posted on Oct, 8 2020 @ 05:38 PM
I don't think it's a war on the DNA, I believe it is a war on imagination, a war on the mind, a war on the spirit.
That's what control looks like.
We are no good dead, but at the same time, there are quite a few of us. It isn't beyond the realm of belief that a slow destruction of our
reproductive nature could be taking place. With the terrible foods and constant radiation we face from having a phone in our pocket. It wouldn't be
crazy to think that impotence is far off if we continue the way we are.
But control of the mind is true control. To have the power to make someone do something, or forget something else, at the drop of a pin. To control
entire masses this way. There have been forms of brainwashing in one way or another throughout time. It was only within the last 100 years that
millions were secretly put into the research.
But you best believe, what is really at stake is our imagination and our soul.
Of course we can break free of our shackles if we have the courage.