the public for war against China even in the US. It's not necessarily about the Nukes they have because we have put sanctions against Russia before and this time it would be the world wanting to sanction China and it would hurt.

Its about the fact that 80% of US production is done or finished in China or Asia, much of the rest of the world uses China as an industrial floor for cheap everything. So if we go to war and/or put severe sanctions on China it would implode the economy of the US and the rest of the world which would be a feedback loop to even more so implode whats left of any type of economic activity in the US.

The fear of economic collapse and how to feed and manage and keep people housed in the US is more a priority than doing whats right. They know that American's aren't ready for 10 dollar or more milk, or hyperinflation or having no ability to get to their 401k or pensions or whatever. They would riot and would go bat# crazy.

posted on Sep, 23 2020 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Doctor Smith

Why would all nations in the the world conspire to cover up for the wrong doing of China. That does not seem to make a lot of sense now does it..?

You want to know what likely caused the virus. interaction with meat like most virus outbreaks it can be linked back to the likes of animal husbandry..

I didn't say all the nations were covering for China. It was more than just china involved. China buys influence from crooked politicians worldwide. It is a provable fact. Just do simple search and see for your self. Why is it that China can pollute the crap out of the planet? But the left wants to restrict the US and others with more carbon BS taxes? Yet China doesn't have to comply?

edit on 23-9-2020 by Doctor Smith because: mispell

posted on Oct, 4 2020 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Doctor Smith

You are sounding a little xenophobic to say the least. Just for your information China has been closing down coal stations faster than anywhere in the world and replacing it with green technology.

You initiap OP is without substance. Are you aware that the illness is zoonotic. It has more to do with our cultural elements of animal husbandry than it does nations?

In terms of non compliance I dont think you have a clue what you are talking about. The USA has notified of its intent to leave paris agreement. (one of only mb three countires in the world) China has signed up to it and it trying to be carbon neutral by 2060.

And now you bring the left and right into it. Who cares about this brainwashed rhetoric. See past the veil you are being played.

China buys influence from crooked politicians worldwide.

Yes I am sure it does does like the CIA has done for decades. Have you always had a problem with this or only since china started doing it.

posted on Oct, 5 2020 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: purplemer

You are sounding a little xenophobic to say the least. Just for your information China has been closing down coal stations faster than anywhere in the world and replacing it with green technology.

The push for more coal power also appears at odds with China’s climate goals
China is building more coal pants even though they are at half capacity.

The push for more coal power also appears at odds with China’s climate goals

China buys influence from crooked politicians worldwide.

Yes I am sure it does does like the CIA has done for decades. Have you always had a problem with this or only since china started doing it.

I have a problem. Especially when one of them is running for President and the "payed off", "owned media", backs them.

HunterBiden,Burisma,andCorruption:TheImpactonU.S.GovernmentPolicyandRelated Concerns

You have to go after those committing the fraud or things will only get worse. Maybe you should pull your brainwashed head out of the sand.

edit on 5-10-2020 by Doctor Smith because: insert link

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